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Pathosis 10-02-2012 05:16 PM

{pipe} dream ⇝ a quest thread {chat with me?}

Pathosis 10-02-2012 05:17 PM

pathosispathosispathBraen's Jacket ⇒ 12 - 15k

pathosispathosispatho.KAIMID 9001's Bundle ⇒ 4 - 6k

pathosispathosispatho.Ryuko's Bundle ⇒ 6 - 8k

pathosispathosispatho.Niya's Bundle ⇒ 6 - 8k

pathosispathosispatho.Kaym's Bundle ⇒ 4 - 6k

pathosispathosispatho.Ostiria's Bundle ⇒ 4 - 6k

pathosispathosispatho.Dragon Lord ⇒ 20 - 25k

pathosispathosispatho.Cyber Reaper ⇒ 15 - 20k

pathosispathosispatho.Looming Nightmare ⇒ 8 - 10k

pathosispathosispatho.Celestial Werewolf ⇒ 8k

pathosispathosispatho.Spirit of the Tribe ⇒ 10 - 12k

pathosispathosispatho.Victorian Vestments ⇒ 7 - 9k

pathosispathosispatho.Shimmering Serpent ⇒ 4k

pathosispathosispatho.Brave Victory ⇒ 10 - 15k

pathosispathosispatho.Nereid's Allure ⇒ 3 - 4k

pathosispathosispatho.Phaunos Spirit ⇒ 10 - 12k

pathosispathosispatho.Inventors Dream ⇒ 15 - 20k

pathosispathosispatho.Forest Guardian ⇒ 3 - 4k

pathosispathosispatho.Dark Tech Horns ⇒ 8 - 10k

pathosispathosispatho.Box of Despair ⇒ 12k (?)

pathosispathosispatho.Kaji ⇒ 10 - 12k

pathosispathosispatho.Koi Fin ⇒ 6 - 8k

Pathosis 10-02-2012 05:17 PM

pathosispathosispatho.littl3chocobo ⇒ Natural Brown Oriental Shirt

pathosispathosispatho.Lacrymosa_. ⇒ Angel's Tilted Halo
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Miishi the Cat
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Medical Medley
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Rainbow Magic
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Kyun the Sinopa
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Feysha's Corset
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Feysha's Dress
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Feysha's Circlet
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Decayed Alt'ui's wings
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Ellysia's Hair
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Ellysia's Jacket
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Ellysia's dress shirt
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Ellysia's Shoes
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Ellysia's Stockings
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Ellysia's Jacket
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Arryn's Wristband
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Arryn's Hair
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Katrine's Bundle
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Zara's Bundle
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Oinari's Outfit Bundle

pathosispathosispatho.Lorcan___.. ⇒ N'veiss' Bundle

pathosispathosispatho.Hermes___..⇒ Reign of the Jackal

pathosispathosispatho.Pink pantzer ⇒ Looming Nightmare

pathosispathosispatho.mokona418__⇒ Kaym's Bundle
pathosispathosispathosispathosispa....Ostiria's Bundle

pathosispathosispatho.Feythfull__⇒ Niya's Bundle

Pathosis 10-02-2012 05:18 PM

pathosispathosispathZephyr's Bundle ⇒ 7.5k

pathosispathosispath..Darberus's Bundle ⇒ 3.5k

pathosispathosispath..Pandora's Box of Despair ⇒ 5k

pathosispathosispath..Shimmering Serpent ⇒ 4k

pathosispathosispath..KAIMID 9001's Bundle ⇒ Commission payment

Hermes 10-02-2012 05:33 PM

lol first!

Hey Patho 8D

Pathosis 10-02-2012 05:39 PM

You popped the threads cherry! o:

Hey, Hermes~
What's up? :p

Hermes 10-02-2012 05:40 PM

I'm good at poppin those~

Not much, talkin to people n stuff! How you doin?

Batty 10-02-2012 05:42 PM

-peeks head around the corner-

Hermes 10-02-2012 05:43 PM

*peeks head on the batty head* HAI

Batty 10-02-2012 05:43 PM

How do you peek a head on my head?


Pathosis 10-02-2012 05:44 PM

Lol. Saaaaaaame, until my man gets here.
Which should be soon-ish.
Other than that, I'm watching the man in my signature.
It's depressing that he isn't around anymore.
He retired. :/
His Toy Soldier Army is still at large though, and I'm a member. :p
I love Dr. Steel~ <3

AAAAAAAAH, A BAT! (/points)
Hey~ 8D

Batty 10-02-2012 05:46 PM


How be you?

Hermes 10-02-2012 05:46 PM

Oh my god. I already love him.

batty. It's me. In a labcoat

Batty 10-02-2012 05:50 PM

Labcoats frighten me..

Hermes 10-02-2012 05:52 PM

Then you would hate seeing me at fright night o.o

Batty 10-02-2012 05:55 PM

They remind me of Galla.
And experiments.


Pathosis 10-02-2012 05:55 PM


I be good, just killing time. Chattin' and stuuuuuff.
Glad I finally made this.
I got so confused by the [ list] [ /list], because on other sites it indents the text. xD
But here, it makes bullet points. D8


You should listen to his other PSA's.
And then his music.
And then join his Army. Because we're all oddballs there.
And they hold a NERF battle every year in Virginia.
But I can't go. Unless I get a ride with someone from the Canadian Division.
But even then, I'd have to pay.
And djhgdkjghksfs

Colonel Canker from the Toronto division I'm a member of usually goes.
Older, kind of chubby man with grey hair and a beard.
So if you see him, yeah.

Hermes 10-02-2012 05:56 PM

I'm in california xD So no virginia trips for me

Pathosis 10-02-2012 06:01 PM

You'd be surprised how far people travel for Dr. Steel events. xDD
It's crazy. Lol.
But anyways, gotta go. Boyfriend just got here. 8D

Batty 10-02-2012 06:02 PM

No Florida ones either =[

Hermes 10-02-2012 06:02 PM

Have fun! And he looks like he has his own cult-hit culture, so not surprised

Batty 10-02-2012 06:04 PM


Bye bye, Patho! Seee chu laters :3

Hermes 10-02-2012 06:18 PM

Wanna keep her thread alive to be all surprisey? >3

Pinkie 10-02-2012 06:19 PM

HAPPY DONATIONS!!!! =dances=

Hermes 10-02-2012 06:41 PM

So, Patho, I signed up, and now I'm listening to music and such

Pathosis 10-02-2012 08:12 PM

Thank you so much! <3

Did you?
What role did you choose?
Soldier? Nurse? Toy Scout?
I'm a Toy Scout. You can find my profile here. :p

Pinkie 10-02-2012 08:28 PM

He he your welcome! I wanted to help sorry its not much more

Pathosis 10-02-2012 08:31 PM

Pffffft, don't be ridiculous!
You gave me a more expensive item!
That's looooads of help~ seriously. :)

Pinkie 10-02-2012 08:35 PM

Well I am glad I did help then!!

Pathosis 10-02-2012 08:37 PM

(/snuggles and loves on)
o u o <3
I'm honestly happy that people are even chatting with me~
Normally, on other sites, my quest threads just sink to the bottom without a single post.

Hermes 10-02-2012 11:48 PM

I'm just your average ol' soldier. I want to get a uniform now, but I no has monies ;n; I should try and make some, to get a uniform. I'd wear something that snazzy everywhere!

Pathosis 10-02-2012 11:58 PM

Dude, you don't have to buy a uniform from the site.
TSU encourages making your own!
Go to a Thrift Store, and find colours you need and accessories you like. :)
It's what I did for mine!

Old picture is oooooooold.
My patches are paper glued onto old black socks I cut up. :p
My sleeves are a pair of nylons that I cut the crotch out of to make a hole for my head.
If that's not creativity, I don't know what is. xDDD

Hermes 10-02-2012 11:59 PM

Very creative! No, no, I just mean to fund making one. Then again, I don't know how to sew, so I could ask Megan to do it for me...Hmm... I just, honestly, like wearing nice pants, belts, and collared shirts, so the generic soldier uniform idea works well for me. xD I was like "THEY DRESS LIKE ME 8D"

Pathosis 10-03-2012 12:10 AM

I'm glad you're getting into it. :p
I've recruited a handful of people, but none have really stuck with it. :/
I've been with TSU since...2009? Has to be at least 2008 or 2009.
Because I didn't have short hair in grade 12. And grade 12 was 2010 for me.

Unfortunately, I don't go on the site that much, but I've been visiting more recently.
The Live Chat is a good place to meet people outside of the forums.

Those are the only other pictures I have of me in my uniform. xD

Hermes 10-03-2012 12:16 AM

Oh my god I love it xD I have the black pants. I just need a shirt and patches, actually. And I'll end up wearing a hat <<

EDIT: I'll be back in a bit! Gotta drop a friend off

Pathosis 10-03-2012 12:34 AM

A top hat?
Or a ball-cap type hat? o:
There are a LOT of eccentric characters on TSU.

Like Jack. xDD

I haven't seen him in AGES.
You never see him without the bandana. He calls himself Cthulhu. xD

And Monte. But I can't find any good pictures of him. D:
He has a handlebar moustache and I do believe he's a YellowJacket.
One of the highest ranks you can be in the Army.
Since not everyone can wear yellow and black stripes.
He's the one on the end. xD

mokona418 10-03-2012 01:27 AM

i have a Kaym's Bundle and Ostria bundle don't use, so i'll give you for help your quest ^^

Hermes 10-03-2012 01:30 AM

Yes yes, I read up on the yellowjacket thing! Okay I have pants and a belt. I just need shirt and patches. and I mean like one of these hats

I have one with an eclectic patterns design and kinda rainbowy. Batty has it, I might ask her pretty please if I can borrow it for occasions, and see if I can find a yellow one =3

Pathosis 10-03-2012 01:31 AM

Thank you SO MUCH, Mokona!
I really appreciate any donation. 8D
It brings me that much closer to finishing my quest. <3

Ooooh, yeah, I was thinking of that kind of hat. :p
I just couldn't explain it, so ball-cap was the closest I could say. xD
I'm so jealous that you can meet people from here offline. Dx

Hermes 10-03-2012 01:32 AM

Now someone donate me a plain black long-sleeve collared shirt and 18 bucks for patches!

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