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Merskelly Metalien 12-15-2018 06:47 AM

In my Guitar Hero jammies. It's 2 AM. And my brain says hi.
Ga-reetings! I come in peace. Typically I don't care to post on the welcoming forums for the newbies, since I always jump straight into the fun stuff,'s been a while since I was a part of an online avatar community. A long while actually...I am an immigrant of Kinsaki online if anyone was familiar with it. This place is actually very makes me feel, really at home actually. <:)
I was once WaterGurl999 all the way back in 2008, when I first started high school. And I returned to Kinsaki years later to post and trade and try to look for some of my old friends. But sadly within months of being online again, it died. Kinsaki was no more. But fortunately, I found other small nooks around the internet to lurk in.
Nothing like Kinsaki though...until I did some searching, and found Trisphree. :)
So here I am I s'pose. Allo.
I hope to make some new friends on here and earn some really neat stuff.
Just some stuff about me I couldn't exactly fit in my bio...
Uhh, I'm 20..something, I forget my age a lot. >->;
I'm a huge dork. I am a tea drinker and a night owl. I play Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Super Smash Bros, Kingdom Hearts, Crash Bandicoot, Fallout 3, and Undertale just to name a few.
I love pasta. I am sweet like butter pecan syrup, and cold like liquid nitrogen. My favorite things to do are quoting movies, telling dumb jokes and trying to be clever. I am asexual, creative, smol, and quiet irl. I wish I could learn an instrument well enough to impress others, as I really love music. Oddly, my favorite things to listen to are thrash metal, and Big Band Swing Music.
Oh, Iiiii think I should stop here before I write an entire self-biography! ^^;'s good to be here, even though it might be lonely. There's no telling how long I'll stay, but I hope to stick around so as long as I still have a loyal laptop to type on. :)
That being said...umm yeah. <u< *waves* Hi. (I'm going to work on some more of my writing now...~)

KittyBeary 12-15-2018 07:11 AM

Hello and welcome to Trisphee! I also was part of some smaller communities that are no more, one being Ernya. :(

Merskelly Metalien 12-15-2018 07:41 AM

Thank you. :) Ah yes, it would seem many of the old avatar communities are slowly disappearing. :C I'm just glad I found one that's still active. :) Well, at least a little active. ^-^

Gallagher 12-15-2018 08:05 AM

we're not going anywhere anytime soon, either. we might be a small community, but we can pay our own costs, and the staff here are dedicated.

Tohopekaliga 12-15-2018 10:16 AM

Welcome to Trisphee, Merskelly! We may not be the the busiest place, but we’re definitely here to stay~

Merskelly Metalien 12-15-2018 01:35 PM

Thank you all. :) It's good to hear this community is still doing great!

Awen Moonshine 12-15-2018 03:38 PM

Oh wow! I was on Kinsaki too way back when! It's good to see you've found this place and hope you enjoy your time here <3

(I'm also a resident lurker)

Merskelly Metalien 12-15-2018 07:30 PM

:D Wowie! Neat Pateeto! ^-^ Nice to meet you. Actually, I think I remember seeing you around Kinsaki if your name was also Awen Moonshine?

Espy 12-15-2018 10:06 PM

Huh. We're the same age. Probably.

...Uh. We also... share a lot of interests and traits.

Merskelly Metalien 12-15-2018 10:25 PM

Sweet. Nice ta meet you too Espy. :] I like your sig art. x) It reminds me of my favorite thing to do spontaneously...just lay around and see how long it takes for someone to notice I'm there. X] haha!

Espy 12-15-2018 11:24 PM

I used to do that a lot. And then one time I did that on a planter and got a faceful of ant.

KittyBeary 12-16-2018 03:37 AM

Yup, this site isn't going anywhere soon! Least I hope not. D: I'll take Galla's word for it LOL.

Merskelly Metalien 12-16-2018 04:34 AM

:] Thanks for all the warm welcomes yo. I'm just happy to actually have more than two or three responses! Which is what I would usually get on the more dead forums around the interwebs.. >->;

KittyBeary 12-16-2018 06:11 AM

This community may be small but there are quite a few chatterboxes on here! ^^

Also I have some extra past event items that I can send to you! :) It's kinda like a tradition on here to gift newbies with stuff. :D

Awen Moonshine 12-16-2018 05:12 PM

Yup, that was me! I tend to have the same name most places I go except for KofK because my account with that name ended up being banned ^_^;; I'm a lurker on pretty much every site I end up on though.

Merskelly Metalien 12-16-2018 06:11 PM

Wow, I wish I had something cool to trade back to you both. x) But I don't have anything from past events or anything. Thank you kindly for the items though! <3 ^-^ Very sweet tradition!

Awen Moonshine 12-16-2018 08:00 PM

You are most welcome ^_^ And honestly it's nice to be able to de-clutter some of my extras a little <3 Enjoy <3

KittyBeary 12-16-2018 09:16 PM

You're welcome! :3 And no need to worry about it. <3

Merskelly Metalien 12-16-2018 11:15 PM

Thank you ^-^ as you can see I've made great use of the stuff for my avi.

Does anyone like to role play on here? :) I'm curious because I have a fantasy/comical role play idea, but it's kinda all over the place, and would be nearly impossible for me to play/write it all alone.

Death by Mirrors 12-17-2018 04:33 AM

We have an entire subforum dedicated to roleplay, where you can show or develop your ideas ^^ (it's a bit more quiet than usual at the moment, I guess people are busy with the holidays)

Or if you prefer to just talk about RP topics, I'm sure you find some users too who will throw in their two cents. It's a great pastime after all.

Merskelly Metalien 12-17-2018 10:46 PM

:) Sweet! Thanks. For now, I think I'll just kick back for a bit and post here and there. ^-^ If anyone is curious and willing to be a part of a role play please pm me. If not it's cool tho. :) I might join some rps in the future too!

Panda 12-18-2018 11:30 PM

I think I remember you XD I was very active on Kinsaki, known as Padalicious or Vampire Prince back then! I was the most active poster at that time, so I'm sure you have seen me around as well. ^^ Glad to see you here!

Merskelly Metalien 12-19-2018 02:33 AM

I think I remember you too Panda! :) You were on Kinsaki back when they were still doing seasonal events and there was team Luvbot and team Haetbot. Good to hear from you again! ^U^ Wow!

Stabbsworth 12-20-2018 12:56 PM

Welcome to clothing hell! And layering. Don't forget layering.

Merskelly Metalien 12-20-2018 07:55 PM

x) Oh yes! How I've missed a clothing hell <3

Stabbsworth 12-22-2018 06:58 PM

idk if gaia has infinite layers.

Panda 12-22-2018 10:27 PM

Yes, hahaha I still remember the love and hate bots hahaha XD

Gallagher 12-23-2018 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by Voidbarker (Post 1888301)
idk if gaia has infinite layers.

it does not

Mekatra 12-24-2018 10:23 PM

Very belated welcome! Trisphee is a rare little gem in the fact that it's still pretty active compared to most sites this ilk. The wonderful staff tirelessly putting up items pretty much constantly I think helps with that.

Stabbsworth 12-28-2018 04:10 PM

they also have jobs, but i don't think the jobs stuff has been updated in a while, and you might have to ask tiva or galla about it? idk.

KittyBeary 12-31-2018 08:20 AM

I keep forgetting about the jobs part ehehehehe ;u; Wouldn't mind working for Trisphee one of these days.

Merskelly Metalien 12-31-2018 06:10 PM

It's neat that the site staff is so devoted and still work on making more items. :) I just hope they're happy doing it. ^-^ They're beautiful items!

KittyBeary 01-02-2019 06:25 AM

Yes, they are. :3

Merskelly Metalien 01-04-2019 04:08 AM

By the way, if anyone was interested in a basic introductory, in-character sort of roleplay with me, :] I have a link to my roleplay right here.

Stabbsworth 01-04-2019 12:21 PM

nice! i see that you are a writer of passion as well.

Merskelly Metalien 01-04-2019 04:14 PM

I yam! ^-^ ...I yam.

Stabbsworth 01-05-2019 04:08 PM


roleplay time. nyeheheheheheehehhehe

Merskelly Metalien 01-05-2019 04:47 PM

Hehehuhehuehuheh. +w< *brings out a rubik's cube and disassembles it*

Stabbsworth 01-15-2019 01:46 PM

10 days late bc i'm an idiot but i'm not sure how to solve a rubik's cube. mum only knows how to do one side.

Merskelly Metalien 01-16-2019 06:29 AM

I can't either. >:] So I just take it apart and piece it together in the right places heheh. Also I used to know how to complete two sides, but now it takes me a while to figure out and complete one side. x]

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