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trystan830 03-30-2020 10:00 AM

when our daughters were younger, if they said they were bored, hubby and i always countered with "we can find you something to do so you're not bored," and voila! all of a sudden, they were never bored. hee....

Derpy McBlueEyes 03-30-2020 10:36 AM

Derpy claps excitedly. "Cake AND cookies! Tank you!!"

Kory 03-30-2020 03:18 PM

Oooooo, X'hal! What I would give to have cookies and cake. ;n;

My mom used to always say that also, though!
If I were bored she'd say, "Well, you can always clean the house" (Back then we had a three story house.) So I never told her I was bored because she'd make me clean! >:T

But now that I am older, I actually don't mind cleaning.
I think it helps having Pandora and Spotify

trystan830 03-30-2020 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ava (Post 1938753)
My mom used to always say that also, though!
If I were bored she'd say, "Well, you can always clean the house" (Back then we had a three story house.) So I never told her I was bored because she'd make me clean! >:T

that was my go-to, if they were bored, they could clean the house or wash and dry the dishes. hubby was more with the outdoor stuff that they could do. XD

no one was ever bored. wonder why ;)

Merskelly Metalien 03-30-2020 09:31 PM

B] I learned that lesson early and outsmarted my parents.
I never said I was bored. Instead, I asked if I could do something outrageous like, shower with all my clothes on, or make a bed of quicksand in the backyard with the pool water and hose. They usually said "No" so then I asked if they wanted me to do something better instead, like play video games or make a tent fort in their room, and then they agreed. xD

On occasion, they sometimes said "Okay" to some of my shenanigans, <xD But they usually found ways to stop me from doing anything too dangerous or messy.
>:3 But they couldn't stop me from riding my bike with rollerblades on! Take that parental figures of my past! xD

@ Ava: Oh cool! :D Same here. I usually put on Big Band, Metal, Blues, or Fallout music while I do some serious cleaning. xD

daikokunyo 04-03-2020 12:34 AM

gosh, Mers, that's wicked sweet xD

Merskelly Metalien 04-04-2020 11:51 PM

Thanks daiko! xD
x} Though I'm sure my parents wanted me to think that I outsmarted them, hehe,
so I thank them for that opportunity I guess.

Also, just felt like puttin' this here, <x} as my brother got ACNH and I'm just here revisiting my poor neglected town in ACNL.

daikokunyo 04-05-2020 07:24 AM

that's adorable of your parents, then!

i so want to play animal crossing, and it's not just the fear of missing out TT it's so cute and relaxing!!

Merskelly Metalien 04-05-2020 01:10 PM

^-^ I miss my Animal Crossing game. I've been too busy and stuff and playing Pokémon instead to go back.
But now I can! ^U^
And I get to see my favorite villagers again! <3

daikokunyo 04-06-2020 07:24 AM

it looks like such a healing game and the villagers are sweetpeas. :D
i just want to give them cupcakes. and design clothes. U.U

Biomecha 04-06-2020 11:01 AM

Happy birthday Merskelly! *throws seaweed and kelp streamers*

Derpy McBlueEyes 04-06-2020 11:07 AM

Derpy waddles in quickly.
"Happy birfday Merskewwy!" He offers up an only slightly squished donut as a present.

trystan830 04-06-2020 11:43 AM

Merskelly Metalien 04-06-2020 02:43 PM

Thank you everyone! :D

@ Derpy: <x3 Awh wow! A donut! :D Thanks Derpy, I love the sprinkles on it, did you decorate it yourself? ^w^

@ Bio: :} Ho boi! Thank you! *places sea vegetation streamers around waist* x} <3

@ trystan: xD Very cute animal song for my bird-day! Thank you!

trystan830 04-06-2020 02:46 PM

you're quite welcome, merskelly! i figured if i just said "hippo birdie!" without any context, you might have no idea what the @#$%^& i was talking about... XD

Merskelly Metalien 04-06-2020 02:53 PM

x} I might have guessed it, but hehe I woulda been confused at first! >u<

Today, it's gonna storm. o.o It's really cloudy and ominous-lookin' outside and it's been raining for a couple days now.
Fun fact: It was raining as I was born, around 4 or 5 am. :D
I'm a spring baby, so I bring the showers and flowers. But I'm also an Aries, so I'm secretly a volcanic bean of destruction, war and violence. x'D

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