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DreadedMartian 04-25-2019 11:51 PM

Any good mech anime recommendations? I love mechs so much and I'd like to expand on my obsession.

KittyBeary 04-26-2019 12:19 AM

Ooohh hmmm I'm not one to really watch a lot of mech anime. ;u; But hope you find something! But I am a fan of Macross Frontier. :3

KittyBeary 05-07-2019 12:02 AM

Anyone seen Saiki K or Servamp? I'm finally watching both and I really like them! :3

KittyBeary 05-09-2019 06:52 AM

I'm also going back to rewatching episodes of Inuyasha I've seen because I forgot a lot of things..... .___."

littl3chocobo 07-13-2020 08:12 AM

i haven't watched much anme in the last few years. i grew up but the characters never do and it gets exhausting to see yet another show of under-eighteens learning about themselves and the world for the first time. it was ok twenty years ago when i was a lad and the story was fresh but dang x_____x

Merskelly Metalien 07-13-2020 03:31 PM

<u< U watchin' the wrong animes dude.
<X} I got tired of that when I saw it the first time. An anime's gotta be pretty good to be able to keep me watching it with those sorts of clichés.

Currently, I am watching JOJO's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind. <x] I had to watch it through to the 5th part because wow is this series nonsensical and hilariously absurd. >.> Once I'm done with it though, I might quit with the JOJO series and watch something else...
Maybe Parasyte. :/ That seemed interesting.
(I watch anime for mostly the weird/supernatural/dark/science/satire elements, my bro is more of a romance/sentimental/heroic/comedy sorta dude.)

littl3chocobo 07-13-2020 06:14 PM

eh, the more 'adult' ones usually come peppered with a lot of sexual assault and harassment and tend to be pretty heteronormativly aggressive. the stuff that is less traumatic tends to just be about kids and teens

i think yuri on ice and the second season of yamishibai were the most recent anime i have seen that wasn't super problematic with a skew towards the young

Merskelly Metalien 07-13-2020 10:01 PM

Yeeeaaahhh, >~> I tend to really not like those ones in particular. They're kinda uncomfortable and make my soul cringe.

:T Yamishibai looks interesting. I might check it out one day.
<x] I enjoyed Violet Evergarden immensely which is one I recently finished watching. <:/ It was a little sad but also a little uplifting. I watched it in German dub tho instead of Japanese dub. x] Just because I felt it fit more with the fictional world.
O_O I gotta say, those German voice actors did phenomenal jobs, I was impressed.

littl3chocobo 07-14-2020 07:26 PM

-nods- i recommend it, just keep in mind it is _very_ japanese, there are basically only two kinds of stories, the 'you broke a rule now your life is going to suck hard' and 'spirits don't abide by the rules, sucks to be you'

of course if you go in understanding that every rule must be abided by(be it traffic rules or rules of social etiquette) and that everything has one perfect correct way that it must look/be/sound then the stories will be pretty easy to suss out and the 'scariness' of the punishments will make sense

Merskelly Metalien 07-15-2020 02:25 AM

o.o I see.
I'll need to keep that in mind. ^-^

ChocoChiffon 10-25-2020 01:04 AM

*slowly walks in*

Hi everyone, hope you all don't mind me joining in? And I hope everyone's doing fine :3

KittyBeary 10-26-2020 08:22 AM

I finally started watching Yuukoku no Moriarty, and I really like it so far. :D

And yes, feel free to join in!

KittyBeary 01-18-2021 09:34 AM

Oh hi I'm resurrecting this

Foday 01-18-2021 02:52 PM

Well, lets do some resurrecting then. Im currently watching Yu Yu Hakusho on top of The Pet Girl of Sakurasou.

Kilala Mikal 01-19-2021 09:36 PM

So I'm just gonna randomly slide in and flail about because I've seen people posting about Inuyasha, Yuyu Hakusho, and Yuri on Ice.

I'm not very active on here (this is my first actual forum post in easily a year or more), but I lurk pretty often and I've been looking for a new place to hang out since Lawtan's Library has gotten quiet.

I'm currently watching Ai Yori Aoshi, YashaHime: Half Demon Princess, My Hero Academia, The Day I Became A God, Sailor Moon Crystal with my youngest kiddo, and a slew of other things on funimation with my partners.

Foday 01-22-2021 02:09 AM

yo Ai Yori Aoshi is really good. Ive seen my fair share of romance animes like Love Hina which was good also. haven't seen Yasahime or Sailor Moon tho

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