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Maro 12-12-2014 02:59 AM

Maro's Meager Cabin
I decided to finally make a hangout thread, I'll be prettying it up later, feel free to come in and chat everyone!

Maro 12-12-2014 03:00 AM

reserving this post for something

Maro 12-12-2014 03:01 AM

also reserving this post for something

Maro 12-12-2014 03:03 AM

and one more post

Open to chat novv!

Espy 12-12-2014 03:20 AM

Hey there Maro.

Maro 12-12-2014 03:27 AM

Hey Espy! ^^ Hovv are you?

Espy 12-12-2014 03:42 AM

Eh, kind of bored, tired, same as usual. You?

Maro 12-12-2014 03:50 AM

Sort of the same here just can't sleep

kiki 12-12-2014 07:09 AM


hey there evryone~ XD

Natsunaine 12-12-2014 07:51 AM

Maro is back. O.o

Ginger 12-12-2014 08:33 AM

Shiny new thread!

Hey Maro :)

Maro 12-12-2014 11:16 AM

Yush Maro is back, I kind of missed this place again so I decided to come back and make a thread. I'm debating having page prizes.

Natsunaine 12-12-2014 06:36 PM

I missed it here to hence the me being on lol

Maro 12-12-2014 07:40 PM

So pretty o3o

Natsunaine 12-12-2014 07:51 PM

Whats so pretty o.o

Crystallyn Whisper 12-13-2014 03:10 PM

Ooh, another thread for me to bedazzle. o wo/

Lawtan 12-13-2014 07:02 PM

*Hides in the code of the thread*

Maro 12-13-2014 09:40 PM

Your avi Natsu!

also hello everyone o3o

Maro 12-16-2014 11:56 PM

-pokes thread-

Crystallyn Whisper 12-17-2014 09:32 PM

*pokes Maro's tail* So fluffy.

daikokunyo 12-27-2014 04:17 AM

I really like your avi Maro-chan. Those parched, blackened hearts, oooo.:p-love:

Ginger 01-09-2015 01:41 PM

Where is everyone? Putting in overtime hours to make up for holiday break?

In other news, there are tons of places hiring here but many of them are part time. I need full time if I'd like to save much of anything and still be able to have a Starbucks twice a week. Priorities man... priorities.

daikokunyo 01-11-2015 01:35 AM

I'm on holiday in one of the coldest parts of the country, brrrr.
And all I have with me is the iPad :(
You can do two part times if the shifts don't clash?

Pandamimi 01-11-2015 12:50 PM

Hey there Dandy-chan!
This is just lovely. You on holiday in the coldest part of the country, and me here in an also cold part of the country with no water supply and slashed internet time. Yup, this is stealth stuff. Anyway...what's up? Love your avatar. I recently deleted the one I had here, so this is one started from scratch. Keep me posted!
P.S: Yeah, you're right, I'm in a hurry. don't mind me!

daikokunyo 01-12-2015 01:41 AM

Hello Mimi-chan! :p-cute:
Not much is happening here. My perfect cousin is being perfect as usual. We had a discussion about how presentation of science is an illusion and I said biology is better at least you can see that it's true and he said he didn't have much faith in biology because it was supposed to be the study of life but it didn't explain life or why something once dead couldn't be brought back to life. (It's true. Fine, the body stops working because it's old and degenerate or whatever but if you fix it and it's not degenerate anymore, doesn't mean it starts working again). Turns out too that Computer Science involves a lot less of programming (while you're studying it) than I thought.
In the airport I came across an interesting book called When God Was A Rabbit, it was OMG so well written but I could barely read a chapter of it.
And yeah while I was typing this my brother kept trying to switch the iPad off. ARGH!

ml1201 01-12-2015 09:22 AM

*plops self in thread*
Its good occasionally to check for new threads in other places. :D

Pandamimi 01-12-2015 12:29 PM

I wish I could actually see the text box I'm probably typing in right now. Yup, I am typing this thing in the middle of nowhere, apparently. Welcome to my iPad world XD
I typed to you yesterday using the laptop which was a bit better, but not much. I glitches up so much that when I logged out after like two minutes it said I'd been on for 3 or so hours. Ha, I wish. Neither could I see my avatar there(do I even have one?)nor can I here on the iPad. Oh well, love the mystery:)
Yeah, because I get the hang of comp. nicely, my parents are kinda considering me dabbling in that field. I don't know...I guess maybe I could. Maybe even if the coding is too much(for me) maybe I'll be able to manage(to many ifs!)
You always manage to find the most interesting books...I wish I knew how a story where God was a rabbit went(is the story that literal?)
And I'm starting to get really curious about your perfect cousin...I wish I knew what was his take on the meaning of our existence - and love interests.
Oh, and I went on a crazy writing spree! I wrote 2000 words of my story non-stop \(^^)/
Why am I writing so much stuff in parentheses? Looks like I just wrote 2000 words of nonsense.
Sorry for rambling! Must. Do. Better.
Ja ne!
What do I sign off as again?

Ginger 01-12-2015 02:20 PM

Am I the only one without an ipad?

-shifty eyes-

ml1201 01-12-2015 06:20 PM

No, I sold my ipad to my dad years ago, that thing drove me bonkers and I hated browsing the net with it. >_>;

daikokunyo 01-13-2015 06:59 AM

Yeah the iPad is a very poor excuse for a laptop, it absolutely cannot replace a computer.
Pandamimi: the back of the book said, 'This is a story about love in all it's forms.'
Turns out only the application of computer science is coding. When you're studying it in college you don't get to do a lot of coding. -_- Trust Indian education to do that. My. Perfect cousin self taught himself all the programming languages he knows except one.
I asked him for the heck of it (it was mean of me though) what he liked to do on the computer. He said 'What?' and I repeated. It was crazy how awkward he got, I'd've thought he watched porn if I didn't know him better. He basically said he does his programming and occasionally downloads and watches a movie when his mom lets him.
Get this: he has the whole Batman animated series downloaded. It's not bad since all the villains are grey characters and so is Batman. Joker is a Batman villain, remember it old you about him?
When he told me Batman was grey but just liked to work within the law, I'm like 'Ooh show me!' And he was like 'Even though Batman works within the law, the law doesn't much like vigilante justice. But Batman happens to be friends with a Police Commissioner so yeah.'
2000 woods is awesome! *fistbump*

Pandamimi 01-13-2015 12:38 PM

Dandelioness: Wow, you flit from one subject to the other! My rambliness tends to accumulate to give my word count:/
I called Kira-chan to this thread! Hopefully she'll make it��
All: 'sup! Yup, I have an iPad, and while it's a poor replacement for a laptop, I can't really say it's That bad. Think of all the times you can log on by stealth!
My laptop's crashed, and this iPad's in demand, so I've to sign off now. Cheers! Let's keep this thread really chatty, people!
PS: what the hell! Even emojis won't show up on this stupid ipad.

ml1201 01-13-2015 01:03 PM

The reason why I didn't like my iPad was because when I was scrolling it was selecting and copying, and when I was trying to select and copy it was scrolling. =.=; I'd much rather use a regular computer or a laptop over a tablet of any kind.

daikokunyo 01-14-2015 04:55 AM

Bahaha you're cute ml!
My problem with the iPad is how slooooow and inefficient it is and how I can't drag and drop anything, it's not good for anything except apps.
There's no chance of me asking my perfect cousin about his opinion of love, he's too goody-goody, he'll go squeal to his mother out of frank concern for me prolly. He got made fun of in his college for not tolerating sick jokes, then he said there wasn't something wrong with him, there was something wrong with them if they made sick jokes, like isn't that adowwable? AWW! And yeah Batman hasn't got any superpowers in case you didn't know.
Oh nice, Kira-can on Trisphee will be... Interesting. (She thought Menewsha, was slow. What'll she think of this?!)
And I don't think ibstudent is gonna get into Mene, she doesn't seem to have logged on since then. Kofk is more her thing but I haven't seen any activity from her there either. She seems to find avi sites too confusing to figure out.

Pandamimi 01-14-2015 09:36 AM

mI1201: I know right!? I know exactly where you're coming from.
Ginger: Your Picachu is Sooooooo cute(*does a killer kawaii*) I used to Love Pokemon, and maybe still do a little bit. Where did you get that pic? (hint hint. Nudge nudge)
Pandamimi: why didn't you come on? Access problems? (Those kind of access problems) Or maybe I'm just early.
Hope to see you all tomorrow!

ml1201 01-14-2015 05:58 PM

*is confused as to how she is cute when she has a smart phone and just doesn't use it to browse the web*

How come your male cousin sounds like a drama queen female cousin? ?_?

daikokunyo 01-15-2015 02:05 AM

@ml Hey hey. 'Male' and 'female' are just bullshit social constructs :p-cute: and you are VERY cute, i watch my mom laboriously type on her smartphone and wanna do a killer kawaii!
@Pandamimi: What are you talking about, I did come. -_- Did you type your message while I was typing and post it without seeing what I'd typed? Coz it sounds like you didn't read what I'd typed. Whatevs.

Pandamimi 01-15-2015 09:33 AM

Dandelioness: *gawks* Oh my Gosh I didn't even see! Screw that, I didn't even see that this thread had more than two pages! Baka iPad!
Will you be there on 17 th morning? Pls do!! I feel like a grub, sitting and doing math or watching the telly (my iPad time doesn't count, my mom locked it up.) Right now, my modus operandi is to get a key impression on clay(laugh all you want, I'm serious)
Haaaaaaa...(that was a long tired sigh, FYI)
Oh no, gotta go. Byeeee!

Pandamimi 01-15-2015 09:35 AM

Dandelioness: *gawks* Oh my Gosh I didn't even see! Screw that, I didn't even see that this thread had more than two pages! Baka iPad!
Will you be there on 17 th morning? Pls do!! I feel like a grub, sitting and doing math or watching the telly (my iPad time doesn't count, my mom locked it up.) Right now, my modus operandi is to get a key impression on clay(laugh all you want, I'm serious)
Haaaaaaa...(that was a long tired sigh, FYI)
Oh no, gotta go. Byeeee!

daikokunyo 01-15-2015 10:28 AM

You just double posted right there ^_^ never mind, I know it's your iPad's fault not yours *pat pat*
We'll be leaving day after tomorrow's night. (Work it out ne, I just can't do dates :p-sweat:)
You poor thing. The iPad locked up. that sucks.
Stay strong sweetpea <3 *hugs*
Btw I'm buying that book, I found it on for 163 rs, free shipping \(^0^)/ my Dad will get me it!!
I wish I could get A Bad Character by Deepti Kapoor too, but it has such a terrible blurb even by blurb standards, it talks about everything other than the actual thing. I guess they thought that was the only way it would sell. But my Dad will take one look at that blurb and give me that talk your parents did when they saw that collection of one-shots ka page.

ml1201 01-15-2015 05:46 PM

lol, very true. XD Just sense I normally see females acting like that I'm surprised when I see/hear a guy doing it. XD I know some guys who are gay that will do it, but oddly enough some of even the gays I know don't do that either. o.O Guess its just a preference thing. XD (meaning how the person acts). Me, I just don't want drama, drama can be REALLY annoying. x'D

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