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Espy 04-10-2017 11:08 PM

Critter Cave
It started with just one Unicat, honestly. She looked lonely, so I put out mabari pet treats, and, well, um.

I guess I'm taking care of thirty Unicats, a couple wolves, a few slugs, and a fox now. Whoops.

Come and help me feed them (and stay and chat because I am by no means a crazy cat person I have no idea what you're talking about).

mdom 04-10-2017 11:13 PM

-steals a couple unicats-

Kaderin Triste 04-10-2017 11:14 PM

*wanders in and picks up a unicat to cuddle*

Hello. I have arrived to keep the animals company because they are cute and cuddly.
But I will also chat with you.

Espy 04-10-2017 11:14 PM

I actually don't have any pets yet. I've been busy with college crap; will be busy for the next few days as well.

Kaderin Triste 04-10-2017 11:18 PM

Actual pets or event pets?
I don't have any of the event pets yet, but I have 2 adorable kitties that I share an apartment with.

Espy 04-10-2017 11:19 PM

Both. I'm in a dorm, but my roommate has an adorable gecko named Cappuccino.

Kaderin Triste 04-10-2017 11:22 PM

Makes sense.
And aww...geckos are pretty cute!

Espy 04-10-2017 11:24 PM

If I can persuade her to actually post here, she might post a pic :P

He's a crested gecko, currently pretty tiny and only a year old.

Kaderin Triste 04-10-2017 11:27 PM

Tell her I demand gecko pics!

Very nice! I have always wanted to have some lizards and snakes...but my current landlords don't allow pets. I only get to have my cats because I had them before the current landlords took over the building.

Glitch 04-10-2017 11:28 PM

But you need 50 unicats

Espy 04-10-2017 11:30 PM

Will do, haha.

I couldn't have furry pets as a kid, because my dad's allergic (as was I for a while). Had a few goldfish over a decade back. Feeder fish, actually, and I guess we my mom just took such good care of them that a couple lived past three years, and one even grew whiskers...

Kaderin Triste 04-10-2017 11:30 PM

Everyone needs 50 unicats!

Espy: Ah, I applaud people who can take care of fish. I tried a few times, but I'm no good with fish.

Espy 04-10-2017 11:32 PM

Okay I know I'm a bit of a dragon and hoard things but fifty unicats is a few too many

mdom 04-10-2017 11:50 PM

If only they had 50 poses |D that'd be an incentive!

Espy 04-10-2017 11:52 PM

Aww, let's not kill Glitch and Galla.

Kaderin Triste 04-10-2017 11:56 PM

Lol...that would be really cool, but probably also a huge pain to make.

Espy 04-10-2017 11:57 PM

I mean, two more recolors and a few more poses each, but they've already got enough on their plates.

Kaderin Triste 04-11-2017 12:02 AM

I suppose that's true enough.
But I agree. Too much to do already.

mdom 04-11-2017 12:04 AM

Not kill them... it's called 'indentured servitude' |D

Kaderin Triste 04-11-2017 12:06 AM

Very clever. I like the way you think, Mdom.

Tiva 04-11-2017 12:15 AM

You are so a crazy cat person Espy

Fulkth 04-11-2017 01:22 AM

Wow, those unicats are adorable! Who can resist those big eyes? XD

Lawtan 04-11-2017 02:04 AM

*pets the cats quietly*

Kaderin Triste 04-11-2017 02:13 AM

*sits down in the middle of the unicats*
All the furry babies are mine!

Death by Mirrors 04-11-2017 11:32 AM

*sneaks in and steals borrows a unicat for his way too empty apartment*

ShadowGrimReaper87 04-11-2017 02:18 PM

Hello all and how are you?

Kaderin Triste 04-11-2017 02:20 PM

Hello! I am really tired because I was a dummy and stayed up WAY too late last night. But I only have just over an hour until I have to head to work, so I can't really nap.

And how are you?

ShadowGrimReaper87 04-11-2017 02:23 PM

I went to bed early, if you call 11 pm early. XD LOL
But I'm still tired.

Kaderin Triste 04-11-2017 02:25 PM

11 is when I should be trying to go to bed.
I went to bed around 6am. (Technically had been in bed for many hours just didn't quit playing games on my phone until 6.)

mdom 04-11-2017 02:41 PM

11 is super early xD
-went to bed 4 am

ShadowGrimReaper87 04-11-2017 02:41 PM

I normally shut my PC down at midnight and try to sleep but it don't always go that way. :/

Kaderin Triste 04-11-2017 02:43 PM

I usually get to bed around 2-3ish. But I really need to start trying to get to bed earlier so I can get up earlier. Because it's very likely that any new job I get will probably have shifts that startbearlier than 2pm.

ShadowGrimReaper87 04-11-2017 02:47 PM

Well I have two little ones and need to sleep more. But my husband works nights and lets me sleep in in the mornings. ^_^

Kaderin Triste 04-11-2017 02:49 PM 2 cats that get active at night?

ShadowGrimReaper87 04-11-2017 02:53 PM

I just one cat inside, but she's a good girl and doesn't try and wake us up at night.

Kaderin Triste 04-11-2017 02:57 PM

It's funny because once I'm deep asleep, the cats can't wake me up (seriously, one time my air freshener device fell off the bedroom wall and popped open and the air spray can and batteries popped out, but I didn't hear a thing). But until then, any little noise, especially if it's unfamiliar or I recognize it as bad (sound of puking cat, cat chewing on a plastic bag, etc) can jolt me wide awake.
Usually they settle down for a little bit when I'm getting ready for bed.

ShadowGrimReaper87 04-11-2017 03:03 PM

Oh not me! I'm a light sleeper at times, but my boys and husband aren't. We had a car explode just outside our house and my boys slept through it. A damn EXPLOSION that shook our house!! But did they wake? Nope!

Kaderin Triste 04-11-2017 03:11 PM

Okay now that's insane. O.O
I'm pretty sure I'm not quite that heavy of a sleeper, but who knows?

ShadowGrimReaper87 04-11-2017 03:17 PM

I know right!! My 2 year old didn't even move!! I was like HOW??

Kaderin Triste 04-11-2017 03:19 PM

Are you sure he doesn't just go into a coma when he sleeps?

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