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Sei 10-10-2015 08:35 PM

Suggestions & Feedback
This thread is intended to be the general suggestions and feedback thread for Trisphee. At times, smaller, more specific threads may appear for different features, but this thread will be the main source for suggestions and feedback.

With that being said, please keep in mind that all suggestions and feedback must be constructive. We do read and discuss user suggestions and feedback, and the more constructive it is, the more likely it is to be utilized in the future.

Sei 10-10-2015 08:36 PM

Reserved for future use.

Obsidian 10-19-2015 11:03 PM

A scroll to top option would be nice.

Not sure if you guys use phpBB3, but maybe can use it as an example to implement it on these forums.

Tohopekaliga 10-20-2015 12:23 AM

This forum uses vBulletin, which is unrelated to phpBB.

that said, I know how to do that, and yeah, is a good idea. (I thought it was a button that was always there for vb, clearly not.) I'll whip something up.

Tohopekaliga 10-21-2015 03:27 PM

There's a link waaay at the bottom of the page now that jumps you back to the top. It may be too far down to be useful. I'll put on my list of things to do: Add a nice "to top" button.

Lucid: 10-22-2015 02:54 AM

Took me a minute to find it, lol - for anyone who is blind like me, it's outside the forum frame, with the fine print where the copyright notice and social media info lives.

Obsidian 10-22-2015 01:58 PM

It's better than nothing!
And I couldn't find it until I read Lucid's description on how to find it. XD

When I saw that it was there, I was looking for a "Back To Top" that would just show up on the bottom right side of the screen when I scrolled down so far and would follow me.

But as I've said, it's better than nothin! ^-^

Tohopekaliga 10-22-2015 02:56 PM

Ah. Hmm, I'm not a big fan of floating always-there buttons on web pages. Small screens get smaller.

I could probably have something that stays along the outer border of the actual content, though. Yeah, I like that..But still, it takes more work than the 15 seconds it took to add that tiny link at the bottom, so that'll have to wait for now.

Obsidian 10-22-2015 03:06 PM

Ok, hrm... How about a "Back To Top" link on the posts themselves? Or between the posts? Or perhaps below the "PM" and "Trade" buttons?

Also no problem. :P
I'm not looking for something immediately effective. Like I said, it's better than nothing! Just looking for ways of improvement is all.

Tohopekaliga 10-22-2015 03:29 PM

There's a lot of different ways it could be done. I'll figure it out. But this is a few items down my list of priorities.

The others, well, you'll see them when they appear.

Lucid: 10-22-2015 08:10 PM

I don't know what everyone else is looking for in a back to top button, but I would be happy with it either directly above or directly below the quick reply box. 'course, it would be ideal to redesign that whole footer area eventually.

Obsidian 10-22-2015 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Lucid: (Post 1665959)
I don't know what everyone else is looking for in a back to top button, but I would be happy with it either directly above or directly below the quick reply box. 'course, it would be ideal to redesign that whole footer area eventually.

I'm happy with one even being there. ^-^
Hopefully something would come up! I don't have experience with vBulletin. I'm a (horrible) novice at phpBB3 and my extension for our Back To Top button is a follow-button on the bottom right and it doesn't cause our forums to tighten or grow smaller. Even when I take my screen off maximize, the button hovers over the forums themselves. But again, I'm not sure how vBulletin is. ^-^;

I best shush before I get off topic. XD

If I think of any other suggestions, I'll be sure to post 'em!

Lucid: 10-22-2015 08:27 PM

We had a hovering button in the bottom right corner during an event once; it led to the event game. It was fine, but I didn't really like how it covered part of the threads unless I had my window totally maxorized. And that's not to mention using my phone. Floating buttons aren't my favorite, but I'm just one opinion. Whatever gets added will be whatever works best for most people. c:

Obsidian 10-25-2015 09:32 PM

Perhaps make the shop images ( a little larger and possibly the shop title on those images a different color.

My eyes are messed up, so it takes me awhile to remember which one is which and I have to squint to read them. But that's just me... Thought I'd make a suggestion on the visually-impaired side. ^-^;

I usually go by memory on which shop image is which. X]

Tohopekaliga 10-25-2015 10:11 PM

As it happens, I'm working on some updates to shop appearances right now. Shiny new buttons are in the plan.

Ashy 10-25-2015 11:03 PM

Also, I noticed today that a lot of links are hard when on phones. The anka achievements are often in the way too, maybe a way to opt to turn off those notifications. That could also work with the to top button because people that dont like it in the way could choose to hide it.

Obsidian 10-26-2015 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by Tohopekaliga (Post 1666512)
As it happens, I'm working on some updates to shop appearances right now. Shiny new buttons are in the plan.

Oh, that's awesome!

Demonskid 11-02-2015 08:16 PM

I can't find the thread for Item Suggestions and stuff so I'm going to post this here...

A White coloring of that Ghost item we get from the Loot thing. >.>, you know to look like an actual ghost.. if I ever decide to be a ghost for halloween, I don't want to look like skittles threw up all over me or something.

No offense rainbows are nice, but having other colors that fit the theme of the holiday is always nice too.. >.>,

White, Black, Gray.. you know those ghosty colors people can use for halloween when wanting to look creepy...

Tohopekaliga 11-02-2015 09:04 PM

You mean like... Sheet Ghost and Blanket Ghost? You can see those in the loot pile thread.

Gallagher 11-02-2015 09:50 PM

Sheet Ghost is the version that has a white option. Blanket Ghost has darker options, and Fabulous Phantom is rainbow.

If you have any concerns about the coloring of other items in this event, check out The Loot Pile and see if it's only one of multiple versions of that item. Chances are, there's one with more traditional colors.

Obsidian 11-02-2015 09:53 PM

I've seen 3 so far. Light/dark/rainbow. It was pretty interesting to find them all. I loved how you guys made it into a SURPRISE random item. Even tho I keep getting the same pumpkin items, lol.

Gallagher 11-02-2015 09:58 PM

The ghosts come in 3 versions. Anything with Knockoff or Homemade in the title belong to a set of three along with their original, traditionally colored version. The same goes for Fresh, Rotten, and Candied. Items named specifically Light or Dark have 2 versions to be found (except for the Bat Wings, which has a 3rd version), and for the most part, the rest are only one version. The Rotting and Fresh Corpse do not have a Candied version, because I was lazy.

ml1201 11-12-2015 12:06 AM

I think we need some more background items. I know more have been coming out and there are probably some older donation ones that are awesome, but not everyone has those. So I was thinking we could use some meadow and forest themed ones since I currently don't see any in my inventory.

Obsidian 11-20-2015 10:31 PM

Some Lolita Dresses would be awesome.

littl3chocobo 11-20-2015 10:54 PM

could the item menu wrap? like, when you modify your avatar and an object is near the bottom, instead of the page expanding so you can see into the menu the menu itself will just adjust so it never sinks below the bottom of the screen? this is the only site i have ever been to that does not use the wrap function

Coda 11-21-2015 01:58 AM

It's nontrivial to implement, which is why we don't have it right now. I could probably figure it out with some effort. I'll make sure it gets put in the plans.

littl3chocobo 11-21-2015 02:27 AM

i would not know if it is or is not, i just know i keep having problems with my screen shifting because i am not accustomed to it and i end up clicking on things i did not mean to and the whole page jerking up and down as it tries to rectify itself. it's not a super big deal but it does make the site look a bit less like it's still in beta and keeps people like me(who are not accustomed to a site without wrapping)from having unnessisary difficulties

Espy 12-14-2015 04:41 PM

Iiiiii did a silly. I bought an egg, and instead of clicking "use", I promptly accidentally sold it back. Whoops.

Would it be a good idea to made selling confirmation pop-ups for things that aren't commons?

Tohopekaliga 12-14-2015 05:13 PM

Hmm...Yes, that would be an excellent idea. I'll add that onto my list of things to do in the inventory+editor update.

Obsidian 04-01-2016 12:26 PM

Just a heads up but the front page links still go here:

Instead of to the new shops here:

Gallagher 04-01-2016 12:42 PM

Good catch! I'll fix that now.

Den 04-14-2016 10:21 PM

I'm honestly surprised we don't have a new game for the event.

ZenKitty 04-16-2016 05:24 PM

A Suggestion for you:

How about a musician's section under creative corner? I can't be the only person here who plays musical instruments or sings.

Coda 04-17-2016 12:31 PM

Art & Writing includes music already. Music is TOTALLY a kind of art!

We used to have music split out into its own section. It was completely dead, and what discussion was there was about popular bands, not about creating music. We rolled the creative part into Art & Writing and the popular bands into Media.

ZenKitty 04-17-2016 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Coda (Post 1702944)
Art & Writing includes music already. Music is TOTALLY a kind of art!

We used to have music split out into its own section. It was completely dead, and what discussion was there was about popular bands, not about creating music. We rolled the creative part into Art & Writing and the popular bands into Media.

Ah, thanks for the information, Coda. When I saw "Art" I was only thinking about painting, sketching, digital and other forms of art. I wasn't thinking in broader terms.

I guess all kinds of things could go under there. Photography, crafting, music, etc.

Coda 04-18-2016 10:38 AM

Yes, exactly! I think we might have a crafting thread in there somewhere already.

Obsidian 12-23-2016 10:23 AM

A search feature in our inventory would be nice... or the ability to switch from image icon to names or both instead of having to individually mouse-over to get the text hover. Or something similar to how the Layering tab is... With both icon and text.

I have an extremely difficult time finding items because I don't know their images but their names and can't find them or having a hard time finding them.

And possibly even a tab location of where it was placed.

"You received [item] in your [Event|Donation|Special] folder of your inventory!"

Tohopekaliga 12-23-2016 12:20 PM

Well, a search feature already exists in the new version I'm working on, but display with names is not a bad idea at all. I'll look into the possibility.

Obsidian 12-31-2016 12:14 PM

Oh, cool!

Happen to have some form of ping system in the works, too?

Tohopekaliga 12-31-2016 12:16 PM

It's on the list, but not currently being worked on...still, hope to have it in 2017.

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