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Airina 02-17-2011 10:20 PM

My daddy's an actuary.

Demonskid 02-17-2011 10:21 PM

whats an actuary?

Airina 02-17-2011 10:24 PM

basically a statistician for insurance companies. he now works in a reinsurance broker company making software that automatically figures out how much people have to pay for reinsurance. It's confusing and nobody has ever heard of it unless they are an economics major.
They are the ones who figure out how much you need to pay for car insurance.

Demonskid 02-17-2011 10:25 PM

I see... how cool xD

I think I am gonna go to bed here soon my head is spinning @-@

Echo-chan713 02-17-2011 10:26 PM

My dad repairs generators

Airina 02-17-2011 10:26 PM

Night DK!!!
That's cool Echo. My dad is like the complete opposite of what most people would think an actuary would be like.

Demonskid 02-17-2011 10:28 PM

I don't know what my dad does =w= he used to be a truck driver (how he and mom met.. CB radio) then a mechanic (settled down cause I was coming) then.. I dunno x'D

off now.. night all

Airina 02-17-2011 10:28 PM

*waves bye to DK*

Echo-chan713 02-17-2011 10:29 PM

my dad jumped from one job to the other because of his foot problem when he fell off of a two story latter

Airina 02-17-2011 10:30 PM

o.O that doesn't sound very fun!!!

Echo-chan713 02-17-2011 10:42 PM

I've barely see him anyway

Airina 02-17-2011 10:43 PM

Why is that?

Echo-chan713 02-18-2011 12:12 AM

cause he lives in New York and I live in Colorado. When my mom and dad got divorced when I was 8; my mom had primary custody so I saw my dad every other weekend until I was 12. Then my mom took us to Colorado so that way he wouldn't see us again.

Airina 02-18-2011 12:14 AM

I'm sorry.... That would be hard. I'm glad that my parents are still together. I feel very fortunate.

Demonskid 02-18-2011 11:05 AM

._. the last time I seen my dad was... um.. the day mom took me away from him I think..

Echo-chan713 02-18-2011 12:53 PM

Last time is saw him was 2 years ago over the summer

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