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littl3chocobo 11-09-2011 06:27 PM

who does it belong to? *nudges with foot*

DragonDrifter 11-09-2011 06:28 PM

Dark. He needs to keep an "eye" on us. Oh, ha ha.

littl3chocobo 11-09-2011 06:30 PM

>>; wrong color dude....

DragonDrifter 11-09-2011 06:32 PM

Wrong color? Hwat? ;o

DarkForbidden-Love 11-09-2011 06:33 PM

*Pets the eye* I'm sure he did not mean anything by that, honey. *Glares at Dragon* Nothing wrong with a bloody eye. I think I left a foot here a while ago too, so tell me if you see my bloody foot.

DragonDrifter 11-09-2011 06:36 PM

*checks* BLUUURRRGGGGH!.....Yeah, it's still there. *cleans puke off mouth* T.T

DarkForbidden-Love 11-09-2011 06:38 PM

Thanks~ *Takes foot and cradles it* I do make sure I keep the skull with me so no worries on that.

DragonDrifter 11-09-2011 06:39 PM


DarkForbidden-Love 11-09-2011 06:40 PM

Actually it was Choco's skull, I got it in the elevator. Everything else is mine. Yes, I do have limited regenerative properties.

DragonDrifter 11-09-2011 06:41 PM

Well Choco's good and dandy sooo...I guess you both have GIFTS, to say the least.

DarkForbidden-Love 11-09-2011 06:42 PM

Hehe~ I had accidently killed him so I took his skull, it took him a few seconds to regrow it so he said I could keep it. :D

DragonDrifter 11-09-2011 06:43 PM

You can have my skull if ya give me your powers. c: You needa start a collection

DarkForbidden-Love 11-09-2011 06:45 PM

M'kay~ *Grants powers to regrow skull then takes original* Thank you!

DragonDrifter 11-09-2011 06:46 PM

:D No prob mate

littl3chocobo 11-09-2011 06:48 PM

yuk, you did bad darky love, he has extra nobbins growing out now X[

DragonDrifter 11-09-2011 06:48 PM


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