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Worm 04-10-2018 08:58 PM

Hal narrowed his eyes playfully, strumming his chin with his fingers. "What exactly are you suggesting, Ash?" He smiled, breaking his obviously faked seriousness. "Cus if I'm yours... Does that make you the alpha?" He cocked his head, now more confused than he should have been.

Nora stopped the stupidity, giving a glare of "how dumb are you?" to Hal. "Whatever. We can figure out pack logistics later. We need to figure out food." Hal rolled his eye. "I've been saying that I was hungry this whole damn time. C'mon now." He wanted to be stern and such, but he was kinda happy that the cute girl from the diner actually liked him. He couldn't stop smiling once in a while.

"Alright. So are we going out to eat, or - ?" Nora suggested, looking over the three, particularly Ash who would normally handle the cooking. "Bill's on me if we go anywhere." She mentioned, not wanting to put that kind of pressure on her significant other.

"Ooh ooh! Yes! Let's go to the den." He grinned ear to ear as if he were a small child begging his mother. By den, of course he meant the diner that Ash and him met at. "Is that the only place you eat at?" Nora growled.

"N-no! You just met me! How the fuck would you know what I eat?!" He shot back with an accusatory glance.

"Whatever. Let's get going." She looked at her phone for the time before popping up again to add on. "Unless either of you cuties had another suggestion?" She looked to each of them with a gentle pressure. Only because she wasn't the most patient person when she was hungry, and she certainly liked to impress her friends. Plus, she didn't want to make Audrey regret coming over.

sylvanSpider 04-10-2018 09:59 PM

Ash smirked, cocking her eyebrow in a dare for him to test her, "That depends. What do you think I'm suggesting and is it something you'd be interested in?" Ash crossed her legs and leaned back, slumping into her chair in a brief melding with the furniture, "I can be the alpha if you want, but I'm out of practice."

Audrey sat pale listening to the conversation, obviously not expecting to be in this situation. She'd been kept over the course of the night out of spite and ran into not only another werewolf, but an alpha, and one who didn't know what the hell he was doing.

Ash shrugged, "If you're offering to foot the bill, we could go out. I wouldn't mind cooking either though, provided we've got the shit for it. I'm poor as hell right now. Still waiting on my checked to get wired. The Den is cheap though, so it would be nice and we already have a vote for it. I'll go ahead and second it. The pie and coffee's good at least." She uncrossed her legs and struggled up from her slumped over position and stretched. "Shall we get going?"

Worm 04-11-2018 11:48 PM

Hal still wasn't sure what Ash was implying, but either way it made a tent rise in his pants the way she said it. Like a dog with its tongue lolling from its mouth, he watched the ladies discuss breakfast. "Then its settled." Nora noted before looking over to Audrey, perfectly uncomfortable. She had to wonder if her secretary had her own life that she'd put on hold for this unexpected adventure. She wondered what the life of an omega must be like.

"Audrey, is that okay with you?" Nora smiled warmly while grabbing her wallet and handbag. She was still in her clothes from the night before and rarely left the house in such a dilapidated manner. Her hair was pulled back, but her bun was messy. Her eyes showed a lack of sleep, comfortable bags resting beneath her piercing eyes. Hal leapt to his feet, following the lead. If he really was an alpha, Nora would be more than shocked. He seemed like a compliant lap dog. Maybe that would be easier to deal with than an actual alpha.

sylvanSpider 04-19-2018 03:14 PM

Ash took Hal's silence as a yes, that smirk staying on her face as she picked up a pillow and pressed it to his chest, "You're being indecent, Hal. Thought you were more classy than that. This might help to ah, hide it." She winked and wet her lips, her eyes drifting down to his nether regions - if only for a moment.

Had Audrey heard Nora's inner musings, she would have answered that she had utterly no life. She was a shut in, aside from work. Nora was essentially the only person she saw willingly, save for when she needed to get essentials from the store. Even then, she'd found ways to buy in bulk so those trips were sparse. She looked at the watch on her wrist, "Uhm, well, technically, I'm supposed to be at work with you at 10 a.m., and it's currently 9:30, so if it is alright with you, my employer, I'd be alright with that."

Worm 04-21-2018 04:01 AM

With the pillow shoved into his lap, Hal reddened. He gripped it close for a moment, taking a long breath through his nostrils, eyes closed so he could focus on other things. Like Ash's voice, her hair, her smell.... He shook his head, hoping to shake out all of the indecent thoughts.

Nora paid no attention to this exchange, giving Audrey the light of day now. When she mentioned the time, Nora was baffled. She craned her neck back to look at the digital clock on their wall. "Well... Aren't you punctual?" She smiled to her assistant. "Then, today we'll focus on making a safety agreement for Hal and - if you'd like - we can make one for you as well." Nora was not a secretive woman, but an organized one. She only told what information was necessary and at the appropriate times. It came in handy when working with her mysterious clients. Right now, she was happy to be self-employed with a dedicated employee such as Audrey.

"I'll discuss the details with you all over breakfast." She smirked. Hal finally got to his feet, tossing the pillow onto the couch where Nora just stood from.

"Does that mean I get paid too?" He joked, stretching his arms behind his head and yawning.

"Pai- NO!?" Nora screeched.

"Aww, but Audrey's getting paid to do this boring stuff... All I agreed to was breakfast." He sneered like an asshole.

"What, am I talking to a five year old?" She shot a glance back at Ash still unsure what she found in Hal.

"Do I have to fill out paperwork?" His face shifted between "let me poke Nora's buttons" to genuine curiosity.

"Well... That was what I had in mind." Nora fumed, glaring at Hal and projecting her self consciousness onto him.

"Just- Get moving. I'm driving." Nora sighed, snatching her car keys from the hook near their door before shoving Hal from behind. She forgot how big the man was, it felt like pushing against a door. After a moment of Nora struggling, he chuckled and began to move. How she got from one wild one to three, was a mystery.

sylvanSpider 04-24-2018 08:17 PM

If Ash was offended by Hal's biology acting up, she made no sign of it. Where a scowl would have been for others, a self-satisfied smirk lay etched on her features and she raised her eyebrows and gave a terse upwards nod to the alpha. She was loving every minute of this and she was going to be as bratty as humanly possible, if she could help it.

Audrey blinked with the sudden attention on her and she squirmed in her seat, “I uhm...I need to be attentive when I'm with my employer, yes?” Audrey was on her A-game, but then, she felt she needed to be. She had finally assimilated into human culture away from her old pack. Or, at least, she felt she had. Humans had jobs, right? She couldn't have been the only shut in, right? “Safety agreement? For me? You'd really do that?” Her eyes were wide, not expecting this little bit of kindness, but a safety agreement? She'd never had to draft documents like that for Miss Nora before, and what would such an agreement consist of? An NDA of sorts, maybe? That would be the only effective way she could cause harm to either her or Hal, after all. “What...what kind of safety agreement? What are the stipulations? Do you need me to draft those documents?”

Ash walked over to Hal, resting both arms on his shoulders and looked up at him smugly, “And what exactly would she be paying you for? If anything, it should be you paying her for approving of you in the first place.” She straightened and stretched half-skipping to the door to get this herd of cats moving. “I'm fuckin' hungry. Let's just go.”

Worm 05-02-2018 04:17 PM

Now at the diner, after a very loud and interesting car ride, each member of the slowly forming pack had food in front of them. Nora made sure to push each of them to order whatever their heart desired. Hal was shoveling food into his mouth at extreme speeds. Even though he worked here, he never got tired of waffles and bacon. He liked to make waffle sandwiches, which was what he’d managed to get from his coworker. A hot pot of coffee sat in the center of them, and was already getting low.

Nora reached out to pour another cup, but only managed to get a half cup. So she extended her arms to get the attention of a passing server. ”Yes, could we get another pot here?” She smiled, gesturing to the now empty pot. The server nodded and grabbed the empty one. ”Certainly!” Nora took her time to eat, using her silverware like a proper British person.

”So, the safety agreement.” Nora cleared her throat to bring up their business matters. ”This is mainly a contract to protect the identities of both of you.” Nora looked between the eyes of Audrey and Hal. ”And it is also to ensure that none of us overstep boundaries, while protecting the best interest of ourselves.” She slid a small handwritten piece of paper to Audrey.

1. All members are equal
2. In order to protect the omega, betas are required to stay with omegas in transport
3. Alphas are required to make sure that omegas are never alone, and that all members are equipped and trained
3. Consent and communication is required in every situation no matter what

”This is what I have so far.” Nora sipped her coffee, letting Audrey read. Hal leaned forward, seated across from Audrey. He wanted to see, but still allowed the omega to read. As she took her time, he sighed and leaned back, shoulders rubbing against Ash in the small booth.

”Audrey, you tell me if this looks acceptable and if we need anything else.” Nora adjusted her glasses, keeping an eye on the other customers in the diner. She didn’t want to think about the possibility of a hunter or another pack member hiding in plain sight. But now, she had to take all precautions.

sylvanSpider 05-20-2018 03:08 AM

Ash had no problem whatsoever in choosing what she wanted. Her heart's desire lay with a stack of thick french toast, drenched in butter and syrup. When the coffee came, she poured some for the others then filled her own cup, already bringing the pot halfway down again. They were coffee drinkers, apparently, and they were coffee drinkers that had evidently stayed up through the night. Ash was suffering more than Audrey in that regard, but that could have been accounted for in their biology. Werewolves were nocturnal. It was more than likely her job that cut into her resting hours.

Audrey settled with a simple set of toast and eggs, eating hers as daintily as Nora. “Identity protection is probably the most important thing a wolf has,” she murmured, nodding in agreement with her employer. Her eyes scanned the piece of paper and she set down her fork and knife and her brow furrowed in a sort of confused, albeit relieved manner. “Well, it's unlike anything I've ever had with a pack before, but I have to say that I like it. I'm not used to being an equal or having any sense of consent, but I think it will suit me nicely. The qualm I may have is number three. Hal is our one alpha here, and he doesn't know enough to train others.”

“Valid point,” Ash said agreeing. “He can't handle himself, let alone the affairs of others. So, we'll have to figure out how we can get him to control his impulses or even remember what he's doing in his other form.” Ash realized that they were speaking fairly loudly when she got a raised eyebrow from the table across the aisle and she smirked nodding to them, “It's a furry fantasy roleplay. Highly sexual. Feel free to keep listening, but I can't promise you'll like what you hear.”

“Um, waiter? Mind if we move?” was the response and Ash had to keep herself from cackling. “That handles that I guess.”

Audrey facepalmed.

Worm 05-24-2018 12:59 AM

Nora cut into her egg, letting the viscous, yellow center drip down and into the cracks of her hashbrowns. She smiled through each paced bite. "Well, that's why - if I may make a suggestion - I think that we should all agree to train Hal together." Hal pressed his eyebrows together, mouth agape and full of food.

"Arsh you sherious?" He finished chewing and gulped, followed by a swig of coffee. "I don't need training!" He spat, after loudly placing his mug back on the table.

"Excuse me. But an alpha would never have time to be a slob such as yourself." Nora smiled, the horrified table glancing back at her as they made their way to the back of the room with a server. Nora had to let a chuckle slip. "And besides... We don't want to get caught. And I don't trust that kind of power in your grungy paws." She smirked, taking another bite of her savory breakfast.

Hal rolled his eyes. But he had to agree. He showed that through disgruntled silence. "Now, I'm not saying that you guys are moving in with us. What I'm saying is that we need to be here for each other. Especially Hal, since he is so new to this whole thing. And also, you Audrey, since you are in a vulnerable position and now... You've got more humans and alphas who know about it... That must be scary." She tried to reassure her through understanding. "And if either of you don't like the idea of this, or want to say fuck it and forget us, please, by all means. I won't think of you any differently, Audrey. And we can work as per usual." She smiled warmly towards the mousy girl.

sylvanSpider 06-04-2018 06:38 PM

Audrey nodded, already expecting that proposition, but Ash cocked her eyebrow, “Do you have any experience training anything?” Ash said with a laugh and a snort, “I mean, besides me, of course.” Ash said this, then took a giant bite of buttery, syrupy french toast, her eyes rolling to the back of her head in pleasure.

Audrey made it a point to take a bite as soon as Hal said he didn't need training. He quite obviously did, but she wasn't going to be the one to tell an alpha what he needed and what he didn't. She chewed slowly, feeling the chunks of bacon on her tongue, the yoke coating her tongue in protein and deliciousness. Lucky for Audrey, Ash was more than willing to speak again, “You don't need training?” She leaned her head back and laughed, “Forgive me, but how long did you know you were a wolf boy? And who was it that found that shit out for you? Oh, that's right, it sure as shit wasn't you. You do need training, and we're willing to help you. You gonna take us up on that or no? You might get to see some other benefits aside from actually being able to control yourself.” Here, she added a wink for added effect.

The timid werewolf shook her head, “You all are...nice...compared to what I've seen. I'm not worried about you guys knowing, and I'm not as threatened by an alpha that doesn't even know how to control his forms. Not like...the ah...the others. I agree to it, and I agree to it all. But if we're going to be training Hal, his first lesson is going to have to be on control and his second is going to have to be on stealth.”

Worm 06-05-2018 02:48 AM

Nora scowled, glaring at Ash after her pointed comment. No matter how badly she wanted to slap her, she restrained herself, knowing that she could direct her spite more effectively later. After all, the girl was pretty cute as she enjoyed her breakfast. So she grinned and let it go. Hal, however, was a different story. She was so fed up with his ignorance and his attitude.

"Well, I'll do it. But not because I think I need training. I'll do it to protect Audrey." He scoffed, looking over the three sets of eyes judging him for his pathetic comment. "What?" He shrugged.

Nora was at a loss for words. And it was evident in her expression, mouth agape, brows furrowed. "I-I can't even handle this level of stupidity and toxic masculinity!" She huffed.

"Toxic masculinity? I just said I was going to do it! I'll comply, I'll submit, whatever!" Hal growled, returning the angry glare.

Nora sighed loudly, trying to release the desire to kick the crap out of him. "Solely because we are in a public place right now. I will let your stupidity slide. But when we are back in my house. Its my rules. And that means that you will do as we say," She gestured to the other two women. "-until we deem your training complete."

Hal looked over them all again, almost ashamed, but not quite socially adept enough to realize that his comments were offensive. "Fine." He groaned. "Fine." He sipped his coffee and muttered into his cup, as if it would protect Nora from hearing. "Pretty kinky, I'd say."

Nora raised her eyebrows to their heighest heights and looked over at Ash, steaming and asking for her reassurance. After all, that silly thing was her rock. Then, after a long breath in with Ash, she looked back to Audrey. "Thank you Audrey. For trusting us in this regard. I truly appreciate your time and understanding. I respect you in more ways than a simple business partner. Knowing what I now know about you, has only allowed me to respect you more." She grabbed her hands in both an effort to secure the sincerity in her statement, and to ground her away from Hal's chuckling in the background.

"Gayyyyyyyy." He chortled, and just like that, Nora switched. She threw herself over the table, her breasts grazing the last bit of her breakfast as she reached for Hal's ear and snatched it. She tugged on it and he whimpered.

"You will not disrespect me again, you hear me?" She spoke between closed teeth.

"Yes ma'am!" He blurted.

"Thank you." And she released him and returned to her conversation with Audrey. "Anyways. I absolutely agree with you, Audrey. I think control and stealth are great goals to start with. And because me and Ash are geared up, we have plenty of ways to make him submit. It would be good for him to know his full power, without becoming a danger to any of us. And ... I don't mean this with any disrespectful intent, but do you - wolves, have any weaknesses?" She choked on the last word. "I mean, just as a safety precaution. The movies and stuff always show them as being weak against silver. Is that based in any truth?" Nora was desperate for more answers.

The waiter returned just in time to give them all judgmental looks, refill their water/coffee, and slide them the check. "Take your time." Nora grabbed the check and placed hard cash and tip and handed it to the waiter before he could leave. Hal winked at the waiter, who gave him a pity grin. They were coworkers, and he knew all too well what these ladies must be dealing with. "Thank you. Have a great day."

sylvanSpider 06-06-2018 02:09 AM

Ash could see the effect she had on her girlfriend and reveled in it, just barely restraining herself from licking her lips and daring Nora to do something about it. Their lifestyle was already out on the table for the two wolves to see (the equipment they were stocked with stood enough of a testament to that). However, even Ash wasn't immune to Hal's stupid comments and found herself rolling her eyes.

“Man, she's an omega. The fact that she's still alive is enough to prove that she don't fuckin' need us, mate. At least, not the extent you paint it up to be,” Ash said, pushing her now empty plate to the edge of the table for the waitress to take at her leisure. “And yes, toxic masculinity. Believing you can protect someone just because you have a wangle dangle between your legs is the perfect example of toxic masculinity. If you had experience as a wolf or even the slightest know how on how to control yourself, maybe it'd be just skill, but as it stands, you sound pretty fuckin' ignorant, Hal.” Ash snorted and wished she would have ordered the five-stack rather than the three as she felt like she could still eat, but the others appeared as if they were nearing the end of their meals so it would probably be best to let it sit anyway and not eat more than she should.

Ash put her elbows on the table and leaned forward, “Kinky, you say? No, that only happens when you're good. And trust me, I know this from experience. So far, you have not been what one would call 'good'.” She reached across the table and ran a nail up his forearm, “Just try to play nice, okay?”

Audrey stacked her plate neatly on top of Ash's and proceeded to clasp her hands in her lap, listening to the conversation. It wasn't a part of her nature to interrupt, and as they all seemed to be almost talking over each other, she didn't really have a chance to speak until she was addressed by her greatly respected employer. She nodded and smiled, wishing to hide the red in her cheeks and opened her mouth to speak, but Hal's comment set Nora off and she leaned back so no food would spill on her, and she clapped a hand over her mouth.

Ash was laughing at this point and Audrey bowed her head. “How'd you know how to do that? I was going to suggest it when he went wolf form, but it seems that translated over to human form perfectly.”

With the bill paid, the party all stood and Audrey looked to her employer, “So...what do we do now? I am technically under your employ, though I'm not marking this down for my hours. Should we go to the office, or try to rest? None of us slept last night, so I imagine we're all a little tired...”

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