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Rosekitten 04-05-2013 07:36 PM

SAI tips
So known to a few I started drawing again. Slow process as I'm working on going through the human figure step by step. Come to find out there are certain parts I hate worse then hands actually. But anyway...

I use SAI as my main program (don't bring it up in here that you think PS is better, I have PS and certain things yes are easier or better in the program). I was curious if anyone had any settings or tips that they liked from the program. Seeing as I got a new tablet recently I've been playing with the settings to find ones I personally like.

Liethell 12-06-2013 12:53 PM

I love using paint tool SAI. It's just easier to use sometimes. I think I can help you find some good things for SAI, if you won't mind it.

Most times, when you get a new brush, you're just copying someone else's settings, but sometimes you'll need to download a texture or brush shape of some kind, and I've found a download pack or two that make your brushes all the better.

This pack Is probably the most well rounded download pack for SAI I've found. It includes textures, brush shapes, brush textures, and brushes themselves.

Does that help at all?

Lawtan 12-06-2013 03:10 PM

What's SAI? *Keeps getting acronyms on google search*

Liethell 12-06-2013 04:53 PM

Paint Tool Sai is the full name. SAI is a digital art program that's made to replicate the way traditional art feels. It's one of the more popular art programs out there, and it's pretty intuitive and easy to use. I've heard it called the most user-friendly program out there!

Of course, the program doesn't offer everything photoshop does, since photoshop is much bigger and capable of much more, but SAI makes the actual drawing and painting portion of creating digital art easier and more accessible. Two really neat tools to note are the vector line tool, which makes vector lines much easier than photoshop's tool, and the stabilizer, which intentionally slows your pen down to make smooth and flawless lines.

As the wikipedia says, you have to pay for the program, but I believe it's also one of the more pirated art programs out there.

Personally, I think it's one of the best programs and I use it about 60-80% of the time, depending on what project I'm working on. I think the only downside is the limits on the brushes that SAI has--typically, you're limited to the texture, brush shape, and whatever settings there already are on the brush. I use Photoshop for a lot of my specialized brushes and all. Secondly, it's a lightweight program and doesn't make your computer run too hot, but it also means it doesn't have the neat features that Photoshop has, like text and filters. I've found it most useful for replicating anime or comic-y styles, but I've seen some incredibly realistic paintings come out of it.

Lawtan 12-06-2013 05:19 PM

Liethell, I'll need to look for that, then.
...also, Rose, what is that bird you have there?

Liethell 12-06-2013 05:29 PM

Of course. If you need help looking for SAI, just PM me or something! I can also help you set it up or show you how to use it.

Espy 12-12-2013 02:20 AM

By the way, there's a new SAI (Paint Tool SAI 2), in case you all were interested. Currently in beta.

Lawtan 12-12-2013 02:22 AM

Yay! *spins Espy around in a hug* thanks!

Espy 12-12-2013 02:36 AM

...-twitches slightly at hug- I don't do hugs, usually, remember.

Lawtan 12-12-2013 02:39 AM

-sighs- yeah. Didn't know that included online, though.
*gets an mischevious glint in my eyes*

Liethell 12-12-2013 12:12 PM

I heard about the update Espy! You don't happen to know if there's an English patch out there somewhere, do you? I'm excited to get my mitts on some of these new tools 83c

Lawtan 12-12-2013 03:45 PM

Umm...where do you all get these updates on things I know nothing of...?

Rosekitten 12-15-2013 09:04 PM

I had kinda forgotten about this thread, I was just online checking up on a few people given that I more or less quit this site and gave everything but what I'm wearing away.

I didn't hear about the update, that's good to see its still being worked on though. I haven't done a lot of art work as of late just too much going on so too stressed to focus on it really. I had started a piece not long ago and was almost to doing the final lines layer when I just didn't feel like continuing anymore.

I have noticed that most of the brushes for SAI are just settings but I've picked up some tips from those settings to say the least. I haven't tried to do much of anything wit download brushes yet but maybe once I correct my mood or mind set I can try.

Espy 12-16-2013 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Lawtan (Post 1603542)
Umm...where do you all get these updates on things I know nothing of...?

Just by lurking around...


Originally Posted by Liethell (Post 1603509)
I heard about the update Espy! You don't happen to know if there's an English patch out there somewhere, do you? I'm excited to get my mitts on some of these new tools 83c

No, sorry.

Liethell 12-16-2013 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Rosekitten (Post 1604057)
I have noticed that most of the brushes for SAI are just settings but I've picked up some tips from those settings to say the least. I haven't tried to do much of anything wit download brushes yet but maybe once I correct my mood or mind set I can try.

Most brushes for Paint Tool Sai are presented in the form of settings. It's part of why it's limited in what it can do, but part of what makes it easy too. The update might change things though...

Lawtan 12-16-2013 02:45 PM

...Must be lurking in the wrong places often...

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