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Stabbsworth 12-03-2018 06:06 PM


Linkle 12-03-2018 06:09 PM

Pwease dont just me mbowm.

Ok i'm going to knock that off now!

Stabbsworth 12-03-2018 06:10 PM

mdom is a nerd that hates fun

Linkle 12-03-2018 06:11 PM

What if im fun who hates nerd tho?

mdom 12-03-2018 06:16 PM

don't hate me, I bribed you to not hate me

Linkle 12-03-2018 06:16 PM

This is fair I cannot hate you due to bribes. Therefore I love you by default.

mdom 12-03-2018 06:20 PM

Thank you for your genuine love, it means a lot to me :')

also I keep thinking Albert's floatation device is a lizard tail I need help.

Linkle 12-03-2018 06:23 PM

I thought it was a lizard at first too!

Also there is a goo person too? Good because I love monsters.

mdom 12-03-2018 06:28 PM

ehhe Jello is made of Jello.
There's a monthly with a goo thingie coming out, because it's a sewer |D
and also a goop anka egg

Linkle 12-03-2018 06:28 PM

OOh nice!

I bought an anka egg and got this neat panda pillow!

Gallagher 12-03-2018 06:39 PM

trisphee brand slime monsters erupted from the sewers years ago on valentine's

they just wanna eat and share love

Linkle 12-03-2018 06:40 PM

I can respect those goals, for I also share them.

Stabbsworth 12-03-2018 06:48 PM

all i want tae do, is get the damn anka egg items.

Linkle 12-03-2018 06:49 PM

Do they generate more than one at random? like a RIG?

Stabbsworth 12-03-2018 06:57 PM

nah, they only give you one per pop.

Linkle 12-03-2018 06:57 PM

Aaaah okay!
So if i buy another it will be the panda pillow again?

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