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sylvanSpider 06-11-2018 07:50 PM

OOC Purple Spider> > > Outbreak
Aaaaaand here is where we can start putting what we've been messaging. This way it won't go away after a bit.

PurpleBox 06-11-2018 07:56 PM

wootwoot and yes we are sticking with the body idea XDXD

sylvanSpider 06-11-2018 09:10 PM

Okay, great great! Was hoping you'd say that, actually. I think it'd be interesting if they find the stash of those he'd murdered.

PurpleBox 06-11-2018 09:20 PM

If they took a bullet out of one of the bodies Ian woudl recognise it because HE found the gun and bullets for Mavrik when they where together.... it's a unique gun that not many bullets where made for so he also had found a bullet casting kit so Mavrik coudl make more XD in hide sight he regrets itXDXD

sylvanSpider 06-12-2018 04:06 AM

Oh geeze. Question is, what would entice them to be willing to dig through a body to look for a bullet if they can see the bullet wound? I know I wouldn't wanna go digging around in a corpse and I'm pretty sure Aren wouldn't either :/

PurpleBox 06-12-2018 06:13 PM

Ian's had to do it before....diggin in a body for a bullet... scavanging is what he deos XD he'd just tighten his mask and dig in... and hten be paler then snow when he finds the bullets.... and wonder just why these peopel where shot BY Mavrik when the man is more likely ot let his goons do the shooting... then Ian will find otu why.... an dooohhh boy.... he will nto be happy XDXD

PurpleBox 06-13-2018 09:35 PM

I think afew encounterswith more of Mavrik's men, or even Mavrik himself will make Ian want to move Tristan to another place that isn't the city.... that could be interesting

PurpleBox 06-15-2018 12:46 AM

the post i just did made me tear up a bit... and the sad thing is... Ian deosnt remeber the names of his mum, his dad or Tristan's dad... they've always just been Mum, Da, and Dad...cos the step dad was bascily Ian's dad after his own died in teh original outbreak ... Tc T makes me tear up just thinking about it

sylvanSpider 06-15-2018 12:49 AM

Awwwh, that's so sad ;w; I'm posting back and forth with my sister right now, but while I wait for responses I'll work on one for us, okay? :3

sylvanSpider 06-15-2018 01:01 AM

Okay, holy shit. I just read your post and it's amazing. Asset went to bed so I'm gonna work on a post now. I can see why you were tearing up.

PurpleBox 06-15-2018 01:14 AM

Tw T i know.... it makes me sad but yeah.... two dads to teh fungia... and a mom to poor nutrition..... and Ian just kept putting Tristan befor ehimself. the big bear needs a hug XD

sylvanSpider 06-15-2018 01:42 AM

Aren is not likely to give one unless asked. xD Aren is guy attempting to be tough guy. He's not very...emotionally available... for the time being. At least in the sense that his walls are built high. Gives him a lot of room to grow, y'know? Anywho, do you wanna play Aren's new roommate or shall I?

PurpleBox 06-15-2018 01:43 AM

could you give it a go? that way we both have a main, an da little BG character XD

sylvanSpider 06-15-2018 01:45 AM

Dealio! Aren's still pretty young too, so should I make them about the same age?

PurpleBox 06-15-2018 01:56 AM

yeah about the same age sounds good, that way he wont have to be to much like a care taker XD. oki time fo rbed now

PurpleBox 06-15-2018 01:58 AM

oh how logn deos it take for the Runes to show up as beign purchesed? cos i just donated some money to get runes.... an dthre's mothign in the place that shows how many you have....

sylvanSpider 06-15-2018 02:00 AM

Dealio! I'm gonna make a chick because "no room" so it was "necessary." And also I wanna play a chick. xD

As far as the runes go, I have no heckin' clue. I'm too poor to have ever purchased runes x.x

PurpleBox 06-15-2018 02:03 AM

TcT welp it was only two dollars.... maye it takes a while?

and go ahaead!! we need badass ladies in theis world XD

sylvanSpider 06-15-2018 02:40 AM

Bad ass it is! I'll introduce her as soon as the lockdown is over. x3

PurpleBox 06-18-2018 01:47 AM

yas!!! she is Asian and i love herXD she is so cute!!!!! i think she and Ian woudl get along well XD, more so after he relises how she feels abotu Mavrick, they can murder the prick together XD

sylvanSpider 06-18-2018 03:07 AM

That's kind of what I was thinking too! I tried to work with the plot to make her. Might give us something to work with ^^

PurpleBox 06-18-2018 05:50 PM

woo a strong women character that WONT end up the love intrest XDXDcos Ian aprechiates women... but he's nto atracted to them kind of thing XD. Like he can play the straight husband/boyfrined if needed... but the girls wont get much otu of it other then emotional support XD

sylvanSpider 06-19-2018 02:15 PM

Aren's gay too, but hasn't had a chance to realize it. xDDDD So yes! This will be great! I'm posting today, so I'm gonna do the thing where I respond to the oldest posts first (Sun's excepting, his will go last because he takes forever to respond). But I've got my writey pants on today. All I'm missing is coffeeeee and I'm about to remedy that.

PurpleBox 06-19-2018 05:46 PM

XDXD sounds like a plan yho XD

sylvanSpider 06-19-2018 06:08 PM

Mhm! And now I'm all caught up, so I might write some backup characters or work on Boog. //shrug

PurpleBox 06-19-2018 06:14 PM

nods that soudns cool I gotta get the 'daily relfection' thing form this program im in done XD

sylvanSpider 06-19-2018 06:26 PM

Huh. Sounds like a fun assignment x3

PurpleBox 06-19-2018 06:57 PM

its bascily just writting down what we remeber form the 'class' XD X3

sylvanSpider 06-21-2018 08:04 PM

Oh that sounds easy as heck!

PurpleBox 06-21-2018 08:09 PM

it is and isn't XD the other students can be distracting so we dont get much done in teh lesson itself ..... but hey im gettgin paid for this XD

sylvanSpider 06-21-2018 08:27 PM

Oh shit, how did you get lucky enough to get paid to go to school?

PurpleBox 06-21-2018 08:49 PM

its nto school school it's a program that helps adults ages 19-30 find work. they have to have had a reall hard time, or have a disability that is hindering them

PurpleBox 06-21-2018 08:49 PM

i call it 'class' cause that's basicly what it is , clases and group sudie tyoe things

PurpleBox 07-02-2018 08:42 PM

posted in the rp. Ian's havign soem intersestin gfever dreams... even if i havent posted those yet XDXD

sylvanSpider 07-04-2018 01:46 PM

Hooray for fever dreams! I'm getting ready to start working my way up the list. I might not finish all of them before I have to start getting ready, but this evening I will definitely finish those that I haven't caught up in. ^^

PurpleBox 07-11-2018 09:50 PM

hey what's up?? how's life been??

sylvanSpider 07-14-2018 01:41 PM

Hey lovely! I'm so sorry! I got super super busy this past week because I wound up at a friend's house whose husky happened to start giving birth literally as she was getting ready to drive me the hour and a half home, so I was there for a few days. Gonna see what I can get up today before another friend from out of town gets in. I'm beginning my writing quest now! Thankfully, these friends will go to bed early and I'll have the evening to write my little heart away.

PurpleBox 07-15-2018 04:57 PM

I can Play Mavrik and his higher ups in his ranks. you coudl play hsi foot soilders?? and one or two higher ups to make things even??

sylvanSpider 07-15-2018 07:32 PM

I'm down for whatever! I'm not even worried about keeping things even xD I just didn't know how we wanted to arrange that. Should anything happen while Taka and Aren are fucking about outside the city walls?

PurpleBox 07-15-2018 07:37 PM

XD hmm well i was thinking that while Taka and Aren are out... that some of Mav's goones could come to teh apartment building... liek trying to either find Taka or Ian... cos i can see Mavrik wanting to get Ian back XD. Lile Mavrik' teird of trying to replace 'his boy' XP and Ian was the one out of them both that knew the layout of the city districts XD.

I kinda want Taka and Aren to run into a Runner or two... or more likly the guy that Ian and Aren left for dead their first time out bitten and turned, still traped by the bear trap XD

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