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Tears 11-17-2012 12:10 AM

Finish The Sentence
Hopefully everyone knows what a compound sentence is. It is a sentence with two or more parts, connected together by a conjunction (and, but, or...). Well, it's probably better that you don't take my definition. I'm bad with explaining.

Anyways, the game is simple. We'll work with two-part sentences. one person posts the first part and then the next person posts the rest of the sentence and starts a new one and so on and so forth.

like this:

Person One: I went to the shop to buy pickles
Person Two: but they were all sold out. My friend was on chat yesterday
Person Three: and we started a new inside joke. Paul pushed a button
...and so on.

Feel free to add twists in sentences or write silly stuff. XD

I'll start with this;

A llama was crossing the road yesterday

Rico 11-17-2012 02:09 AM

..., Unfortunately so did a Kenworth. Sir, there seems to be someting wrong with...

Pathosis 11-17-2012 03:43 AM

...your neck. It looks like there's a...

Tears 11-17-2012 08:43 AM

...beaver chewing on your tree. Do you by any chance...

Promise 11-17-2012 10:47 AM

... know where I can find Riku and Kairi? I think that they...

Xun 11-17-2012 03:56 PM

... are talking about how to make babies. Did you know that chickens...

Darth Vader 11-17-2012 03:58 PM

...are quite knowledgeable in the areas of quantum physics and diverse theories of relativity when placed in...

Merlin 11-17-2012 09:51 PM

(That wasn't a finished sentence.)

...oxygen tanks filled with nitrogen? It was quite a...

Darth Vader 11-17-2012 10:08 PM

(My bad, I didn't totally read the first post thoroughly. >w>;)

...fanciful banquet that cat had, with his sophisticated Fancy Feast and primped buttocks fur hairs. I still can't believe that he...

Rico 11-17-2012 11:36 PM

... didn't exist, I mean Santa represented all my childhood dreams. For that, I shall now proceed to Seppukku myself with...

Lioshika 11-17-2012 11:52 PM

... this rusty spork I found underneath a tuna fish can one summer morning. I had always believe that ...

Rico 11-18-2012 01:07 AM math teacher in elementary school was an alien. Look behind you, a three headed monkey doing the...

Lioshika 11-18-2012 01:12 AM

... samba seems to have no left hand. Oh look, there is a purple tree with....

Tears 11-18-2012 07:48 AM fruit growing on it. It seems to be festering with boils and...

Darth Vader 11-20-2012 04:49 AM

...cancerous tumors shaped like assorted, exotic mammals. I had never seen something so...

Lauv Keiko 12-09-2012 12:50 AM

...wonderful and poignant. I think I will nurture this...

Rico 12-09-2012 02:21 AM

...this bonsai, so I can call him Bill. And then fake a banzai bill in super mario world to be able to...

Honey 12-09-2012 02:35 AM

Hone in on where you jump unlike a Bullet Bill. In the sunset of the golden color there was a woman...

Lauv Keiko 12-10-2012 03:27 AM

...that chased down butterflies. Her back was so hairy it could....

Rico 12-10-2012 10:15 AM

...have been Chewbacca kneeling down. Since Han Solo was looking for him, he shot a...

Echo-chan713 12-10-2012 11:09 AM

Balloon in the air. While Luke skywalker realized that...

Honey 12-11-2012 09:59 PM

Darth Vader wasn't actually his father. If we never had paperclips...

Tears 06-21-2014 07:59 PM

...All the buildings shall proceed to collapse. Please don't hug the ice cream because...

Pirouetting Nightmare 03-17-2018 04:59 AM

it will melt. But you can hug the...

mdom 03-17-2018 03:20 PM

cactus if you're in it for the pain. I promise I won't ...

Pirouetting Nightmare 03-17-2018 03:26 PM

Eat the cactus for dinner. However I will....

mdom 03-17-2018 03:49 PM

eat them for breakfast, since next day food is the best. Just like...

Pirouetting Nightmare 03-17-2018 11:44 PM

that time in 1945. I still remember that...

mdom 03-18-2018 09:20 PM

I felt really lucky for not living in Japan. But it all changed when...

EverAshwood 03-20-2018 02:33 PM

The fire nation attacked. I still remember, that day....

mdom 03-20-2018 07:38 PM

they caught me with my pants down. Fortunately the next time I...

EverAshwood 03-22-2018 03:27 PM

....Remembered Pokemon type advantages. All it took was....

mdom 03-22-2018 07:20 PM

sleight of hands, I knew that watching all those magic trick videos would help someday. I proved wrong all of the...

EverAshwood 03-23-2018 07:55 AM

... People who didn't believe in me. And when they saw...

mdom 03-23-2018 11:00 AM

me with the blood of my enemies on my clothes, they never messed with me again. That's why the next day...

EverAshwood 03-23-2018 12:30 PM

...Everyone came at me with pitchforks and torches. I was terrified, but the next thing I knew...

mdom 03-23-2018 01:26 PM

there was a barbecue being organized for me, and the torches lit the fire. It was all good until...

Pirouetting Nightmare 03-23-2018 11:58 PM

A giant golem stomped over the fence. It didn't have manners because ...

mdom 03-26-2018 07:55 PM

manners were never taught in golem school. What was really taught was...

Pirouetting Nightmare 03-26-2018 09:00 PM

how to cook nearly anything into something edible. Which makes sense because...

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