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daikokunyo 04-21-2020 01:47 AM

yes, it's very easy on the stomach, it's so neutral. reminds me of rice. my mom has made cutlet type things with them and those were fun to eat, too.

yeah, you know how we're different from other people who follow diets of any kind? we can't have cheat days without consequences of a whole nother level. if i want to snarf some cheese one day, no matter how bad the craving is, i have to carefully wonder whether the consequences will be worth it.

Merskelly Metalien 04-21-2020 11:58 PM

;u; I got a single pimple pop up on my forehead as a!
<x] But at least it's not 3 of them at once, like it used to be.
8C My pores were practically leaking oil and grease every other day back then!
I did eat a lot of pizza, <U<; so I'm sure that had a lot to do with it.
-n- But although I granted myself a cheat day, I'm working on bettering my diet so it's a good variety of heart-healthy, easily made, feel-good foods. -u-
Like oats, beans, nuts, seeds, rice, veggie soups, salads, fruit and fish mostly. :D I found cutting out a lot of sugars, fast food, and dairy entirely really helped with my digestive issues as well as my complexion and energy. I can't let myself give up eating well! :/

daikokunyo 04-22-2020 01:03 AM

same here! i've found cutting out most diary to be very helpful, as well as minimising processed food in general. it's just so beneficial to eat better that i wonder why i didn't do that in the first place :P

Merskelly Metalien 04-23-2020 05:16 PM

>w> I'm not gonna feel bad if all the fast food chains around here go under. I'm really not. I think at home cooking with whole ingredients is the way to go. <:/ If only I actually had the drive to cook it is, my body just wants a meal to appear and has no intention of making it appear. <XD

daikokunyo 04-24-2020 01:25 AM

oh i know the feeling! i think single dish meals are great that way, like instant pot meals, and bakes. you make just one dish and it makes a meal or, increase the quantity and carry it over for more than one meal. and for breakfasts, granola and vegan or lactose-free yoghurt with whatever fruit you like is just a packed meal of nutrients that's good on the tummy too.
another thing i love is fermented foods, because you make a batch at once and can feed off it for days or months depending on the food item. and it's SO good on the tummy! probiotics ahoy :f-happy:
of course, when you cook for the rest of your family in the same go, it's difficult to make enough to carry over to your next meal.

Merskelly Metalien 04-25-2020 11:16 PM

:D I'd love a variety of healthy gut-friendly stuff every day!
^-^ Yogurt and Oatmeal and Spinach with Eggs.
:T But I need to incorporate more veggies if I wanna feel better. So far out of the new veggies I have tried, I can tolerate eating,
Red Bell Peppers,
Summer Squash,
and Zucchini.

Still no likey Onions and Avocados tho. >X/

Though I wanna make a veggie/shrimp Tortellini, :D With Marinara sauce, Garlic Shrimp, Olive oil, Spinach, and Baby Bella Mushrooms. ^_^ <3 Tasty.
But I also wouldn't mind learning to make rice and grilled vegetables. :O Could really use that for both lunch and dinner, maybe with some chicken or soup. :]

littl3chocobo 05-01-2020 09:45 AM

you might want to ease up on the grains a bit. in moderation they are good filler but they really aren't suitable for eating regularly

aside from that and the olives(bleh, olives!) it sounds like you are doing really well ^^

sadly i sort of went the other way last night, hahahaha, we had pan-fried eggs(over easy), porkchops, mushrooms, zucchini and broccoli crowns. i was really feeling rosemary and garlic last night and that was a good excuse to indulge

Biomecha 05-01-2020 08:13 PM

A million different things can contribute to gut issues, it's such an annoying process to figure out what can be triggers. Elimination diets can be really useful to help, but a lot of people don't seem to do them properly or confuse them as weight loss diets. A lot of probiotics and vegetables seem to have adverse reactions in my case. Along with many other things. My gut just really hates digesting anything in general.

littl3chocobo 05-01-2020 08:35 PM

live off of bone-broth and thinned tapioca? XD

Biomecha 05-01-2020 11:32 PM

I just take things that digest food for me. Like enzymes, acid, and bile. It depends on what has been ingested.

Merskelly Metalien 05-02-2020 01:06 AM

I don't think I need a whole lot to help, but I am lactose intolerant only. <:/ And might be getting increasingly sensitive to processed foods. I need an enzyme pill for whenever I know I am gonna be eating cheese or cream or butter <:[ since my body can't produce lactase very well on it's own, inhibiting my digestive tract from processing any whole or processed dairy without issue.

I found that most things containing dairy have been hazardous for my consumption.
;-; Which is a shame because it means I can't indulge in pizza like I used to in my high school years, when I was a pizza freak. <x'{
I can have cheese, but maybe only once a month. <:/ I typically get bloaty and break out, but also have a hard time with my intestines if I eat too much dairy.

So I did cut out dairy, almost entirely and it seemed to really clear up my skin, and I haven't had stomach issues for a while now. Which is great!

I also cut out most all fast food from my diet, as I found it's the biggest culprit of my digestive woes. >:/ No Del Taco, no Wendy's, no Jack in the Box! Nothin'! Maybe In N Out. >.>; But only once in a blue moon...because I like their fries.

Sugar tho is hard for me to stay away from since it's so addicting. 8{ I'm not even a sweet-tooth, and I can't eat any candy since just an ounce will jack me up something awful! But just some ice cream here, a little cookie there, maybe a muffin or two, is so hard to resist! <X'{
To get around this, I satisfy my sweet cravings with actual whole fruit, and if I must have baked treats, they gotta have nuts or berries, and it has to be only a bite-sized amount. I'm lucky I'm so picky with sweets, since chocolate and caramel are both revolting to me, but I do love me some childhood breakfast cereal. <B/ I'm a sucker for cereal.

Though for like gas pain trouble and tummy torture, I have ginger tea, emergency gas/bloating relief tablets, leg and back yoga stretches and exercises, bananas, and a functioning regurgitation response. ^~^; Which is a last resort, but I'm glad it's helped me at least once when I learned I had some bad pesto.

littl3chocobo 05-02-2020 07:59 AM

my liver has serious issues so coupled with my lack of dairy tolerance i have to heavily restrict my intake too, the messed up thing is next to nothing tastes appetizing without dairy in it. it is bananas x_____x

Merskelly Metalien 05-03-2020 09:21 PM

This $H1T is BANANAS!


(Couldn't help myself there. <x'})

littl3chocobo 05-03-2020 11:10 PM

>_> >___> >_____________> is that first banana's fly down?

Merskelly Metalien 05-04-2020 02:08 PM

*looks back at the gif*'re pajama bottoms fly???

littl3chocobo 05-04-2020 03:59 PM

it was looking suspiciously yellow there for a sec' i don't want to see any banana skin there

so, how is life as chum? XD

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