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Stabbsworth 11-18-2018 02:58 PM

Barker's Stupid Hangout Thing
hi, yes, obligatory hangout thread. because i'm cool. i now have a hangout thread because i'm that absolutely glorious.

also bacon noodles are better than chicken and mushroom. absolutely glorious noodles.

hail the noodle!

Gallagher 11-18-2018 03:00 PM

chicken noodles are best noodle

Stabbsworth 11-18-2018 03:01 PM

i dunno what kind of chicken noodl you have over there. are they dragons? or are they the starch based gloriousness that only Lord Helix could muster from his noodle mustache.

Gallagher 11-18-2018 03:04 PM

it is

chicken fat



Stabbsworth 11-18-2018 04:43 PM

sounds tasty.

mdom 11-18-2018 04:56 PM

Hey voidbarker
where has your face gone

Stabbsworth 11-18-2018 05:57 PM


mdom 11-18-2018 05:57 PM

it'll be lost 5ever then
rip ur face

Stabbsworth 11-18-2018 05:58 PM

my god
also purple is a nice colour.

mdom 11-18-2018 06:08 PM

it is
all shades

Stabbsworth 11-18-2018 06:09 PM

looks nice on my avatar as the third colour.

cherryistired 11-18-2018 07:20 PM

Am I allowed to hang out in the cool kids thread

Inspire 11-20-2018 07:30 PM

Purple is the best and most glorious color ever, I've been obsessed with it since I was just a little girl. <3 <3 <3 All the shades are the most perfect and adorable and I'd never want to choose another as my favorite!!

Stabbsworth 11-22-2018 01:00 PM

cherry, you're already a cool kid, you doof.

i like the combination of purple and black, but dark purple and a slightly lighter yellow goes well too.

Inspire 11-22-2018 01:55 PM

Purple and black is my usual aesthetic, on several sites!!! It just matches so well so it's customary for me to do so!! I occasionally do purple and blue too but that's extremely rare.

Stabbsworth 11-22-2018 03:30 PM

I like the stuff I've got now. There's a few colours that don't match, but that's cool enough. They're in small amounts, anyways.

Inspire 11-23-2018 09:46 AM

I can't stand doing that myself. It has to match the aesthetic for me, everything must be purple, blue, or black!! I hate breaking my aesthetics, it just feels so wrong to me.

mdom 11-23-2018 10:05 AM

I do rainbows or concepts.
Also Voidbarker when you're here longer you'll own more items and then have enough for a all-white outfit

Inspire 11-23-2018 10:09 AM

They also always look super cool, mdom. Always nicely coordinated and plain amazing. The idea of going by concepts is such a great idea!!!

mdom 11-23-2018 10:19 AM

Aww thank you ^^
I have many years of avatar making xD

Inspire 11-23-2018 05:13 PM

That's extremely evident with how yours are done, trust me. You obviously have tons of skill.

mdom 11-23-2018 05:16 PM

Nah. I learned it all from Biomecha

Inspire 11-23-2018 05:36 PM

Oh, really? I wonder how it feels to learn like that... You put them to very good use then and I most definitely love the one you have right now, the backgrounds and foregrounds look sooo good with the outfit, especially those rainbow stockings!!!

Stabbsworth 11-23-2018 06:06 PM

mate, this is already all-white. mostly.

mdom 11-23-2018 06:07 PM

100% vanish washed. Same hue even

Stabbsworth 11-23-2018 06:12 PM

i like having a bit of contrast in small bits, mate. it looks nice and goes with the look of the current items i've got.

mdom 11-23-2018 06:13 PM

Not criticizing!! Just saying if you want
in the future
you'll be able to

Stabbsworth 11-23-2018 06:24 PM

naw, you're fine. i just like the tiny bits o' contrast.

mdom 11-23-2018 06:27 PM

At least you have half of a face. It's less weird talking to you xD

Stabbsworth 11-23-2018 06:30 PM


eh, it's not that bad of a face. sometimes i just can't be arsed to make one, though.

Gallagher 11-23-2018 06:33 PM

i like making faces best

mdom 11-23-2018 06:34 PM

faceless thigns are inherently creepy
change my mind

Gallagher 11-23-2018 06:36 PM

creepy eyes are worse than no face

change my mind

mdom 11-23-2018 06:41 PM

like the ones you have right now?
well your whole avatar is creepy...

Gallagher 11-23-2018 06:42 PM

yeah i'm going for a thing right now lmao

Stabbsworth 11-23-2018 06:47 PM

eh, switched back to the old avatar and added a couple of things.

Inspire 11-23-2018 09:51 PM

Ahhhhh, it looks so perfect and the face detailing looks even more perfect connected with it, ahhhhh, I love it so much. The pillows look great with it too, adds a lot of dimension!!!

Stabbsworth 11-25-2018 06:19 PM


i want to make a neon avatar set.

Inspire 11-25-2018 10:27 PM

That'd be quite cool, I love the rave scene.

Stabbsworth 11-26-2018 07:09 PM

No, I mean like an eyeburner dragon in Flight Rising. The things with awfully gaudy colours and such.

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