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littl3chocobo 11-02-2019 11:45 PM

well, we could go to the chocobo corral and shitpoast? it's not the classiest way to get a count up but i'm not above bad puns and the occasional worse gif in the name of numbers XD

Biomecha 11-03-2019 12:57 AM

Really need a jacket that is actually capable of maintaining warmth, but not too heavy.

Found one that looks like it suits my needs and style.

*sees price tag*

*closes tab*

littl3chocobo 11-03-2019 02:20 AM

haha, pretty much XD

Espy 11-03-2019 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by Ava (Post 1923231)
I don't even have 500 posts... ;-;
I feel like I let myself down.

I usually strive to post 1k within the first two to three days of joining a new forum.

That’s... a lot

littl3chocobo 11-03-2019 05:14 AM

it can be a lot but it really depends on the site and person

MonBon 11-03-2019 08:01 PM

It's definitely a lot for me xD It doesn't help that I only log on here for about 10 minutes a couple days a week. I usually try to reply once to each thread that has something new, but only if I have something relevant to say

Biomecha 11-03-2019 08:16 PM

Found a snake skin. Hoping the weather keeps them in hibernation from now on.

littl3chocobo 11-03-2019 08:20 PM

so basically i have to make sure to say at least one contextually agreeable thing each time you get off so that when you visit again you'd talk to me? XD

poor snakes, yeah no waking up early

Kory 11-03-2019 10:14 PM

I think I just joined at a bad time in my life rn.
I'm usually much more talkative and way friendlier...


Coda 11-03-2019 10:35 PM

"Friendlier"? I've not seen anything but friendly out of you. Don't be too hard on yourself. :)

Biomecha 11-04-2019 12:13 AM

Anyone want to give me a ride to Seattle for The Northwest Chocolate Festival?

KittyBeary 11-04-2019 12:30 AM

IMO there's such a thing as "too friendly" like when you want space but some dude friends just......... >____> no I don't like you that way stAHP

littl3chocobo 11-04-2019 02:07 AM

i won't doubt you, ava but i will say you've been very agreeable and nice every time i've seen you

Merskelly Metalien 11-04-2019 03:43 AM

Ye, Ava is pretty sweet. And sweetly pretty. ^-^ Ver' nice lady.
*rolls head over* -U- So sleepin' tired..I should sleepin' sleep..

Kory 11-04-2019 07:36 PM

You're all so kind <3

Den and some other people replied to a post I made...
But I can't seem to find the thread these replies were in.


littl3chocobo 11-04-2019 07:51 PM

go to your post history perhaps?

Kory 11-04-2019 08:48 PM

I found it! :D

I hope you get some sleep, Merskelly!
Daylight savings time has been really messing me up!
It's worse than jetlag!

littl3chocobo 11-04-2019 08:50 PM

oh yeah, i forgot about that XD

KittyBeary 11-04-2019 08:57 PM

It's messed me up too x(

littl3chocobo 11-04-2019 08:58 PM

so is it ok to do a shout into the void or is this convo-only time?

Kory 11-04-2019 09:08 PM


If we aren't supposed to talk, I guess I'll share my shout;

My pregnancy test results NEVER came in. >:T
I'm super upset, but less anxious about the results. I'm going to have to buy an at-home test soon.
Thankfully, I live really close to a RiteAid and I can walk there tomorrow.

OKAY NEVERMIND. I just went on RiteAid's website and tried to find a cheap pregnancy test... but the reviews say that they don't work. Overwhelming amount of the reviews said that they're bad...

Whelp. :/ I guess I'll just wait until I see the doctor again next week for the results >:T


littl3chocobo 11-04-2019 09:12 PM

i mean, i think both are allowed i just know i wanna complain and this is the only place i know to do it XD

KittyBeary 11-04-2019 09:18 PM

Yeah we both shout random things and respond to other random things here. 8D

littl3chocobo 11-04-2019 10:00 PM

look at that siggie, oh my! XD

Kory 11-04-2019 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by littl3chocobo (Post 1923717)
i mean, i think both are allowed i just know i wanna complain and this is the only place i know to do it XD


I don't know why... but I keep thinking you're a girl?
I might be confusing you with someone else, though...

Sorry :(

I had a pair of jeans that used to look awesome on me!
But I also gained weight and I can't pull them over my thighs ;u;

bluebird 11-04-2019 11:11 PM

tuMmy AcHe

Coda 11-04-2019 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Ava (Post 1923776)

I don't know why... but I keep thinking you're a girl?
I might be confusing you with someone else, though...

Some girls have junk. Some guys don't. Trisphee has a higher than average concentration of such people.

MonBon 11-04-2019 11:25 PM

Yeah feel free to shout away

littl3chocobo 11-04-2019 11:28 PM

coda is right XD

for sure i am just kind of gender-fluid with my language and only took a more traditionally masculine tone recently for the sake of my family(i have a member who is really forgetful these days and isn't very good with ambiguity) so it is new and ill-fitting XD

they sell extending bands that you can clip to your trousers. if you wear a shirt that covers you can try that? or do you mean literally cannot get up to your waist because there is no room in the leg?

Kory 11-04-2019 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Coda (Post 1923782)
Some girls have junk. Some guys don't. Trisphee has a higher than average concentration of such people.

I was thinking of that too after I posted!

But I couldn't figure out how to word it D:

And @bluebird
I hope tummy ache goes away soon :(
Ginger tea has been helpful for me!

littl3chocobo 11-04-2019 11:34 PM

assuredly though my issue is i wear pretty fuckin' skirts, call people cuties and i'm unrepentant about the whole thing XD

Kory 11-04-2019 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by littl3chocobo (Post 1923795)
coda is right XD

for sure i am just kind of gender-fluid with my language and only took a more traditionally masculine tone recently for the sake of my family(i have a member who is really forgetful these days and isn't very good with ambiguity) so it is new and ill-fitting XD

That's cool,
Do you prefer to be 'they/them'? I'll use that for you from now if you want.

I'm from small-town MN, so I'm not really used to using non-binary terms ;u;

In my hometown gender-identity was really hush-hush.
I told a group of my friends once that I didn't feel male or female and preferred to be genderless and they were like, "How will you pee, then?"

littl3chocobo 11-04-2019 11:38 PM

i still use he/him x''D though i understand that small-community thing. i wear lots of fem clothes and i've stopped correcting all of the 'miss's i get(especially since some of them you can really see are trying to not clock me. i'd rather not take from their efforts even if they are wrong)

h man, i do have a hilariously uncomfortable story if anyone wants to hear it x''D

KittyBeary 11-04-2019 11:59 PM

The more you learn about Trisphee users ouo

(argh I wanna buy Danganronpa via on Steam but TRYING TO SAVE MY MONIES ATM -even though I've watched playthroughs of 1 and 2 already but want to play them for myself ;u; )

Kory 11-05-2019 12:23 AM


I don't mind hearing a good story!! :D

I've never been misgendered, but I've had a few people mistake my ethnicity I guess...
I know it's not the same, though. >3<

Just last week, I was approached by a man who spoke Spanish and I think he was asking me for directions in Spanish and since I was caught off-guard, I couldn't remember the Spanish I learned from my Tìa ... so I was like, "Um... no habla... espanol, lo siento" And I understood that he was also trying to say my hair was pretty and I was like ."um.... muchos gracias"

It had been a long time since someone approached me in Spanish like that.
And I think it's also different than being misgendered because I do have Venezuelan and other Latin heritage so....


Coda 11-05-2019 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by littl3chocobo (Post 1923804)
i still use he/him x''D though i understand that small-community thing. i wear lots of fem clothes and i've stopped correcting all of the 'miss's i get

Oh, oops. Guess I'd better switch what I use for you, then.

Kory 11-05-2019 01:18 AM

I feel super bad when I misgender someone :(

I hope I didn't offend anyone!

Gallagher 11-05-2019 01:42 AM

as an ambiguous slime monster, i mostly like to leave people to flail around and figure out what they're gonna use for me themselves.

i'm also not a nice person, though, lol.

Kory 11-05-2019 01:57 AM

I don't know if you guys keep up with Trisha Paytas...
She recently "came out" as trans male.

Everyone's been up in arms over it, though.

It's really, really hard to tell if she's serious due to her reputation as being Youtube's biggest troll...
But I have also felt the way she feels in different times of my life.

Difference for me though, is since I'm more sexually attracted to women, I used to feel that I was likely a straight man in a woman's body.

Might be TMI? Just a warning!

Also, another question... How do you all feel about attraction vs. aversion due to trauma?
If trauma happens to someone by someone of a certain group and that person then becomes averted to that group, does that count against attraction? Does that make sense? Like, if there was no trauma and that person just naturally had an aversion is that more legit as far as attraction goes? Versus like, for example, I prefer sex with women due to the positive experiences I've had with them, vs. the aversion I have towards most men due to the negative experiences I've had with them...

I'm actually confusing my own self here...

And I typed out a lot so I'm not going to erase it...

Sorry I am terrible at explaining things

edit; Also, I identify as cis female and I have accepted that now. I think the attraction and aversions for me are mostly environmental

Gallagher 11-05-2019 02:05 AM

i'd heard something about that, but i honestly don't know much about trisha at all.

what i do know is that the best person to tell you if you feel like you might be trans is you, and if finding out that answer means you have to experiment with your gender a bit and see how it feels, i know that folks around here will support you.

like. even if you're 90% sure about how you feel about yourself, but you want to get 100% (or as close to 100 as you can), it's really not a big deal to swap pronouns or name for you for a while so you can see how you like them.

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