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Areishia 10-03-2013 02:55 AM

Hello! May I please buy 1 "Nocturnalis Harves" and 1 "The Gate of Decision" for 4k each?

Sadrain 10-03-2013 04:25 AM

I find it slightly creepy someone edited my rune & aurum count. @_@ Not that staff can't see them anyways, probably, but still.
Anyhow, thank you, Arikana!

And you most certainly can, Areishia! Trade will come soon from my mule.

Areishia 10-03-2013 05:47 AM

o.O! Oh my, I hope they didn't do anything else. I think it would be a good idea to change your password.

Also, thank you for selling to me :3.

Sadrain 10-03-2013 06:13 AM

Oh no, I didn't get hacked, just that Arikana can't trade (too big invo, I am guessing) and she asked some of the staff simply edit my rune/aurum count. Or that's how I'm taking it.

Logging into mule to send trade now and thank you for shopping at Market between Clouds. :) Stay for a chat?

Areishia 10-03-2013 06:17 AM

I'm happy to hear you weren't hacked and I just jumped to conclusions :3.

I'd love to stay and chat :D.

Sadrain 10-03-2013 06:18 AM

That's alright, it's sort of unusual situation, I guess.

And that's wonderful. :) How are you today? I like your avatar, by the way.

Areishia 10-03-2013 06:27 AM

I'm rather good and thank you for the compliment. I made this avatar today because I stopped liking my old one (which was supposed to be my avatar for Halloween >.>).

I also like your avatar a lot, all the shades of blue go very well together with the gold :3.

How has your day been?

Sadrain 10-03-2013 06:32 AM

Well, this looks Halloweeny, too! And thank you, I didn't really find anything for bottom that I liked, so these skirts will have to do, heh. But I had lot of fun with hair on this avatar, still loving the layering system. xD

My day's been somewhat okay, not too bad, thank you for asking. And yours?

Areishia 10-03-2013 06:38 AM

I made it, more or less, with the holiday in mind :3, but for the most part I just wanted to use the Aloros item and this is the first avatar I came up with :3.

The hair looks fantastic, to be honest I didn't think/know it was a combination of more then one style when I saw it (and now as well).

Trisphee has the best layering system of all avatar sites as far as I'm concerned :D.

My day has been going well I'd say, but it's still early (1:37 pm right now). I'm just listening to a song and checking out some other sites every now and then. I just found out they're making a new Sonic Cartoon by browsing trough Screw Attack's website.

Sadrain 10-03-2013 07:06 AM

Ah, that reminds me, I should catch September's items while I still can with the new runes. ;>.>

Yes, they flow together remarkably well. My one big problem is that I now don't have nearly enough commons as I would like and I don't remember alll the poses from the items I have, so I end up not layering them as much as I could. But the system is indeed the very best!

It seems we are in the same time zone. :) It's now 2:06pm for me, sorry for disappearing, had some things to take care of. And what are you listening to, if I may ask?

Areishia 10-03-2013 07:39 AM

I don't really like any of the rune items this time around, but since I'm unable to donate I guess it's a "good" thing ^6;.

I don't have too many items of any kind, but I guess it does help out when I'm making an avatar sometimes xD. I just really wish Trisphee had a dream avatar creator of some kind but I can understand why there isn't one...

It seems we are :). Sorry for disappearing as well, I keep reading the "The Last of Us" wiki and it's distracting me quite a bit.

Courtesy Call by Thousand Foot Krunch is the song I'm listening to right now :3.

Sadrain 10-03-2013 11:44 AM

Well, ever since this site opened, I've always got 1 of each donation item. I've finally run low on runes and don't stably earn enough to keep buying them every month (and I don't donate), so I guess I will have to break the tradition, but I just managed to get some runes for September's so one more month of holding onto it.

Yes, dream avatar creator would be nice, but there is thread (although not updated) that shows most of item poses, which can be nice reference, if you can be bothered to go through it.

Ahaha, it is probably quite extensive, I've heard a lot about the game. And I got drawn into another episode of "Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman". ^^;

I will youtube that up. :) I'm always looking for more music suggestions from people, found lot of amazing bands that way like Sick Puppies, Halestorm, Blackmore's Night and others.

EDIT: O_O; That sounds like pop x metal and strangely addictive rhythm.

Areishia 10-03-2013 12:03 PM

I'd say you should hold onto your runes in case you might like the October donation items (unless you really like the current ones and have yet to purchase any of them).

I have that thread bookmarked and look through it every now and then, especially if I want to see what an item(s) I might be interested to buy looks like xD.

Normally when I find out about games that I would probably never be able to play yet still find their story/concept interesting I just look for walkthroughs on youtube or read the story somewhere. That way I can know the story and what happens in the game without playing it xD. It might not be as fun but, well, I mostly care about the story so it works for me :3.

I have no idea what gender of music I'm listening to half the time xD. I just simply fail at recognizing them half of the time so I just stopped bothering to even try (more or less).

Sadrain 10-03-2013 12:46 PM

Well, I have emergency runes and I might buy another 40 just in case, since I just had some income from trades. :)

Wow, haha, on both gaming & music aspect I do very similarly! I like to play games, but I don't have any gaming consoles, so I can't play those and I can just find more about them through reading. I like to read on about games and mmos I am playing too!

As for music, I have to wikipedia most of genres of bands I listen, but generally, it's metal, rock, and then things I just can't put in one big genre, personally. Just sometimes music strikes as one genre or mix of them, like that particular song. I'm listening to some more Thousand Foot Krutch and apparently, they have lot of catchy rhythms, I will check them out further.

Areishia 10-03-2013 12:56 PM

That's good to know :).

The one game I'm really "getting into" at least with reading, watching, etc. right now is Smite. I just love the whole Gods vs Gods theme it has since I like reading about mythology :3. Though I wish they would just merge the Greek and Roman pantheon into one and rename that Mountain of Olympus >.>... Then again the entire Greco-Roman pantheon would have more then double the number of Gods in the Norse pantheon, which the pantheon with the second largest number of Gods (currently added) in the game. The other pantheons (though they could add more after they've "fleshed out" the existing pantheons) are Chinese, Egyptian, Mayan and Hindu.

I normally listen to rock (mostly alternative rock) as well, but I do like classical music and some Jazz(well, it could be Jazz... I think...). In any case I'm happy you like Thousand Foot Krutch :).

Arikana 10-03-2013 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by Sadrain (Post 1589385)
I find it slightly creepy someone edited my rune & aurum count. @_@ Not that staff can't see them anyways, probably, but still.
Anyhow, thank you, Arikana!

Sorry. D: But it's the only way I can trade nowadays with my obese inventory. >_>

And you're welcome. <3

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