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Kory 12-13-2019 10:43 PM

Kory's Sad and Lonely Hangout for Sad and Lonely Souls
I don't think many people will post here... ;w;

I've been feeling under the weather and I feel weird posting in other's threads.

So I am starting my own.
To those who know me from other avatar sites, you'll know this thread has a much different vibe to it than my usual "Hippie Hangout".

I guess I just want to post more, but without the hassle of angering people or getting on their nerves, you know?

Mekatra 12-13-2019 10:50 PM

I don't think you've been getting on anyone's nerves.

Kory 12-13-2019 11:07 PM

Maybe not..
I know I tend to be overly sensitive sometimes though... ;-;
But I feel this would be like... my little "safe space".

How are you, Mekatra?

MafiaBear 12-13-2019 11:26 PM

Hewwo :V

I dun think you're getting on anyone's nerves

Mekatra 12-13-2019 11:39 PM

I'm here. It's been so busy lately that I've had a hard time decompressing like I need to.

How are ou holding up?

MafiaBear 12-13-2019 11:42 PM

I've been stressed from dealing with family and recent issues that I forget stuff. x___X

Kory 12-13-2019 11:51 PM

Hi MafiaBear
I completely forgot about the holidays!
I think that could be contributing to some of my stress lately too. :(

Is it a "good" busy, Mekarta?
Regardless, good or bad busy can still be extremely stressful.

Do either of you have plans for the holidays?
My parents and I are not going to do anything special.
We are not even going to cook anything. We'll probably order pizza and watch movies or something because we really can't be assed to do all the *fancy* stuff this year..

MafiaBear 12-14-2019 12:28 AM

(Ignore the fact that I'm on my mule right now LOL)
But yes, I usually get a little stressed around this time. ;n; But the worst I think is gone cause Thanksgiving always seems to be the worst of it and then Xmas isn't as bad.

Panda 12-14-2019 12:32 AM

Dropping by to show some loves!

daikokunyo 12-14-2019 05:41 AM

i don't think you're getting on anyone's nerves, but it's nice that you're making a place for yourself to be extra comfortable :f-heart:

Espy 12-14-2019 07:16 AM

I 100% understand the thing with not posting bc you’re worried you’ll get on people’s nerves. I get that feeling a lot on other sites but never felt that way here. (Then again, we don’t have any hangouts with a “PRIVATE HANGOUT” sign out front, unlike... uh... some places.)

Hrm. Maybe I should actually make my own permathread instead of constantly having temp threads during events.

MafiaBear 12-14-2019 07:46 AM

Yeah, and this isn't like Gaia where 2/3 of the people are dumb trolls who just sh*tpost stupid stuff and they judge YOU for replying that they're stupid. :'D idk

daikokunyo 12-14-2019 09:07 AM

not just private hangouts, but some sites have actual cliques. tris doesn't have such problems, thankfully, even if some people only post in certain threads. everyone talks to everyone for the most part.

Espy 12-14-2019 12:29 PM

1.) Augh. Cliques.

2.) Love your siggy link.

daikokunyo 12-14-2019 01:09 PM

yeah, cliques suck. boo cliques. boo people who are complicit in cliques for being complicit in cliques.

thank you. :f-veryhappy: chocobo is such a goldmine of good quotes that i couldn't decide on one, and finally decided this link was better.

littl3chocobo 12-14-2019 02:30 PM

oh man, i'm feeling personally attacked here. what i do with my schnoz is my own private thing. i'mma make a private club where you and espy aren't invited and i'mm pick it until it falls off! >:P

nah, nah, seriously though i never felt you were being annoying or anything but i am pleased to have one more place to post XD fair warning though, its december which is my busy art month and one of my favorite games had a big update so a lot of my free time is spent mutilating code

Kory 12-14-2019 10:31 PM

I think since I'm an extra sensitive person, cliques make me feel especially bad when I get rejected or kinda pushed out of the clique.

And I'm that person that is really shy so I tend to not be able to express how I feel properly.

Also, (good news, but maybe triggering?)

In other news!
I was in a horror trailer as the main character :D
It was released today!!! uwu

I'm really excited!

Biomecha 12-14-2019 10:47 PM

I like seeing you around, but just don't comment often because I have a hard time knowing what to say in general. But just wanted you to know you shouldn't have to feel weird about posting in other threads.

Merskelly Metalien 12-15-2019 12:22 AM

That's wonderful news Ava! <:D
I'm so proud and happy for you! I hope all turns out well and you move on in a healthy and healing direction. ^-^

MafiaBear 12-15-2019 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by littl3chocobo (Post 1929289)
oh man, i'm feeling personally attacked here. what i do with my schnoz is my own private thing. i'mma make a private club where you and espy aren't invited and i'mm pick it until it falls off! >:P

nah, nah, seriously though i never felt you were being annoying or anything but i am pleased to have one more place to post XD fair warning though, its december which is my busy art month and one of my favorite games had a big update so a lot of my free time is spent mutilating code

Yeah I clicked the link and LOL stahp picking your nose D:

littl3chocobo 12-15-2019 01:48 AM

nooooo! it's my only notable trait ;3; without it i am practically a background character! *picks nose like his life depends on it*

Merskelly Metalien 12-15-2019 02:00 AM

<:/ I hope you pick responsibly. As sometimes bleeding may occur. <x'/

Espy 12-15-2019 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by Ava (Post 1929304)
Also, (good news, but maybe triggering?)

Don't know how much this means coming from me, but, I'm really fucking proud of you.

littl3chocobo 12-15-2019 05:25 AM

i broke that barrier eons ago

mdom 12-15-2019 10:28 AM

Go Ava! You can do it <3

Merskelly Metalien 12-15-2019 01:54 PM

And might I add,
Ava deserves a spectacular gift? -U-
Like a cute mug, or soft, pillowy throw, or a bean bag chair?

Kory 12-15-2019 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Merskelly Metalien (Post 1929328)
<:/ I hope you pick responsibly. As sometimes bleeding may occur. <x'/

One time my mom picked her nose and literally a huge flood of blood came out. D:
It was really scary, like blood was spilling out like a faucet.
Thankfully, I had just taken a first aid course since I worked in childcare and was able to fix it!

My mom was very accident prone in 2017. :(


Originally Posted by Espy (Post 1929335)
Don't know how much this means coming from me, but, I'm really fucking proud of you.

Thanks, Espy :)
I'm proud of myself too.


Originally Posted by mdom (Post 1929351)
Go Ava! You can do it <3

Thanks, mdom! <3

Kory 12-15-2019 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Merskelly Metalien (Post 1929362)
And might I add,
Ava deserves a spectacular gift? -U-
Like a cute mug, or soft, pillowy throw, or a bean bag chair?

I have been wanting to buy myself a nice little gift :D
Maybe a cute plushie!

I'm going to wait until I get paid next month, and (hopefully!) I'll have a little bit of money left over after paying bills and rent to buy a nice plush OuO

littl3chocobo 12-15-2019 04:22 PM

while you wait how about something virtual?

Kory 12-15-2019 08:10 PM


You're too kind, chocobo


mdom 12-15-2019 08:50 PM

I've had that happened to me once!
The nose thing, I mean

littl3chocobo 12-16-2019 03:32 AM

i've blown my nose and it's started gushing a few times

mdom 12-16-2019 10:32 AM

You know that's the anime pervert thing happening irl to you

Mekatra 12-16-2019 01:02 PM

I get nosebleeds all the time because it is so dry here. I am an anime pervert.

I'm proud of you Ava. It takes courage to make a change, especially a positive one that is breaking a cycle.

Merskelly Metalien 12-16-2019 01:24 PM

:/ Nosebleeds not happen to me, even in dry places. I'm full of too much water, and don't breathe. <x'}
Just the anime face blush thing. >//~//>; Because I get embarrassed a

Mekatra 12-16-2019 01:31 PM

Apparently things don't embarrass me anymore. I only blush when I'm angry.

Merskelly Metalien 12-16-2019 01:35 PM

<//n//<; Me too, but...unfortunately I'm rather cute when I'm angry...</3 It's like seeing a little furry caterpillar stamp it's feet..

Mekatra 12-16-2019 01:49 PM

I am not cute when I am angry. XD

That sounds adorable.

Merskelly Metalien 12-16-2019 01:51 PM

It is! <x//[ Because I sometimes cry and turn to marshmallow when I get really angry. >//n/>; I gotta keep my eyes harsh and my tears away for a higher chance of being taken seriously.

Mekatra 12-16-2019 01:57 PM

Be a flaming marshamallow. People would take that seriously.

Luckily I rarely have to actually get angry. I can usually just calmly state my annoyance before it gets to that point.

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