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Francisco 08-19-2019 05:29 PM

a house made of cubix cubes
Come inside and chat. :^)

Gallagher 08-19-2019 05:31 PM

knocks on cube door

Francisco 08-19-2019 05:35 PM

Come in, but the handle is tricky, seeing how it's a cubix cube.

Gallagher 08-19-2019 05:36 PM

... solves door handle cube

Francisco 08-19-2019 05:36 PM

Now solve the rest of the house.

Gallagher 08-19-2019 05:39 PM


bangs on window cubes !!!

Francisco 08-19-2019 05:40 PM

No!! You must earn your way or pay the cube toll!

Veshora 08-19-2019 05:42 PM

*tries to solve door handle cube, gives up and smashes a window instead*
Nice house!

Francisco 08-19-2019 05:43 PM

My cubes!!!!
Heathens. >:/

Gallagher 08-19-2019 05:45 PM

i was gonna solve that window !!!

Veshora 08-19-2019 05:46 PM

...sorry? *innocent smile*

Francisco 08-19-2019 05:49 PM

I built this house to hold love but you just.....
Break my cubes!!
No appreciation, no tact. Distasteful.

Gallagher 08-19-2019 05:51 PM

where's the cube fridge

Veshora 08-19-2019 05:53 PM

I'll get you a new window to replace the broken one.

Francisco 08-19-2019 05:56 PM

But what will replace my heart. :'(
The cube fridge is in the cube kitchen, we have cube and cube.
Mi casa es su casa. :)

Gallagher 08-19-2019 05:59 PM

im going to borrow your cube kitchen to make cube eggs and cube sausage

Francisco 08-19-2019 06:03 PM

You can use the cube stove but it has melting problems.

Veshora 08-19-2019 06:05 PM

The, uh... fact people will come inside for a visit much easier now? Which means more visitors, which means a chance to meet some great new friends? Or old friends? ^^;;

Stabbsworth 08-19-2019 06:10 PM

cubes, you say? owo

mdom 08-19-2019 07:26 PM

Hmm can I enter even if I can't solve the cubix handle?
I guess I'll just knock until someone else opens for me

Francisco 08-19-2019 07:32 PM

You can come through the hole Death made. >.>

mdom 08-19-2019 07:35 PM

Aw :<
gotta rebuild that wall... fortunately those cubes seem to sprout from... everywhere

Derpy McBlueEyes 08-19-2019 07:38 PM

Derpy peels the stickers off the cube door handle and places them back on so it's solved.
"I did it!"

Francisco 08-19-2019 07:39 PM

Aww man, now everyone can come in. Oh well. At least no one will be busting holes in my windows.

Derpy McBlueEyes 08-19-2019 07:42 PM

Derpy pats your leg comfortingly, then looks up at you.
"Do you have any cube donuts? I heard they're reawwy good!"

Francisco 08-19-2019 07:44 PM

I do, but they don't turn because...donut.
They're also messy.
You can have one but wash your hands/claws afterwards. >:0

Derpy McBlueEyes 08-19-2019 07:47 PM

"I pwomise! Wash after donut!"

Stabbsworth 08-19-2019 07:49 PM

currently: wondering if a neon knife is planned.

Francisco 08-19-2019 07:55 PM

.......*writes on list*

Stabbsworth 08-19-2019 07:55 PM

i have no idea if that's a definitive yes or a definitive no, and i'm far too afraid to ask.

Francisco 08-19-2019 07:56 PM

It is....on the list. :P
Which is a start.

KittyBeary 08-19-2019 09:01 PM

*Tries to open cube door* Now what's the correct combination?

MonBon 08-19-2019 10:11 PM

Cube houses are the cubiest

KittyBeary 08-19-2019 10:20 PM

Oh wait I know dis one

*smashes cube door with hammer*


mdom 08-20-2019 01:46 AM

let's stop destroying the house!!!

Veshora 08-20-2019 08:35 AM

Gee - don't follow my lead, kids! :f-warning:


Originally Posted by Francisco (Post 1902745)
But what will replace my heart. :'(

Francisco 08-20-2019 08:48 AM

I need it. ;o;

mdom 08-20-2019 10:14 AM


Francisco 08-20-2019 10:28 AM

Cube magic. :^)

Witchchylde 08-20-2019 11:44 AM

Don't suppose there's an all green one, too?

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