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Tohopekaliga 02-01-2017 08:44 PM

I'll have it presentable and usable (but still not finalized) in a few days, at which point people will be able to give it a try. :)

SparX 03-17-2017 03:22 PM

I haven't backread to see if it has been mentioned, but in the far future is there going to be a better mobile capabilty to use the site?
Tbh sometimes I'm just to lazy to get up to my computer and thats why I'm not on for a few days at a time xD

Tohopekaliga 03-17-2017 06:00 PM

It is on my list, and going forward new features will definitely have mobile versions. For instance, the new Avatar Editor, while still rather bare, does have mobile display that works mostly correctly.

That said, existing things will likely not get mobile versions until they are the forums will get mobile views as we update forum appearances. This is because there's only so much we can do at a time.

SparX 03-17-2017 09:31 PM

Thus the far future mention XD

It's cool to know its already in the works for eventually though =D

Moonless Midnight 03-18-2017 11:44 AM

I'm here again with some feedback for the En Point Donation Item. While I think the idea is great and the rest of the poses are fine, the legs/feet for it are fairly awkward looking since they look like a front view instead of 3/4. So it doesn't look quite natural. Below are two edits (one more simpler than the other) to demonstrate more natural poses. I drew these using references that I easily found via google of actual En Pointe.

I'm only pointing these things out not to be malicious but because I think you guys can definitely get better and improve.

Gallagher 03-18-2017 12:51 PM

While we probably won't be making another ballet item in the immediate future, comments and examples like this definitely help for when we do! So thanks very much, especially for taking the time to show us what you mean!

(though what do I know, sometimes glitch just makes things and lets me decide how we'll use them :s-laugh: )

Moonless Midnight 03-18-2017 01:41 PM

Thanks for that reply back Gallagher. I really appreciate it since my last feedback on some pose items was pretty much ignored save for someone wanting a separate thread for item feedback.

If I ever do sound overly critical of items its because I myself am a pixel artist for another site and so I hold other pixel artists at a high standard. So while I may not use the same style as Trisphee I do still know about basic proportions and can help out with a few pointers regarding things like that.

Gallagher 03-18-2017 01:48 PM

Well, us on the art team are always open to hearing what our users think and what they would like to see, whether one of us gives a proper response or not. We can get a bit caught up with what we're currently working on and forget to actually post things, haha

Moonless Midnight 03-18-2017 01:51 PM

Ah I see. I guess I can understand that. Again thanks for a reply ^_^

Panda 03-27-2017 01:48 PM

Have you guys ever thought of having donation packages? I know we kinda have one, but it's not that exciting. Maybe something more tempting, and maybe add like Tiers. :)

Gallagher 03-27-2017 02:44 PM

ok, every $1,000 donation will get art from me.

Panda 03-27-2017 02:47 PM

Kiss my bootay :D

Gallagher 03-27-2017 02:49 PM

no, that's the $10,000 tier.

Panda 03-27-2017 02:53 PM

:3 For you, any day. XD

SparX 03-28-2017 12:16 AM

I wonder how many months until I get art from Galla. . . ..
Maybe I should start purchasing twice a month ;D
ahahahah. .. . probably not I can barely afford living.

Panda 03-28-2017 12:20 AM

I think it would be nice, if we can remove the last edit date/time stamp.

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