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Kaderin Triste 05-20-2024 11:03 PM

I included the option of "start new project" but the other 11 options are all WiPs. So hopefully I can actually start finishing stuff. We'll see.

Aww, hi Custard! Are you supervising the unpacking? Derpy says hi too!

Lawtan 05-20-2024 11:22 PM

Salt! Salt for sale!

*A Dragon Peddler wanders in*

I have a 2-for-1 discount on Pepper-flavored Salt!

Tam I am 05-21-2024 11:23 AM

I think I'd lose my tiny mind if I tried starting a new project when I had that many in progress. And I am not counting how many wips I have, because the moving in the rest needs to be finished first.

I like salt flavoured salt. Though black salt with a sulfur flavour is pretty nice too. It's good to see you again, Lawton.

Custard says she's just snuggling her blanket and watching everything, and praying that the dolls who have to leave can go to people that really need them and love them. I told her that's good help. And she's waving both little hands at Derpy.

Kaderin Triste 05-21-2024 12:56 PM

Hello Lawton, tell me more about this pepper flavored salt? Spicy pepper? Black pepper? 8D

Tam: I mean....there's only a 1 out of 12 chance of me landing on it. Lol. Plus I have a milliom projects I want to make anyway. I figure if I do land on it, I can switch "start new project" to the new project once it's started so I only ever start 1 new one before finishing something else.

Need to remember to find my buttons for a couple plushie's eyes soon also. Because if I do land on them, I don't want to have to spend forever digging around.

Tam I am 05-21-2024 01:31 PM

That reminds me. I need to give you my new address over on Discord, for when you have time to send me those cat eyes you were going to share.

And maybe share a few pictures of all the things that I'm figuring out how to hang on the walls in absence of other storage options.

Lawtan 05-21-2024 02:50 PM

Well, we have Black Pepper Salt, Habanero Pepper Salt, Rosemary Salt, Garlic Salt, Ginger Salt, Red Wine Salt, Truffle Salt, Lemon Salt, and Woodsmoked Salt!

All catered to your needs as you wander the spheres of Trisphee!

Also, we also have Yarn Salts! Do they tell you tales of an ancient ship, or help you with making dolls? Who knows!

Den 05-21-2024 11:27 PM

nearly finished with my "It's way too *BLEEPING* HOT outside for even a tank top!" top. need to line the cups and decide if I wanna add decorative trim to the edges.

Tam I am 05-23-2024 07:38 AM

Seventies gogo dancer fringe?

Kaderin Triste 05-23-2024 11:20 AM

Tam: Ah yeah, do have some more yarn and a pattern book for you too that I need to re-pack.

Lawtan: Ooh yarn salt sounds like a very good deal! Entertainment or craft help? Both good options! 8D

Den 05-23-2024 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Tam I am (Post 1956037)
Seventies gogo dancer fringe?

naw, more like crocheted picot edging

Tam I am 05-23-2024 02:48 PM

Kaderin, okay that too. lol

Den, that works too. I suggest Indian cotton fabric for the lining. The stuff breathes and doesn't retain smell.

Den 05-23-2024 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Tam I am (Post 1956040)
Kaderin, okay that too. lol

Den, that works too. I suggest Indian cotton fabric for the lining. The stuff breathes and doesn't retain smell.

I'm trying to use up stuff in my stash, so I don't have access to that. I do have fat quarters, and a lime-green t-shirt that I could use...

Tam I am 05-27-2024 01:09 AM

That Tshirt might be some comfy for the liner.

Jester 05-28-2024 06:02 AM

~Like that roll dice idea. That's pretty unique.~

Kaderin Triste 05-28-2024 10:47 AM

Tam: Lol, yeah. I need to go through my yarn again first just to make sure I'm not missing anything, but should have a decent amout to send. xD

Jester: Thanks! It definitely makes crafting more interesting. I'll have to put the rollng on hold for a week (or couple days at least) so I can make something for a friend's birthday goft because I forgot how close it is, but so far I've gotten a good amount done on a dragon, about 1/3 of a blanket square, and as far as I can on a chainmail coin purse until the color I need is in stock again using the rolls.

Den 05-28-2024 05:31 PM

I got the yarn for the skirt I was working on awhile back untangled, so that's back in progress. haven't lined the top yet, but been dealing with a situation of my own making (forgot to get a prescription refilled before the long weekend, and suffered for three days as a result).

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