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Neonriser 01-31-2017 09:24 PM

What gender do you play as in video games?
I'm a guy who plays as a guy in video games, but would play as as woman.

Is it normal for guys to play as girls, and vice versa? Just wondering.

Potironette 01-31-2017 09:33 PM

I like playing female characters because I'm female. I'd rather not play as a guy, but sometimes games have a main character with a specific gender, so it can't be helped.

If it's a game where characters or classes are locked to specific genders, then I'll choose a female character (so long as it's not a warrior/tank, I could care less about classes xD).

I don't know if it's normal for guys to play as girls or for girls to play as guys though.

SparX 01-31-2017 10:52 PM

I play all of the above XD
I generally go towards characters that are snipers/rogue types regardless of gender.
When making my own character I tend to be a bit narcissistic and make one similar to how I look but of course super glorified to how I would like to be XD so that would be female generally I guess?

Quiet Man Cometh 02-02-2017 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Neonriser (Post 1754917)
I'm a guy who plays as a guy in video games, but would play as as woman.

Is it normal for guys to play as girls, and vice versa? Just wondering.

Why wouldn't it be normal?

I play whatever I feel like for the character I have in mind. I have male bards and female barbarians, male warriors, female mages, male mages, etc.

I suppose I lean a little more towards female but my current "main" is male. Most people tend assume I'm male anyway, unless they are using "he" as in inclusive pronoun out of habit.

Starry Night 02-06-2017 11:12 PM

I'm a girl who plays as a girl, but that's only because that's my personal preference. I think it's perfectly normal to play as a the opposite gender though. Why not? Let's not limit ourselves. :p-kittysmile:

Quiet Man Cometh 02-06-2017 11:38 PM

Especially since some games have set characters to play. I'm pretty sure that it will be safe to assume people of any sex will play a video game even if their gender doesn't match the protagonist.

Isis 02-17-2017 11:30 PM

Female here. If the characters are all distinct and, like, real characters, I don't care which gender. However, if it's a character that the player creates (like Skyrim or whatever), I almost always play as a girl. The dude models are always... um... uglier? Like, the modelers spend way less time making them look good than the female models. The female characters tend to have more unique and interesting clothing options too - males in rpgs tend to just have the option between bulky armor and bulkier armor.

My brother usually plays as female characters too. Anyone should be able to play any gender for whatever reason they feel ^-^

gremlin 02-24-2017 12:14 PM

If gender is an option then I usually go for female the first time around and then the second time I play I choose male.

Espy 02-24-2017 03:45 PM

Ren and Terisyn are confused as to what this "gender" thing is.

(But until recently, I've usually played as male on MMORPGs, because harassment is not exactly fun. Gender-locking in games is a huge turn-off.)

Den 02-28-2017 08:23 PM

I'm female, biologically, and usually lean toward "She/Her/Hers" in terms of pronouns. In games where the player can make their character custom? It really depends on my mood. Sometimes, I wanna play as a guy, sometimes I wanna play as a girl, and sometimes, if I can, I lean more in the middle. Sadly, I've noticed that in MMOs, the females tend to be very overly sexualized, which is very annoying from the perspective of someone who thinks in logical terms of armor and defense (Note to game developers: Boob armor is more likely to kill your female characters if you're going for realistic physics!).

I'm actually working on building a Non-Binary Barbarian named Roan for Dungeons and Dragons. I may try transferring them to Pathfinder as well, just for the fun and challenge. Half the fun of that character is that they don't look overtly masculine or overtly feminine. They're themself, and that's all that matters.

One of my favorite things is pushing the envelope on what is masculine and what is feminine. I have a Pathfinder and D&D Dwarf Paladin character named Helja Grimhammer who is biologically female, but she's got Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and as a result, has a beard to make male Dwarves jealous.

I have a Cleric, named Galeas, who I haven't picked a race for yet (probably going to go with Hafling though), who is biologically male, and he's very cute and would fall under the "Trap" definition because he's got very feminine-seeming facial features and a higher pitched voice than most guys.

Quiet Man Cometh 02-28-2017 09:55 PM

Female Dwarves in DnD tend to have beards anyway, or they used to. I'm not sure if it's written down anywhere anymore. I had a paladin that I made but never played, who had a neatly styled goatee. More relevant to her character than the beard was that she used a rifle.

Den 03-01-2017 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Quiet Man Cometh (Post 1761288)
Female Dwarves in DnD tend to have beards anyway, or they used to. I'm not sure if it's written down anywhere anymore. I had a paladin that I made but never played, who had a neatly styled goatee. More relevant to her character than the beard was that she used a rifle.

It's not in the core rules anymore. and there's almost no miniatures of female Dwarves with beards, aside from the one I know of that I made on HeroForge

Yokuutsu 03-01-2017 03:02 AM

Depends on the game. Lets say I'm playing dragon age...not going for a certain lover? Male usually. Going for a certain lover for the achievement or just because? Well, whatever I need to be to be paired up with them.

I tend to play males, I think, in part due to all the games where females get less clothed as they level or get better items. I don't need another half naked female on my screen.

NCS3RR4N 03-04-2017 07:24 AM

It really depends I suppose. If I like the male designs more than the female, then I'll choose male. Though I often get a female avatar.

Grimalkin 11-08-2017 01:25 PM

If I am able to customize the character to an extent then I usually pick a female character example: The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Mass Effect, Diablo, things like that. Plus, if I am going to put 600+ hours into a game and have to stare at the backside of a character for a large amount of time then it might as well be a nice one. *chuckles* I know I know, a bit vulgar but it is true. I am a female for clarification, but I do not mind playing male characters. If I have a character profile in mind that absolutely has to be a male then I will play as one.

Quiet Man Cometh 11-14-2017 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by Den (Post 1761346)
It's not in the core rules anymore. and there's almost no miniatures of female Dwarves with beards, aside from the one I know of that I made on HeroForge

Saw this thread again and also recalled Aragorn's comment in one of the LotR films. It's heavily implied that Middle-Earth dwarf women had beards (the whole 'look so much like men that the sexes can't be told apart" thing,) and Aragorn outright says it ;).

Older versions of DnD and some writer's played with the beard thing, but the newer editions have written it out.

Seems silly to me. It's a neat detail.

Crystallyn Whisper 11-23-2017 10:22 PM

I usually pick female if the option is available. Sometimes I pick whichever one looks the more aesthetically pleasing.

dragoness129 11-24-2017 12:14 PM

I am a female who plays females in video games if I can. However, if it is some classes that have a set character (Like Baulder's Gate 2), I will play the classes I like over the gender.

Quiet Man Cometh 11-26-2017 04:38 AM

Unless you're talking about NPCs, I'm not sure what you mean by set classes in BG2, though I admit I haven't played it much and not for a while. I played the first one for ages.

Espy 11-26-2017 04:49 PM

I'm currently messing around on BG (got it during the sale), and oh boy, the voice acting makes me want to stab things.

Worm 11-26-2017 05:08 PM

I usually play males...
Depends on what kinda characters you can play though.

Espy 11-26-2017 06:11 PM

Boy am I still peeved that healer-type classes in gender-locked games are usually female.

Claire Bear 11-26-2017 06:50 PM

i is female and always play as female,

so does my boyfriend usually lol.

Quiet Man Cometh 11-27-2017 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Espy (Post 1820357)
I'm currently messing around on BG (got it during the sale), and oh boy, the voice acting makes me want to stab things.

Give it a break, it's old. ;)
But yes. And I've got an annoying amount of memorized.

Baldur's Gate has a mix of characters/races/etc, you just need to go find them. Some take a while to reach.

I'm often amused at the comments about guys apparently assuming that a female character is played by a female, even if they are playing as a female as well.

Mekatra 11-27-2017 12:11 AM

I generally start out as male and then roll female on my second playthrough. If the classes are done by gender then I will usually go with whatever the rogue/thief style character is. It doesn't exactly matter to me too much though.

bluebird 11-27-2017 12:35 AM

Depends on the game. When I played as a female in MMORPGs like Runescape and Maplestory, I got more free stuff than when I played as a guy, so I'm more inclined to play as female in MMOs heh. Ain't saying I'm a gold digger, but...

I tend to play as male and other species when they have really cool looking equips or attack moves.

Quiet Man Cometh 11-27-2017 12:48 AM

I'm all for the non-humans. I tend to look to that first, before thinking about gender.

Mekatra 11-27-2017 12:54 AM

I didn't even think about non-humans. I almost always play non-human if given the option. That was my favorite part of Dragon Age Inquisition was finally getting to play a Qunari.

Espy 11-27-2017 12:56 AM

FEMALE. ARGONIAN. BERSERKER. Argonians and Khajiit are kind of my thing. Or, any other beastfolk race that's done well. I cannot stand beastfolk races in which the male's an anthro and the female's a human with ears and a tail.

Mekatra 11-27-2017 12:58 AM

I prefered to play a male Argonian, a thief/light weapons fighter in Oblivion but I much preferred being an archer in Skyrim. Made killing dragons a lot easier early on before you get the Dragonrend shout.

Quiet Man Cometh 11-27-2017 01:30 AM

I wasn't great with a bow in Skyrim (as opposed to Morrowind when it was pretty much all I used) so I would just kite around until the dragon landed and then run into it's face.

I was annoyed at not being able to give my Khajit enough fur in Skyrim so I started with a Nord, but I have one now. Both female. The elder scrolls games are one area where I am decidedly female leaning.

Espy 11-27-2017 03:08 AM

I play a male Argonian thief in ESO :P

I've run basically everything from a male Khajiit brawler, to a male Imperial archer who dotes on his two kids, to a male Breton conjurer, to a female Nord-with-a-bit-of-elven-blood valkyrie-esque warrior in Skyrim.

Oblivion, I've only got my one male Khajiit sneakthief so far, and I surprisingly didn't roll a Khajiit in Morrowind, opting instead for a male Bosmer I'm-hesitant-to-actually-put-him-in-a-class.

Also, Guild Wars 2 might be the only game so far in which I have more technically female characters than male.

Quiet Man Cometh 11-27-2017 03:21 AM

I'm always the "adventurer" in Morrowind because I like to pick my skills out. Mirri I decided was an archer-thief, but she's got some magic, too.

As Mirri died with my old game data, I've started again with a tanky dunmer named "Stanley." Reasons.

Shark 11-28-2017 09:12 PM

Usually male, and then if I'm doing a replay I'll use female. :p

Jandi 11-28-2017 10:30 PM

I prefer to play as a female. I usually try to make my avatars look like me, but with white hair. :D

Quiet Man Cometh 11-29-2017 07:54 PM

That's what I used to do, but I found the more detailed character creation got, the less I was inclined to do it that way.

pompon-chan 11-30-2017 12:12 AM

Mostly female if available, though in mmorpg's some of the elf male avatars were pretty handsome androgynous fella's so I'd play as them xD

Quiet Man Cometh 11-30-2017 03:20 AM

Sometimes it depends on a feature I want to use. If something is male or female only, I might play the gender just to get the item.

Starbomb 12-01-2017 06:28 PM

If I can create my own character I usually play a girl, like in Pokemon or Animal Crossing (man, I remember when Pokemon Crystal came out I was so exited that I could play as a girl finally, haha). If you play as a certain character I just play as whoever I like most or has the best stats.

say 12-01-2017 07:05 PM

Either works, I guess male though so I don't end up with really fem items

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