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Quiet Man Cometh 01-03-2012 04:43 AM

It's surprisingly easy to miss stuff in your own work. I've proofread a piece four times and still found an error in it when I printed it out to read again. I think it comes from having written the piece, when reading it over the writer may read more from their memory of what they wrote rather than directly from the page, which a new reader would have to do, and therefore miss some of the mini-mistakes like that.

DarkForbidden-Love 01-06-2012 06:08 PM

I usually proof read but since it is my own writings I'm familiar with the content causing me to do something similar to speed reading and skip over smaller words. XD

I have this poem that I don't own. The girl that does gave me permission to post it. She wrote it for our creative writing class. We were supposed to write a poem and later a horror story using a /darker/ translation of our writing partner. I was hers so the poem is about me! In a very twisted way~ <3


I'll get my poem for her and our story up later.

DarkForbidden-Love 01-10-2012 08:30 PM

And now my poem for her character. She was an interesting one and making her /darker/ was easy and way too much fun. And it is supposed to be from her character's view, just to clear up any confusion.

Coeur Noir (French for Black Heart)

Story in progress, not yet ready for posting.

Okay it is now sorta (not really) reading for a bit of posting. And truth betold, we weren't actually going to write a gory romance. But my poem sealed the poor story's fate so without much ado I give you~

Krof Verführung (Blood Seduction-German)

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