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Merskelly Metalien 08-24-2019 09:03 PM

~[[[Merskelly's Gallery of Stuff]]]~
So, I figured I should post some of my art in a thread like a gallery. :/ Uh, art gallery. Gallery of art or photos or whatever.
I don't do a whole bunch, <:/ but I'm trying to work on changin''s not going well so far, but I think I can afford to try a bit. I'll mostly post non-commission art I doodle for funzies and toezies.

Maybe a photo here and there, :] mostly of things I can't draw, like a colored poster or ceramic stuff. :/ Though I WILL be taking a costume making/sewing class this semester, so hopefully I'll be able to make something and snap a pic of it. :}
Even some sketches and whiteboard doodles like I used to do once upon a time ago on tumblr. It was known as Owl's Box of Stuff, so if ya want you can look it up. ^-^ It's sort of a dead portfolio now, and I haven't gone back to it except for my sweater design, but it's full of nonsense.

Anyway, yeah, <u<; I guess that's all. Hope you like this extremely slow-growing gallery of art stuffs of mine.

Merskelly Metalien 08-24-2019 09:08 PM

Merskelly Metalien 09-27-2019 10:09 PM

My phone camera is really not the best, I'm sorry. :/
These two were colored designs for the deadly sins that I was assigned for homework for a design class. Thought I should plop them here in my gallery to take a look at. Sooo, here they are. Envy and Sloth. In color. -u-

Death by Mirrors 09-28-2019 03:39 AM

Especially how you incorporated their poses to instantly convey the mood. Also how envy looks spiky whereas sloth's more baggy and dragged down.

Espy 09-28-2019 03:40 AM

...I really like Envy’s design and pose.

Merskelly Metalien 09-28-2019 12:00 PM

Thank you both. :] I like how they turned out too.
My next assignment will be designing a circus costume, so I have to come up with designs based on the four elements in Avatar the last Airbender. <u<; I could just copy the designs in the show, but that would be cheating..

Merskelly Metalien 10-01-2019 11:42 AM

My Inktober Prompt I came up with is just full of some of my original characters. I thought it might be fitting since quite a few of them are Halloween friendly characters. (Vampires, Mad Scientists, Undead, Demons, Aliens...)
I'll be including a little description of them, just to share a bit about them with their illustation. I typically never draw my OCs because anyone I show them to is interested in them for a maximum of 15 seconds. >->; Usually only if I base a character on them, are they interested..
But, I've got some good responses to some of the others. And I'll be including some of my older OCs on here too. :] Then saving myself for the end. (bc apparently I'm my own original character...>.>)
Anyway, enjoy. :] I'll be starting with the one y'all are somewhat familiar with!

[[A Note: Some OCs may not be as developed as I've made them out to be, >w>; and a few actually fit into the RWBY universe. But all are completely original, from my own noggin. And I've grouped some of them together in order so its simpler to tell where they hail from. :] And some of them are together as either a duo or as friends. So...yeh. That's all.]]

Inktober Prompt: OCs

1. Merskelly
2. Chloe and Olivia
3. Kelyle the Guardian Demon
4. Xin-Yue aspiring goddess of war/martial arts
5. Tezra the Wretched
6. Ahisha the Golden
7. Phae-Cho the Deep One
8. Juanita Alma
9. Dr. Benjamin West
10. Dr. Elliot Victor
11. Dr. Grenda Locke
12. Squat and Elizabeth
13. Sophia
14. Bat
15. Abigail and Lyra-May
16. Antoine and Ernest
17. Sela Agua
18. Takehiko Haganeyuki
19. Rashid Sharok
20. Milos Elysium
21. Leximo Loxley
22. Paink the Metal Fairy
23. Jack/Philipe Glumm
24. Voler the demon of Desire
25. Ramed the angel of Dreams
26. Vael
27. Sua Calro’o
28. Li-Shen the Prince with the White Fur
29. Maia Shimizu
30. Prince Silos
31. M.M. the Owl and Artist

Merskelly Metalien 10-01-2019 09:07 PM

Inktober 1st
Aka: That Fish/Bird-Nerd/Mers/Skelly/"She who ate all my Goldfish"/etc.

About: Once an Alien Mermaid. Then she died. But then she didn't. Then she found legs. Thought they were weird, so she kept them. Might return to a tail one day. Has one magic eyeball, a silver earring, and many different cybernetic limb choices and body enhancements. Will not say no to free food, provided it's safe for a fish to eat. Loves metal music and metal metal. Also doesn't mind ethnic robot music. Aliens have more music genres presumably. Despite having one foot made of metal here, still does not like to show off feet, and wears socks. Is secretly a sock-a-holic. Will peruse stores with zany and creative socks for half an hour or more. Though a lady, will sometimes shift into not a lady, just because she went to an academy for princes. Why? For all the elegant and upper-class food of course! Claims to be a great dancer, but is instead a good dancer. Currently working on her dream to get badass arms like her sea-dad, but then again, she is still a soggy may take some time. Parties when it rains. Goes bananas when it thunders. Is absolutely useless in the heat. Has a soft spot for robots. Has a softer spot for sea monsters. Can be a bit of a goof. Has more of an addiction to video games than to caffeine. Loves to spook. Is kind of an idiot despite being highly observant. If you want to catch her, she won't be able to resist a packet of goldfish crackers, or really, anything tasty to munch on. Won't say no to a gift. Will say no to a date. Unless the date is plutonic in nature and consists of eating food and discussing whether or not Gandalf is wearing tennis shoes in The Two Towers, when he walks into King Théoden's throne room, or if they just looked like tennis shoes and were really white leather boots, and if that's the case, where does a wizard get his style from? Don't forget to handle with care, as she can leak from her face and get belly aches occasionally. Loves hugs. Loves violence. Loves earth. Well, maybe 70% of it.
"High five? Please? Maybe? Yes?"

Espy 10-01-2019 10:44 PM

UPPER CLASS FOOD. A fish after my own heart.

Also, did not notice she has a single earring.

Merskelly Metalien 10-02-2019 12:32 AM

<x} Ahh gosh! Hehe. Food is the true way to the heart, y'know what I'm talkin' about. /B] *nodnod eyebrow bounce*
Upper class food is expensive for a reason. >w> Because it's truly divine.
*scrolls to a saved photo on phone of the most expensive and most perfect lookin' filet mignon I've ever eaten, and strokes the picture* ;n; "I miss you, mon mignon..I will never forget you..~ <3"
Yup. :] Replaced the gold micro-doubloon earring my parents gave me at 8-months. >.>; I can't wear it every day anymore because I'm too scared to lose it..
Besides, >:] Now I look more pirate-y. Yerr!

Espy 10-02-2019 02:31 AM

So, fun fact, back in high school, I had a phase where I *really* wanted to be able to rock a single earring (or any sort of ear decoration, especially stuff with feathers and weird shit that I could put together myself), but, uh

my ears aren't pierced

and i'm too scared to go get that done

Death by Mirrors 10-02-2019 05:51 AM

My ears aren't pierced either. I used a magnetic single earring in high school for a short while, but you always lose the weak ones and the strong ones make your ear hurt like hell.

Furthermore I want to invite Mers to a date where we dine on african peanut pot while I show made up yet believable footage of Gandalf preparing for his infamous "You shall not pass" scene while wearing the same style of wrestling boots (not sneakers) as in the throne room. I sneakily plan the date to end with one of the best activities two people can enjoy together: dipping fruits into a chocolate fountain!!

Merskelly Metalien 10-03-2019 01:00 AM

Piercings only hurt for a few days. >w>; (That's why I guess I had them pierced as an infant, 'cause I don't remember the pain at all..)
o_o I like pots but not peanuts...or chocolate.
But I'll still dunk them both in a chocolate fountain. x} Just because dunking things is fun!

Merskelly Metalien 10-03-2019 01:42 AM

Inktober 2nd
Chloe and Olivia

[[In case of any first-glance confusion, Olivia is the red-head. Chloe is the one over-analyzing you.]]

A little about these two: Chloe Elos and Olivia Nostro are vampires living in a vampire ruled society, not alongside humans. Chloe is very smart, with several odd skills and degrees in language and literature. Olivia is likewise very smart, with a career in medicine and is a huge history buff. Chloe is a very overqualified, very bored house sitter, and Olivia is a doctor specializing in forensic pathology. The two of them are my Mystery-Solving Duo that mirror Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.

Fun Facts about Chloe: She is a hybrid born vampire, with a human father, and is cousin to a famous (fictional) human movie star, Robert Elos. As a hybrid, her eyes are not entirely red, and are instead a deep orange. Though she is cold like other vampires, she can still produce her own blood, but at 1/2 the normal rate a human can, so she is stuck with consuming more blood than a pure blooded vampire would. She cannot stand drinking fresh blood however, and always drinks blood slushies from her favorite (fictional) fast food place, Uni-Fang. She can see her reflection in mirrors, her image shows up in pictures, she can leave footprints, and has a shadow. Her only special vampiric trait is camouflaging/controlling her temperature. She finds game shows too boring and easy, doesn't care for animals or children, and finds it difficult to be in the company of a large party of others. Alternatively, she loves folktales, puzzles, antique figurine collecting, juicy revenge stories, and surprisingly isn't at all afraid of heights.

Fun Facts about Olivia: She is a pureblood vampire and is immortal for as long as she isn't murdered. It will not matter how long she goes without drinking blood, but she'll be very hungry, with her eyes, skin and hair diminishing in color. Though she rarely preys on humans directly, because she can't stand to see other creatures in pain. Her favorite blood is AB type, as she claims it's pleasantly tangy. As a pure blood, she doesn't cast a shadow, doesn't have a reflection, or leave footprints behind. Her vampiric trait is electricity resistance and manipulation. (She can't be shocked and she can control any electric devices or appliances just by looking at it and focusing)
She is also dyslexic, and has a bit of a gambling problem. She loves to collect glass birds, and shoes. So. Many. Shoes. Despite being a vampire, she has a soft spot for humans and other races, seemingly always looking at things optimistically. She has a strong sense of morality and is not afraid of much...well, except for maybe flying. She hates flying.

Death by Mirrors 10-03-2019 05:33 AM

Getting a certain Rizzoli&Isles vibe mixed with iZombie here. Interesting take. If it was an actual series, I'd read/watch their murder mysteries.

No peanuts? Okay then. It had the perfect weather for a spicy, creamy dish yesterday, but as far as food goes I'm pretty open to suggestions.

Merskelly Metalien 10-03-2019 10:46 AM

:] Thanks! Yes, they make a great team despite being near total opposites. /x} Though they don't always investigate murder, but when they do, o-o it gets crazy. I sorta mixed their mysteries (that I've not even written yet) in with more supernatural elements, so it's a bit like the X-Files, :] because I like the X-Files, and they're vampires so, naturally they'd either be on the trail of another vampire, or some other creature. Likewise, sometimes it ends up leading them to human culprits, and even take human cases. :] I haven't tried writing a mystery before, so I dunno if my "episode" premises are any good. >u>; But I tried to make them all unique.

<x} Woah, haha! I can't have cream and spicy must be very mild for me to tolerate it! Wooh! I'm a picky fish, >u> much like the Beast during the holidays. I'd be unlikely to refuse good bread tho. <x} Dry, no butter.

Death by Mirrors 10-03-2019 04:19 PM

*nods* High quality bread seldom needs butter.

Espy 10-03-2019 06:21 PM

okay sure but have you ever had high quality bread with high quality butter, bc holy shit

Merskelly Metalien 10-03-2019 08:59 PM

Inktober 3rd
Kelyle the Guardian Demon

Pronounced Kell-lyle. Not Kell-le-le. xD

A little about this little sucker: Kelyle is a professional Guardian Demon. He's not the guy who sits opposite of the angel on your shoulder. Don't mistake him for a shoulder devil. He might be only slightly bigger than one, but he's got just as much, if not more influence over who he is guardian to.
Guardian angels are typically watchful protectors, guiders of acts of kindness, and overall look out for your well being.
Guardian demons on the other hand are different sort of protectors. Their job description is a bit more flexible allowing them to sometimes get through their mischievous intentions, encouraging misbehavior, and having your back in critical situations.
Kelyle is a small demon, only about a foot in height, and he has wings and a tail. No horns. Those are reserved for much less magical demons. That's why imp horns are so tiny. Though you could argue, he styles his hair because he's a bit of a horn wannabe. He's also got an older half-sister named Kylola, who happens to be a succubus. x]
Kelyle belongs to Melany, a particular human woman with issues not only in her job and marriage, but with her confidence and self-worth as a person. He is loyal to her and only her, making sure she is safe and guiding her towards becoming a much stronger much more selfish person. He's also there to protect her. He might be small and invisible to others but he's got evil gifts of his own. Kelyle can direct misfortune upon others instead of Melany, alert her to danger, and occasionally he can come to her monthly rescue with pads, tampons and ice cream.
Kelyle has different interpretations of what might be a good idea and a bad idea. A good idea, meaning starting a fight in order to steal a band t-shirt, and a bad idea being letting someone take the last slice of strawberry short cake at the bakery. He's a very sneaky devil, often stealing people's money to put into Melany's pockets, and on one occasion, somebody's movie theatre gift card. He enjoys dark comedy, embarrassing people, and surprisingly he's a big fan of Christmas movies. It's his favorite holiday because he claims it encourages greed and retribution. He will might steal poinsettias from church on Christmas, but he'll do it for someone that proves to him they deserve those poinsettias.
Born bad, and good natured 3% of the time, Kelyle is one guardian demon that isn't anything special, but he does his best, especially since he loves his job. :]

"Sit tight. I got this. Let me show ya how a professional handles it."

Merskelly Metalien 10-05-2019 02:14 AM

Inktober 4th

(I tried. ;_; I cannot do good art of goddess in one day..)

About: Xin-Yue is the half-daughter of legendary Chinese moon goddess Chang'e, and an empress of dragons. Naturally she's got a beauty echoing that of her mother's as well as lunar powers. Though her mother and other goddesses of her home insist she grow to be a goddess of motherhood, guidance and fertility, her deepest passion is combat, and she wants to be a goddess of martial arts and protection. Her mother does not approve at all of her desires, and has since ignored her entirely, not acknowledging her as her daughter. She has since enrolled in an academy for future deities, and will take over for her mother's role as moon goddess. Xin-Yue's most loyal friend and spirit servant is a little celestial rabbit she calls Hua-Ban, which means Petals. She calls her Petals because her tiny feet pads reminded her of soft pink petals. Though Xin-Yue is lovely and elegant, she isn't afraid to get her hands dirty in a fight, although, she has a tendency to show off her skills sometimes. She has horns atop her head because she believes it makes her look more fierce. She can turn into a dragon, brings luck wherever she steps, and ask the heavens whatever she likes, as well as shine moonlight from her palms. The things that excite her the most are wars, battles, defense techniques and the bravery of other gods and goddesses. She's also a big fan of fighting video games, watching over tournaments in China on her spare time. She is best friends with Aima, daughter of greek god Aries, and often asks about her skills in battle, although Aima is more interested in becoming a muse goddess of art.
Xin-Yue overall, is a force to be reckoned with if she is angered, though she always shows mercy towards those she knows are weak and have learned their lessons. She will never show mercy however to demons of evil, and to hunters who enjoy killing rabbits.

Death by Mirrors 10-05-2019 01:54 PM

Xin-Yue sounds really adorable! I wish her the best of luck she can indeed be a goddess of war instead of fertility one day.

Merskelly Metalien 10-05-2019 03:48 PM

:] Xin-Yue thanks you mortal. And sends you good luck on the next full moon.

Merskelly Metalien 10-05-2019 11:00 PM

Inktober 5th
Tezra the Wretched

(Okay, I think I'll just stick to color, this took longer than I wanted it to. 8[)

A little about Tezra: One of the 9 Mermaid goddesses, appointed to the great river lands, Tezra is tasked with keeping the river flowing. Though once benevolent at heart, she has since been corrupted and angered with the pollution in her river home. She has rule over every river creature from crocodile to piranha, and often employs the help of creatures rather than people. She distrusts most people, and though she was sworn not to harm humans, if one happens to come along onto the river without her acknowledging her, she may steal what they have and/or drown them in the deep muddy depths. She wears a top made of coins she finds in the riverbed and a bracelet of ancient crocodile teeth. Her scales are tough and thick, while her sharp fins allow her to swim as swiftly against the current as she swims with it. She also has the ability to shock things in the water much like an electric eel, and they happen to be some of her favorite helpers, along with river snakes, and large sturgeon. On one occasion, someone managed to steal her mouth away, incurring her wrath. She sent many animals to search for her mouth and bring it back to her, along with the culprit. Tezra is a strong singer, but does not sing to humans, and she is actually rather shy. Though one of favorite things to do is to sling mud at humans with her tail, and laugh. Her worst enemy is Belissa the Gentle of the flowing oceans, and does not get along with her at all. They once had a singing competition, with Belissa winning by default due to her influential singing magic, and Tezra cannot stand her bubbly and boisterous demeanor. She doesn't even like looking at the sea, in reminder of her.
Tezra does enjoy the company of the other mermaid goddesses however, and is particularly fond of Lana May, the mermaid goddess of the peaceful marshlands.
Overall Tezra the Wretched is feared by local humans of the great river lands, and she is not easy to fool, but she is also likewise difficult to win over. A simple gift or offering will often not suffice. It takes impressing her somehow or actively helping the river and it's life to win her favor, which can be risky, as she might not only be unimpressed, but offended, and may suspect someone of hurting the river, not helping it.

littl3chocobo 10-06-2019 10:49 AM

oh man, you are really working hard! this is quite exciting to see~

Merskelly Metalien 10-06-2019 02:39 PM

Thank you mucho. /x. *rubs tired face* I just have to keep pushing through. It's only day 6.

Death by Mirrors 10-06-2019 04:43 PM

You can do it! I believe in you!
(besides every day you miss I will post a clumsy doodle with silly description of who I think the OC in question could be. Trust me, you don't want this to happen :p-evil:)

Merskelly Metalien 10-06-2019 09:24 PM

Pfff! Haahaha! xD Oh nooo!
I don't want that to happen hahaha! (maybe with some of them.. >w>;)
I better hop to it then! 8(
Gotta post today's doodle before midnight!

Merskelly Metalien 10-07-2019 02:27 AM

Inktober 6th
Ahisha the Golden

[X-X; My hand was starting to cramp up and I just said "forget it, it's good enough!"]

About Ahisha the Golden: One of the 9 Mermaid goddesses, she is the guardian and keeper of the mid-eastern ocean. Ahisha is revered for her beauty, golden wisdom and her peaceful resolve. She acts as a mediator between oceans and sees to it the goddesses hold ties and keep in contact every few decades. She is fond of the people who seek her help and her advice, and enjoys human interaction. The creatures of her waters are always abundant and healthy thanks to her efforts, although she must keep strict flow about, and refuse invading species. The humans worship and praise her faithfully, taking the fish out of the waters as source of food, being the fish in her care are always plentiful and rich in taste. The locals of the ocean lands she calls home, all refer to her as The Golden One, or The Golden Lady. Ahisha is also respected and admired by her sister goddesses. She is a keeper of secrets and hidden knowledge, and is among the wisest of the 9 goddesses. Her hand has never sought harm on any creature, and she is not easy to anger. Her policy for punishment is that it is deserved when the only other means of resolving an issue or crime are exhausted and will not suffice to provide a solution. Her punishments are never cruel or fatal. Once she punished a mortal for abandoning a stray dog to let it die on a distant island in her ocean. She simply saved the dog and turned the man into dog as punishment, so he could go through the dog's pain of trying to find food and shelter.

Ahisha is an accomplished reader, scholar and doctor, and is always willing to help a mortal in dire need of her help. She also parts wisdom to the humans who are willing to listen and be enlightened. Ahisha being a benevolent goddess, has only kindness and the will to guide others in her heart. If one desires to learn from her or wishes for her help, they only need to look for her in the ancient water temple and offer something made of gold to her.

Merskelly Metalien 10-08-2019 02:09 AM

Inktober 7th
Phae-Cho the Deep One

[Almost neglected to art today. I really need a new stylus. :c My finger and hand are cramping up with all these..]

About Phae-Cho: Phae-Cho is one of the 9 Mermaid Goddesses, and the dweller of the deep seas. She wears no crown or jewels, because she prefers to remain well hidden in the dark abyss she rules over. She rarely comes out of her dark home to the surface, as she can hardly see in such bright light, and the hotter water and the lack of depth pressure makes her feel much weaker. She's dubbed the vampire of the mermaid goddesses in that regard, but she does not drink blood. She prefers to not waste any part of her meals, often swallowing prey whole through her sharp and crooked teeth. She has a lure that she uses to sometimes draw small prey to her, and other times to illuminate what is in front of her. Her hair, arms and tip of her tail can glow in the darkest depths, and her patterns are unmistakable if spotted in the water. She has large bulbous yellow eyes with glowing lower lids she uses to see in the pitch blackness of the deep. Though she tends to slowly and steadily drift and swim around in the dark, she can dart at a target hundreds of yards away at cheetah speed. Though she spends her time hunting and keeping the populations of creatures in check, she also sees to it that any food large enough to sustain the creatures reaches them from the surface and chases off predators that trespass into her zone. However, the most infamous thing Phae-Cho is in charge of in the abyss, are the many mythical and magical monsters of the deep that many mortal eyes have not witnessed. Unknown beasts, toothed, clawed, tentacled and jawed all call her guardian. She is their protector and their source of nourishment, as she helps to keep them fed and at peace, because if they go hungry or too curious, they will try to swim up to the surface and out of her waters.
Though she welcomes anyone who can swim deep enough to meet her, they had better remember to bring a snack for her, lest they become hers.

Merskelly Metalien 10-09-2019 12:03 AM

;_; I don't think I can doodle Jaunita in time...I'm already so tired..and I gotta wake up early and not fail at school things so..DbM, if you're there, I'm sorry. >~>; I lasted approx 8 days. I'll have to skip Juanita and doodle her later..she's a Latina vampire btw. ;.; I will post her when I can. >~>;

Espy 10-09-2019 02:58 AM

Dude, don't stress out over Inktober. I've completely ditched it for now because life's happening; I might eventually get back to it next week.

Gallagher 10-09-2019 02:59 AM

i haven't even started yet! but i'm gonna do 31 days, even if they're not on time

Espy 10-09-2019 03:02 AM

Yeah I'm probably going to do all the themes at some point, if only because I need stop drawing basically the same shit over and over.

Death by Mirrors 10-09-2019 01:44 PM

Aww, it's okay - don't stress yourself! Right now we have seen 9 different OCs anyway, so I'm not going to count skipping Juanita Alma. But I hope you continue drawing them all, because they're really cool and I admit I've been looking forward to your art each day.

Merskelly Metalien 10-09-2019 06:05 PM

Thanks all. ;u;
My midterms are almost all finished this week, and hopefully I'll use my time wisely this weekend to get shit done. <x{ And pull myself out of my old habits and routine, so I'll have more energy and willingness to doodle. :C
Which reminds me! 8{ I got three doodles to work on now. x/ Gotta balance that, homework reading, and taking care of myself dammit. <X'C How do I take care of myself without feeling guilty that I'm not getting things done with my time?? ;_; O, the struggle..

littl3chocobo 10-09-2019 07:19 PM

well, it helps to imagine your very favorite person doing what you are doing and thinking about if they deserve to take care of themselves and have a break

Merskelly Metalien 10-10-2019 02:41 AM

:/ Hmm...I see.
<.<; But I don't know if my favorite person has time to think about that.
Mostly he just munches on snak and attak in Minecraft. <x}

Merskelly Metalien 10-10-2019 03:25 AM

Inktober 8th
Juanita Alma

[I'm gonna be a day behind for now, but I suppose I'll catch up eventually..]

About this lovely lady: Juanita is a vampire living among humans on the outskirts of a town in the desert called Lago Mala. She is a barmaid working and living in Cantina Azucar, at night. During the day, she sleeps in the darkness of the cellar, surrounded by alcohol and unbothered by anyone. She has lived for over 80 years in Mexico, and has witnessed war, hardship and changing times.
She has always been lonely and has never met with another vampire like her. At night, she sometimes finds patrons drinking in the cantina who are too drunk, dangerous and too awful to be missed, and lures them away to the back of the building to feast on their blood. Though her boss, the Cantina owner does not know she does this, when he found out he was terrified of her and almost fled, if it were not for her victim being worth a bounty of $1000 dead or alive. Juanita offered to let her boss have the reward money as long as she could stay in the Cantina. He agreed, though he's more nervous around her than before.
Juanita is astute, beautiful, sweet and at times fiery. She speaks Spanish and English, and often talks with the kind and harmless customers. When one night, a group of French Buffalo skin traders came into the Cantina looking to rest and relax for the evening, Juanita immediately tried to get them to leave with a rifle. One trader managed to convince her to lay the gun down, and they would leave in peace. Juanita took a liking to him, as he seemed to be a rare soul who treated her with the most respect. His name was Fredrick, and he had long dark hair and deep earthy skin, being part Native American and part French.
She would eventually come to fall in love with him after meeting him again and again on different occasions. Fredrick, though he knows less English than Juanita, came to learn from her, and be charmed by her thoughtfulness and beauty. He gave her a necklace he made himself, with a carved feather in polished amazonite, for protection against binding forces. She had jewelry, much shinier and more intricate, but she treasures the necklace he made her more than any gold she could ever receive. Though Fredrick learns later on that she is a vampire, he doesn't seem to be dissuaded or scared, loving Juanita anyway, and returning to visit her.
Juanita is cold-blooded and immortal, nothing can kill her but a stake to the heart. Though she only gets to feed around twice a week, she can keep living for months without a single drop of blood. However, she will be much weaker. Juanita has an interest in music, though she cannot play an instrument, she can dance very well, but she keeps that fact hidden from the customers, so no one pesters her to dance for them over and over again. Juanita has a quiet and relatively gentle nature, but if word ever got out to others that she was not human but one of the undead, she would be labeled a monster and treated as such.

Death by Mirrors 10-10-2019 05:06 AM

Very accurate, folks are quick to label the different as evil. She however really sounds like a kind soul and I wouldn't mind stopping by at that cantina. Has she always wanted to be a barmaid, or is it the job she took because the opportunity offered itself?

Merskelly Metalien 10-10-2019 02:39 PM

Well, sort of the latter. <:/ Unfortunately she never really reflected on what she wanted to be and what she wanted for herself, other than just to survive in safety. Barkeeping, waitressing and cleaning is all she knew how to do well, and so she just stuck with it, getting employed from cantina to cantina. It wasn't until she met Fredrick that she started reflecting on what it was she really liked to do, :] which was dancing.

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