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bluebird 10-30-2019 02:46 PM

go right, then straight!

DreadedMartian 10-30-2019 04:56 PM

**Chuckles at the thought of telling her to use her spider sense. I smile and take the childs hand and proceed on my way back to the entrance**

Death by Mirrors 10-30-2019 05:21 PM

You choose the path on your left. As the hissing noise grows louder, you start to doubt whether that actually was your best idea. But then the path takes a turn to the right, and once more the hiss gets drowned by carnival music. You follow the path until it takes you left again, and after maybe two meters there's another turn to the left. You march on, and start to notice the noise again. Yet by now you've already braved yourself to meet whatever horror this may be. Around another corner you go - and immediately stop. The corn stalk leaves in front of you look suspiciously like SNAKES!

Eek! They promised you a corn maze. Nice, sweet, harmless corn!
Will you run away or stay to fight?

The puddle is rather small - but unfortunately big enough to ruin the merchild's makeshift costume. Sitting in the puddle, the child starts crying and flailing. This little mermaid wanted just one day to play pretend with human friends to collect candy. Just one day, and you ruined it. Nope, that crying fit isn't going to stop anytime soon. You can cheer the child up again by helping with a new costume, or stuff corn leaves into your ears to soundblock the wailing while you regain your inner peace. No matter what you choose though, it will take some time.

You can resume at this spot tomorrow.

Den 10-30-2019 06:09 PM

Go straight, and keep counting the minions.

Death by Mirrors 10-30-2019 06:15 PM

In theory it seems like a good idea. If you run fast enough and take two steps at once, then you should catch up to your meat shield in no time. Right? In practice however you probably didn't pay enough attention to the footsteps, because as you run forward, all of a sudden a metal cage falls down on you. Luckily you're not hurt, but it will nevertheless take some time for you to break free.

You can resume at this spot tomorrow.

The child is happy to be safe outside the maze. She thanks you, waves and cheerfully jumps away. You stand at the entrance of the maze once more, so might as well go back in and explore again. One path leads straight ahead, and one to the left. Which one shall it be?

Go straight, or go left?

mdom 10-30-2019 06:35 PM

I'll stay and fight!!!

Death by Mirrors 10-30-2019 07:28 PM

You don't want to risk losing another minion, not even for a short time. After all you could run into a looming nightmare and then you'll need every single candy corn in your army. So you keep counting them. One, two, three, you follow the path, four, five, six, the path takes a turn to the right. Seven, eight, nine, to the right again. Ten, to the right once again, eleven... Eleven?? "You look confused", someone says. "Maybe I can help you. And in turn you help me out of the maze. I'm late for class already." The person speaking is a middle aged maths teacher.

Accompany the teacher to the entrance, or tie him to a corn stalk so his class gets some free time?

Corn snakes got nothing on you! With a determined grin you get ready to fight. After all your cat like reflexes should save you from any attacks, and if that fails, you got eight other lives anyway. Right? At least you hope so. You show your claws and then you...

1) lunge forward to attack the snakes directly?
2) diss them viciously in parseltongue?
3) set fire to that snake-leafed monstrosity of a corn stalk?

Pick one option. If you choose the right one, the fight is over. One allows you to go on, but one can kill you. So pick wisely.

mdom 10-30-2019 07:34 PM

Diss them viciously in parseltongue

first to die hasdajkshdkjhd

Death by Mirrors 10-30-2019 08:06 PM

It could've easily been the most epic rap battle held in the corn maze so far, but as it turns out, your language skills are quite rusty. While you still think you're spewing insults at the snakes, they understand you want to share baking recipes. What do you want to do?

1) lunge forward to attack the snakes directly
2) give them a cherry cobbler recipe
3) give them a corn bread recipe
4) set fire to that snake-leafed monstrosity

mdom 10-30-2019 08:17 PM

I'll give them a cherry cobbler recipe

let'ssss be friendssss

Death by Mirrors 10-30-2019 08:54 PM

Since you struggle with your parseltongue, you have to make do with the help of hands and feet. Your acting skills probably won't earn you an oscar anytime soon, but at least the snakes seem to understand what you want to say. They also try to teach you a recipe in return. You're not sure if you wrote it down correctly, but it seems to be for depression cake. However there is no kitchen inside the maze (or at least you haven't found any yet), and the path also seems to end here. So your only option is to go back. After a while you're back at the junction that lead you to the snakes. Here you can continue straight, or go right.

Continue straight, or go right?

mdom 10-30-2019 09:25 PM


Go right then

Death by Mirrors 10-30-2019 09:40 PM

You go right and after a not so long time you reach the point where a path opens up to the left.

Continue straight, or go left?

mdom 10-30-2019 09:46 PM

go left...

Death by Mirrors 10-30-2019 09:52 PM

Maybe you didn't notice the directions get flipped once you're walking backwards. Or maybe you were just really desperate to reunite with your former team mate. Anyway, as you turn left you notice bluebird sitting in a metal cage. Do you want to help?

Get bluebird out of the cage, or move on?

Merskelly Metalien 10-30-2019 09:54 PM

Oh damnmit. >n> I thought they were a legit mer-kid. Curses! Fooled by cardboard again! >x{ *helps make a new costume for the child*
I'm going to just put this headdress on the wailing little larva. >:/ There. Now they're a bird king! -n- Shoo human larva.

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