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KittyBeary 02-12-2018 01:08 AM

Kitty's Hangout of Animu Fun
So I've been wanting to create more of a general hangout but with a topic so as it's not a repeating thread(like there's countless general hangout threads already xD ) SO I decided to make this a general anime hangout! Discuss what anime you're watching, what's your favorite, etc.!

So come on in! :D Everyone is welcome, of course! <3 :p-nod:

KittyBeary 02-12-2018 01:10 AM

Currently I'm watching Sanrio Danshi. It's actually better than what I expected it to be. Still have to watch the current episode but I plan to tonight! <3

I'm also re-watching Free Eternal Summer, mainly to get hyped up for Take Your Marks and the 3rd season. :D

Gallagher 02-12-2018 01:11 AM

me and suze just marathoned the new part of fate/apocrypha

i had mixed feelings lmao

say 02-12-2018 04:28 AM

Recently I've been re-watching Dragonball with a friend on

it's amazing how awful Roshi is

mdom 02-12-2018 05:43 AM

A Kitty hangout, woohoo!!
The last I watched was Little Witch Academia. I hated the main character xDD the typical Usagi Tsukino from animes, but overall I liked the anime.

KittyBeary 02-12-2018 06:42 AM

I've only watched the first episode of Academia, I should watch more. ;u;

mdom 02-12-2018 06:53 AM

It's nothing groundbreaking, but if you have some time to just chill it's fun xD

KittyBeary 02-22-2018 12:16 AM

I keep forgetting to watch Servamp, even though it's been on my watchlist for ages. ;u;

mdom 02-22-2018 06:12 PM

y so forgetful!!
Watch it!!

bluebird 02-26-2018 01:05 AM

i haven't been watching much anime, but the last one I watched wassss Made in Abyss. Decided to read the manga instead because the anime toned down a lot of uuhhhhh extra-ness.

Still waiting for Yuri on Ice Season 2 tho \o/

KittyBeary 02-26-2018 01:32 AM

Yuri on Ice season 2 definitely needs to happen. ;u; And soon LOL.

bluebird 02-26-2018 01:45 AM

U FEEL ME. it'd be perfect with the Olympics going on rn

KittyBeary 03-01-2018 04:29 AM

IKR. But now the olympics are over. ;u; But maybe we'll get a season 2 later this year?? Fall maybe??? ouo

On another note I'm super hyped for Free! Take Your Marks this month. *~* Gonna be seeing it in LA when I'm visiting my sister. ;u;

mdom 03-01-2018 01:08 PM

olympics is over, yuri on ice now in 4 years

KittyBeary 03-03-2018 08:44 AM

Yup yup, gonna have to wait four more years for YOI Live Action Season 2. XD

But in two years we'll get Free! Live Action season... iforgot :'D

mdom 03-03-2018 09:36 AM

Whyy do they take só longgg

bluebird 03-04-2018 01:03 AM

because they love giving us a hard time.
but for real tho, quality stuff takes a while. I imagine the work probably has to be resubmitted multiple times for executive approval at every stage (script, voice, storyboard, animation, music rights, legal compliance with broadcasting rules, etc.). Making an episode of anime from scratch would be interesting to see.

KittyBeary 03-04-2018 01:57 AM

Because they want us to suffer. D: (Nah they just wanna make sure they don't screw it up. ;u; )

mdom 03-04-2018 12:03 PM

yeah it's no the 90s anymore xDD

KittyBeary 03-06-2018 11:12 PM

Yes, things have changed. ;w; (I miss the era of 2D Disney movies lel)

Anywho, I hope to finally start watching that mummy anime this week. ;u; I keep putting it off LOL.

bluebird 03-08-2018 03:01 AM

i saw one gif of it (mummy popping up from a shoe).
i thought it was cryaotic/chaoticmonkey (a youtuber) lmao.

KittyBeary 03-21-2018 06:13 AM

I watched the first two episodes. It's really cute. uwu

Also it looks like we'll be getting Yuri on Ice season 2 by the end of the year. So maybe fall?? XD

bluebird 03-21-2018 03:30 PM

i'd be in me nan's grave by then.

KittyBeary 03-22-2018 02:59 AM

We'll be watching S2 from the cemetery. =w=b

mdom 03-22-2018 11:01 AM

If I waited 20 years for evangelion's manga... you can wait a few years for that anime xDDD

KittyBeary 03-26-2018 09:21 PM

In the meantime I'm really hyped for the Persona 5 anime. I haven't played the game yet but I've been wanting to. :(

mdom 03-26-2018 09:31 PM

Iirc Serra Britt played them all xD

also nice new avatar Kitty!

KittyBeary 03-27-2018 01:45 AM

I've played some of 3 and 4. ;w; And thanks!

bluebird 03-31-2018 01:59 AM

the persona5 anime op looks dope tho

KittyBeary 04-03-2018 04:03 AM

Yesss. <3

(I finally finished Sanrio Danshi and it was cute. ;u; )

bluebird 04-05-2018 01:58 AM

agreed. aint that the cutest shi >w<
i..what...*googles*....i love anime.
besides the fact that it's produced by Sanrio, and the whole anime is like a subtle marketing campaign to expand their consumer base
i think the general message is great: we should be accepting of people who like different things.

KittyBeary 04-11-2018 12:03 AM

Yes. <3 It turned out better than what I was expecting. XD

I'm being lazy with watching new anime this season, but I'll get to it. x_x

KittyBeary 05-06-2018 08:13 AM

After many years of putting it off, I finally started to binge Bleach on Netflix. I know I'm getting into it so late(and some friends have made it known that they're "superior" because they know things I don't, thanks a lot "friends" :/ ) but I'm really enjoying it so far(and I want to enjoy it without people trying to ruin that enjoyment. :( )

Uryuu and Rukia are my faves so far. <3

KittyBeary 06-15-2018 04:19 AM

I went back to watching Natsume Yuujinchou! It's a really good show. :3

Kaderin Triste 06-15-2018 05:13 AM

*rolls in* Oooh. Totally also marathoned Bleach earlier this year. I apparently had watched it all before, but did't realize it. I seem to think that anime series are longer than they are. (Unless Netflix doesn't have the full series anyway, idk for sure.)

What is Natsume Yuujinchou about? I haven't heard of it yet ('cause I am lazy and stick with anime that is familiar to me, even just in name, usually), but am always looking for new stuff to watch!

Lately I've been working my way through Wakfu, which is actually a French anime-style cartoon. A Netflix original. I like it a lot except for the time gap between seasons 2 and 3 (I estimate 8-10 years based on certain characters?), which seems to have effected everyone except the main character. XD

KittyBeary 06-15-2018 06:04 AM

Ooh, I've played Wakfu a bit and noticed there was an anime about it so I might check it out. :0

Natsume is about a boy who can see Youkai and he finds out his grandmother saw them, too, and finds a book she had with names of Youkai in them and said Youkai want their names returned to them. They can't be free unless he does so, since his grandmother took their names to control them. Thus he gets constantly chased by them. =w=b

Kaderin Triste 06-15-2018 11:42 AM

Ah. Did not know Wakfu was a game. O.o

Apparently, there are several Wakfu games including a board game and a recently released mobile one. Wow! Sad that I've missed out on those!

Huh, sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out.

KittyBeary 06-16-2018 12:05 AM

Yup, I found it through Steam a while ago. xD Though I didn't know about the board game or mobile game. :0

Kaderin Triste 06-16-2018 01:49 AM

I don't know which game is the one on Steam, but I swear, it looked like there were Wakfu computer games that could have dated back to the mid 90's.

Downloaded the mobile game tonight, but I'm kind of unimpressed with it so far.

KittyBeary 06-18-2018 10:04 PM

Wow, didn't know it's possibly been around for that long. xD

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