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Sadrain 07-23-2010 04:25 PM

Rain's Day Dreams [Q: YEARLIES <33, RIGs, Monthlies]

Hello and welcome to my thread! Thank you for stopping by and I hope you drop me a little message. ^^ I also hope you enjoy your time spent here. <3
~ Thank you to dear friend for this <3 ~
As it properly goes, I shall tell a bit about my self before I move to the important part of this thread, the Item part that is. So, please, be prepared for a rant. owo;; Or just don't click the spoiler and move directly to the next posts. x3

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Sadrain 07-23-2010 04:26 PM

~ Follow TOS
~ Chat! <3 I love it! 8D
~ Be nice, no poking fun at other's avatars, nationality, religion, typos, etc.
~ Please, no explict language x_x
~ Please, no chatspeak/leetspeak (Brb and those, of course, will be tolerated XD)
~ Don't mind randomness (For your own sake or else you might have to flee in horror)
~ Don't mind small rants (Same reason as above)
~ Don't make me add new rules >:

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Sadrain 07-23-2010 04:28 PM

I am currently updating the list with the newest commons added to shops. I wish to obtain at least Basic color from them all, other listed colors are only options if I suddenly get rich. XD;

Check out all of my avvies here:

~ Current List of Wanted Shop Items ~

Currently Questing new shop commons (at least Basic item of each), and some Jade, Sky, Teal, Special, Crimson, Red and Natural Brown items of older kind. But new items are of main priority. (All aforementioned colors might not be listed, but I still would eventually want to obtain them)

~ Eclectic Trends ~

~ Lavish Luxuries ~

~ Threads ~

~ Trinkets and Tresses ~

~ Token Shop ~

~ Evolving Items ~

~ Wanted Donation Items ~

I will LOVE extras (if they are already struck out) of ANY of these items <3
I have a small, insane dream of owning 3 of each Rune monthly, or at least 2 of them. Original goal was 5, but that's quite impossible. ): Still, even though I have struck out most items now, as finished, I still will list the original amount I want.

~ MIs ~

~ Yearlies ~

~ RIGs ~

~ Event Items ~

~ Special Releases ~

~ Other achievements ~

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Sadrain 07-23-2010 04:33 PM

~ Completed Quests ~

~ Donations & Prizes ~

Those who are on this list have nearly eternal luff and gratefulness from me. <3
I might also post any items or currencies won in any sort of contest here.

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Sadrain 07-23-2010 04:38 PM

~ Freebies ~

Thank you all who have given me freebies! <3

~ Bought ~

~ Gifted ~

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Sadrain 07-23-2010 04:40 PM

~ Regulars & Luffs ~

~ Thread Buddies ~

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Sadrain 07-23-2010 04:42 PM

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Sadrain 07-23-2010 05:19 PM

And may the Dreaming Begin!

Aelir 07-23-2010 07:14 PM

It looks pretty good, Rainy. =D
I'll have to get my list up soon.

Sadrain 07-24-2010 02:03 AM

Thanks. x3 It's not finished yet, though! >o<

Yommy 07-28-2010 02:59 AM call you Sadrain or Rainy. ^_^ Do you go by Rainy in some sites like E?

Anyway I wish you luck on your quest!
I should add so much more to mine. xD <-- Favorite face

Sadrain 07-28-2010 07:19 AM

My username always is Sadrain, except when it's RainyDusk or ShadowMask, but my nickname is Saddie or Rainy. x3
I don't know which site E you are talking about, though. x3

And thanks! The list's not yet finished, though. ^^; I will work on it now.
Oh, it was my favorite for a while, too. x3
Btw, cookies, lots of them, for reading it all. <3 -gives-

Sei 08-02-2010 08:51 PM

Goodluck, my friend! <3 *snugs*

Sadrain 08-02-2010 09:12 PM

Thank you, Sei! -hugs-

Bina Fydan 08-02-2010 09:20 PM

I could daydream here all day! Lol, lovely thread. Hope you get the items you want and need.

Flaria 08-02-2010 09:40 PM

I'll be like my sister here, (Bina) I always drift off into my daydream land to find something interesting to spare my imagination of my mind.

Sadrain 08-02-2010 09:59 PM

Yes, I kind of day dream a lot, too. Mostly, I think about my stories, though, not anything me-connected. x3

And you are welcome to come and day dream here any time. <3 -offers cookies and yummy drinks-

Bina Fydan 08-02-2010 10:06 PM

*Gets cookies and drinks, munches* Thanks, Sadrain.

Flaria 08-02-2010 10:49 PM

*ate all of the cookies and made a loud glugging noise when drinking large glass of milk* Mmmmm.. Ahh. Much better.

Lucid: 08-03-2010 01:17 AM

**steals some cookies from the cookie jar**

Sadrain 08-03-2010 10:04 AM

o3o there's enough for everyone, no need for stealing.
It's the jar that is connected to cookie world, it never runs out of cookies and you can never know what kind of cookies it will fill up with next time. C:

Lucid: 08-03-2010 02:28 PM

oh okay. =) that's a pretty awesome magical cookie jar. I wish I had one like that at my house.

dragoness129 08-04-2010 12:40 PM

Lots of luck getting everything, Rainy! ^_^

Sadrain 08-04-2010 01:15 PM

Yea. 8D I has some quite epic magic stuffus.
Thanks, Dragoness. ^^

Dem 08-04-2010 01:20 PM

Hello Rainy. :3 How's life?

When trading gets up I'll help you with your quest. :3

Sadrain 08-04-2010 01:34 PM

Aw. >o< Thank you, though, you shouldn't! If you do, I will also help you. (Well, I probably will anyway XD)

And, life's pretty good right now, thank you for asking. C: And how are you? -hug-

dragoness129 08-04-2010 01:44 PM

You are very welcome! ^_^

Lucid: 08-04-2010 05:16 PM

Rainy, you almost have more posts than me! =O

Sadrain 08-04-2010 05:25 PM

Oh? XD Yea, I chatted really much recently. >o<

Lucid: 08-04-2010 06:00 PM

no kidding! you'll have me beat soon. but that's okay. C:

Oh, hey, I follow this webcomic called Scandinavia and the World, and the most recent one has Latvia in it. it made me think of you.

Sadrain 08-04-2010 06:32 PM

Ahaha, but you're who inspired me to be a chatterbox here. <3

Bwah. XD I always thought it would be Latvia, acting all wannabe-smth, though. Px Anyways.

Lucid: 08-04-2010 06:41 PM

C: well, it's said that poor is the student who doesn't surpass the master. you're doing well, young grasshopper.

Demonskid 08-04-2010 06:43 PM

When I saw the title of this thread I saw the title to a Sailor Moon song "Rainy day man" xD

Sadrain 08-04-2010 06:51 PM

Oh, I thank you, my Muse for Posting. -curtsies-

... Why is everyone around me is so tuned to Sailor moon recently? XD

Demonskid 08-04-2010 06:54 PM

I am a sailor moon fan and I heard that song earlier today xD

Lucid: 08-04-2010 06:56 PM

Iunno. I haven't been on a sailor moon craze, if that helps. :3

Sadrain 08-05-2010 09:13 AM

Lawl. XD Well, I am neither, soo one more thing in common. x3

Lucid: 08-05-2010 04:36 PM

I have been on a pokemon craze though. >.>

Sadrain 08-05-2010 05:08 PM

I want my old poke team rebuilt, but I cna't find my poke card from those age old rps. >o<

Lucid: 08-05-2010 05:28 PM

I found my old cards the other day. I was supposed to be cleaning my room but I spent a ton of time looking through them instead. XD

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