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-   -   Trivial Trisphites (5-coin prizes and more! Show off your Google Fu and Knowledge!) (

Lee 08-07-2017 12:47 PM

Trivial Trisphites (5-coin prizes and more! Show off your Google Fu and Knowledge!)
Alright, people, ready for a game of trivia? Here's how it works. Questions will be posted in their respective categories in the third post (the one after the prize pool). You can answer as many questions as you like, but you have to wait one hour between posting, unless you're challenging the master for a prize.
At the end of one hour after the first answer was posted, all coins will jotted down for redemption at the end of the day (the end of the day being either midnight where I live or when I decide to go to bed). It all adds up and will be shown under the prize pool post.

The first person to answer a question, regardless of its correctness, will have five coins awarded at the end of an hour after posting--provided no one corrects it. You can quote a wrong answer and correct it. If your corrections are accurate, the one being corrected loses a coin, and the correcter gains a coin. You cannot correct your own answer, please make sure you have your facts straight before you post. I don't count typos or grammar mistakes as corrections. This is strictly the fact-checking type.

You can also earn coins by adding additional relevant information to an answer. This will gain you a coin without detracting from the original poster's coins. You also can't add additional information to your posts.

In the case of more than one correct answer, if the first answer is correct, the additional answers (assuming they're significantly different) will be counted as additional information and receive one coin.

You can choose to challenge the resident master (me) to be tested on your knowledge. You will be given ten questions in the subject of your choosing, one at a time. You have up to an hour before you're considered to have failed a question.
If you fail ANY question, you have to wait an hour to challenge the master again.
I will tell you if you don't have an answer correct, and you'll still have the rest of the hour to answer it correctly. It doesn't have to be in depth, just correct enough. (For example, I'll except 'yellow hair' as easily as 'blonde', even though blonde might be considered more correct, but i will not accept 'yellow hair' if the hair is white; 'blonde' covers yellow, gold, sandy and white hair.) You don't have to wait an hour for the next question, if you got it correct. I'll ask you the next one right away, if you want. (You can also take breaks, if something comes up. If something comes up in the middle of the question, it won't count as a failure. Just tell me, and I'll simply ask you a different one when you come back. This is negotiable depending on the situation. Talk to me, I'm a reasonable guy.)

You can get ONE COIN EACH TWO CORRECT QUESTIONS for challenging the master, for A TOTAL OF FIVE COINS. You can additionally pick one item from the prize pool in the next post if you answer all ten questions correctly. Anyone may also still get coins from adding additional information to CORRECT answers, within the proscribed hour.

Lee 08-07-2017 12:47 PM

Snow Bucket
= = = = =
= = = = =
Egg On My Face
= = = = =
Donut Go There
= = = = =
The Littlest Hen
= = = = =
Chad the Snowman
= = = = =
Baby Chad
= = = = =
= = = = =
Pro Chef Apron
= = = = =
Food On A Stick
= = = = =
Snowfall Style Belt
= = = = =
Snowfall Style Hat
= = = = =
Cool Heart Glow
= = = = =
Knockoff Bovine Messenger Bag
= = = = =
Knockoff Owl Messenger Bag
= = = = =
Piggy Messenger Bag
= = = = =
Knockoff Piggy Messenger Bag
= = = = =
Rainbow Bovine Messenger Bag
= = = = =
Rainbow Fox Messenger Bag
= = = = =
Rainbow Owl Messenger Bag
= = = = =
Rainbow Piggy Messenger Bag
= = = = =
Who's A Good Doggo?
= = = = =
A Floofy Doggo!
= = = = =
Guardian Turtle
= = = = =
= = = = =
= = = = =
It Hungers
= = = = =
It Licks
= = = = =
Un-bear-lievable Hoodie
= = = = =
Unbelieva-bear Hoodie
= = = = =
Pastel Bun Hoodie
= = = = =
Vibrant Bun Hoodie
= = = = =
Country Kitten Hoodie
= = = = =
Punk Kitten Hoodie
= = = = =
Classic Pup Hoodie
= = = = =
Alternative Pup Hoodie
= = = = =
Rainbow Animal Hoodie
= = = = =
Tie-Dye Animal Hoodie
= = = = =
Feel Your Angry Feels
= = = = =
Feel Your Sad Feels
= = = = =
Feel Your Heart Feels
= = = = =
Feel Your Dead Feels
= = = = =
Feel Your Empty Feels
= = = = =
Modern Fountain Pen
= = = = =
Panda Onesie
= = = = =
Reverse Panda Onesie
= = = = =
= = = = =
Kitty Slippers
= = = = =
Catty Slippers
= = = = =

Death by Mirrors: 5
Kaderin Triste: 5
mdom: 5

Death by Mirrors: 20
Kaderin Triste: 10
mdom: 15
Potironette: 5

tsukiko: 10
Death by Mirrors: 15
mdom: 5

DAY 4 & 5
Death by Mirrors: 20
Gallagher: 1
Illusion: 10
mdom: 20
Quiet Man Cometh: 11
Kaderin Triste: 10

Death by Mirrors: 10
mdom: 10
Quiet Man Cometh: 5
unknown.exe: 5

DAY 10
unknown.exe: 5

Lee 08-07-2017 12:48 PM

Just cut-and-paste the question and put your answer beneath it. More questions are added everyday. Good luck to you all. There may be repeats. I don't have the best memory. It won't be intentional. Feel free to take advantage, it's just my bad if it happens.
  1. What YouTubers were officially unofficially declared married (in jest) during a let's play of The Island?

    ================================================== =============
  2. What superhero team was responsible for inadvertently causing the catalyst that forced the Superhuman Registration Act into law?

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  3. What largely harmless food flavoring was outlawed due to an incorrect and later retracted article by a food critic?

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  4. It's not unusual for one actor to be the wrong height for a part when compared to his fellow actors in a movie. What method was used to bring Robert Downy, Junior up to snuff?

    ================================================== =============
  5. Actors often get up shenanigans, even on camera and on set. Sometimes, directors elect to keep them in the film. Name something Robert Downy, Junior was doing that he shouldn't have that was kept in Captain America: The First Avenger.

    ================================================== =============
  6. How was Rumpelstiltskin defeated?

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  7. Vibranium vs adamantium, in edged weapons, blunt weapons, and shields; how do they compare?

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  8. This author created a world where killer tomatoes took out a significant chunk of humanity. What was the name of the event of the spooks coming out of the woodwork into humanity's general knowledge?

    ================================================== =============
  9. What kind of job makes sure a fictional universe and it's related lore doesn't contradict itself?

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  10. When a disagreement over perceived, implied, desired, or canon relationships lead to toxic behavior among fans towards other fans, what is it called?

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  11. Why can't a polymorph potion work with animals?

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  12. What supernatural creature has a rotting hole in their back?

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  13. Name one comic archer each whose main color matches Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple.

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  14. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

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  15. What was Shroedinger attempting to disprove with his infamous cat example?

    ================================================== =============
  16. 'The way to hell is paved with good intentions' means almost the opposite today as what it was originally intended. What was the original meaning?

    ================================================== =============
  17. Despite the rampant theories on what exactly it was that killed off the dinosaurs, there is no argument that something sudden and deadly did enough damage to at least doom them to extinction. What geological proof of this fact is there?

    ================================================== =============
  18. What are 'toe beans'?

    ================================================== =============
  19. 'Broadway has never been broader' insists what actor in a musical homage to this art?

    ================================================== =============

Proof In The Pudding
Find an incorrect answer that has already expired, quote it and the question, and correct it. Win five silver or a prize from the pool. Corrected questions will be listed below.

Death by Mirrors 08-07-2017 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Lee (Post 1794061)

  1. What country has produced a material that sucks up about 96% of all light?

I think you're referring to Vantablack, a substance made of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes, which was first developed in the UK.

Lee 08-07-2017 07:35 PM

And we're off to a rollicking start! I can neither confirm nor deny for one hour, but I'm happy to have you here!

Glitch 08-07-2017 07:38 PM

i'm no good at this stuff but i wish everyone luck!

Lee 08-07-2017 07:44 PM

You can always hang out. 8D

Glitch 08-07-2017 07:52 PM

Ok I can hang out

Lee 08-07-2017 07:52 PM

Awesome! 8D

Glitch 08-07-2017 07:56 PM

You should go look at my hangout thread.

I posted an adorable photo of my baby.

THe baby I didn't have the last time you were on trisphee!!!!


Tiva 08-07-2017 08:02 PM

I know a good amount of these but I am gonna leave them a bit… Though anything MCU I got.

Lee 08-07-2017 08:21 PM

Link meeeee.

And you'll have to challenge me for mastery, then.

Kaderin Triste 08-07-2017 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Lee (Post 1794061)


2. Who is the man with the pink mustache?

Is this possibly Markiplier?

mdom 08-07-2017 08:31 PM

Pratchett co-authored a book about the Apocalypse-that-wasn't. What was the title?


Kaderin Triste 08-07-2017 08:41 PM

I might just have to track that book down eventually...

mdom 08-07-2017 09:09 PM

Do ittt it's super fun xD

Lee 08-07-2017 09:34 PM

Everyone is doing great so far! More questions will come soon. If you don't see any categories you like, feel free to suggest one! I'm already working on some for Tiva, buahahah.

tsukiko 08-07-2017 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Lee (Post 1794061)

Who became king of the werecats in the story-go-round between three let's players?

bob (youtube name: muyskerm)

(also if i did this wrong in any way...i'm sorry. i'm really bad at understanding how others write/talk/people in general ._. )

Lee 08-07-2017 10:36 PM

You're not bad off! You just have to wait five minutes between answers! I'll go ahead and throw your first one down, but you'll have to wait to post the others five minutes apart!

tsukiko 08-07-2017 10:43 PM

edited the other parts out. sorry.

mdom 08-07-2017 10:44 PM

There are a number of lyric videos for songs of a music artist by the name of Ke$ha. What is one of the more prevalent typos involving a fruit?

Grow a pair (grow a pear)

tsukiko 08-07-2017 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Lee (Post 1794061)
Riddle Me This

What was Bilbo's final 'riddle' in The Hobbit?

"No-legs lay on one-leg,
two-legs sat near on three-legs,
four-legs got some.
(Fish on a table, man on a stool, cat gets the scraps)"

Lee 08-07-2017 10:52 PM

That's fine, tsukiko, it happens!

Okay guys, I'm headed to bed, but the rules still apply. You can quote to correct or add to each other, and I'll update everything in the morning. What's down now I'll put up. Just try to remember the expiration on correcting and adding is one hour form the answer being posted! I'll update what's already out here, but I haven't missed anyone.

tsukiko 08-07-2017 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Lee (Post 1794061)
Odd Jobs

In Japan, sometimes people are hired to shove everyone into the trains so the doors can close. What are they called?

train pushers or oshiya

mdom 08-07-2017 11:00 PM

Good night, Lee!
hehe tsukiko is on fire xD

Lee 08-07-2017 11:05 PM

To clarify! (and I'll put up tsukiko's latest) You can still answer questions and play the game, I just won't update until the morning!

Lee 08-07-2017 11:06 PM

And thank you for the warm wishes, friend. > v<

tsukiko 08-07-2017 11:07 PM

i'm too stupid for the rest of the questions...and i'm not even sure about the ones i answered....except bob. i love those guys; they make me happy....

goodnight, lee. hope you sleep well...

Death by Mirrors 08-08-2017 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by Lee (Post 1794061)

Lost In Translation
  1. Even in the same language, the same word can have very different meanings. What are five English words used in the United States that mean something completely different in other countries?

That's a good one! Okay, let's see...

barf: means vomit in English, but in Welsh it's just a beard

frown: means a certain facial expression in English, in Welsh it's the colour brown, at least when it undergoes soft mutation (a brown beard seriously translates to barf frown, a brown whereas brown sugar will be siwgr brown instead)

bean: a type of vegetable, but it's a woman in Welsh

bra: a type of female undergarment, but it means good in Swedish

kiss: a show of affection, but in Sweden it stinks as there it means urine

fart: now that stinks in the US, but in Sweden it means speed

slut: a female person with questionable morals, in Sweden merely the end or sold out. So when a swedish costume store wanted to let their customers know that several costumes were already sold entirely, it looked like this:

(honorable mentions: slutspurt is a commonly used term for sale in Sweden, and slutstation a train's final destination. A speed control by the police is a fartkontrol)

gift: you would love to receive a present in the US, but in Germany you're actually getting poison, so be careful

die: the act of losing one's life may sound horrid, but the main reason you encounter this word so often in Germany is because it's the definite article for female nouns

fast: it can mean speedy, but in German it means almost

bald: someone having no hair, or soon in German

hell: it might be a place where we all end up in, but that's because it's one that's brightly illuminated in Germany, or a tender one in Estonia. What were you thinking?

part: if your piece of a whole suddenly quacks, then maybe because in Estonian it means duck

(honorable mention: seaside in Estonian roughly translates to pig's communication, though I think it's not 100% grammatically correct)

brat: it might be an annoying person, or just your brother in Russia. Not that there's always so much difference between the two...

mdom 08-08-2017 02:37 PM

1-Katy Perry sings a song called Last Friday Night (TGIF). What does the initialism stand for?

Thank God It's Friday.

Lee 08-08-2017 03:03 PM

You guys are on fire.

Death by Mirrors 08-08-2017 04:53 PM

I noticed I even forgot two.

fear: a feeling of dread, or a man in Welsh

plant: that thing that tirelessly produces oxygen for your pleasure, or Welsh for children


Time for a new answer.


Originally Posted by Lee (Post 1794061)

Lost In Translation
  1. The phrase 'blood is thicker than water' used to mean the complete opposite of what it does today. What was the original full phrase?

The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.

Meaning if you shed blood in battle together with your comrades, you forge deeper and more intense bonds with each other than mere genetics ever could.

Kaderin Triste 08-08-2017 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Lee (Post 1794061)

Booked Solid

3.The author of a series about a fairly short vampire hunter writes another where the United States got their own fairy princess. What is the name of this princess?

I do believe her name is Meredith Gentry and the series is by Laurell K Hamilton.

Death by Mirrors 08-08-2017 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Lee (Post 1794061)
  1. There is an aquatic creature whose primary method of attack is to literally flashboil its prey. What is it called?


Okay, just kidding. You're talking about the mantis shrimp, which strikes with such a speed and force that it forms vapor bubbles from areas of low pressure (generated by its strike against water resistance). Once the bubbles collapse, not only will the shock wave knock the target out, but also emit light and heat - up to 8500 degree Fahrenheit.

You better not challenge Freddie to a fist fight.

tsukiko 08-08-2017 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Lee (Post 1794061)
Booked Solid
What hotel did a young magic user stay in with his uncle, aunt, and cousin, just prior to going to his first year of wizarding school?

railview hotel

Potironette 08-08-2017 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Lee (Post 1794061)

Riddle Me This
  1. What gets wet as it dries?

A towel.

(Or a rag.
Or anything that soak up water while drying xD)

Death by Mirrors 08-08-2017 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Lee (Post 1794061)
Booked Solid
  1. "But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face" is a thought from a consulting wizard. What is his full name, and what stage magicians has he been named after?

That's Harry Dresden from Jim Butcher's Dresden Files. His full name is Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden, and he's named after escapologist Harry Houdini, The Great Blackstone (full name Harry Blackstone Sr.), and David Copperfield.

tsukiko 08-08-2017 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Lee (Post 1794061)
Booked Solid
If you were a witch that lived in Russia in Rowling's universe, what school would you most likely attend?


mdom 08-08-2017 07:22 PM

This one is a two-parter: unravel the portmanteau, then tell the universe(s) they come from.
Destiel - Dean/Castiel from Supernatural
Black Pepperoni - Black Widow/Pepper Potts from MCU
Olicity - Oliver/Felicity from Arrow
Ironhawk - Iron Man/Hawkeye from MCU

Kaderin Triste 08-08-2017 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Lee (Post 1794061)

Riddle Me This

3.How far can a dog run into the woods?

A dog can run halfway into the woods. Anything farther and it would be running out of them.

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