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Ginger 08-07-2012 01:42 AM

No one is willing to try if they keep offering these ridiculous prices. Some people put on clever disguises, overshadowing their greediness. I mean who is who on here anymore? Users have changed and I miss how they used to be. Suddenly it's all about getting the most profit out of an item, even if it means ripping people off. I come here to escape Wall Street, not come head to head with it.

Kali_Namir 08-07-2012 01:49 AM

I know. That's why I refuse to pay over a certain price for everything. I also refuse to sell at higher than mid-price guide (preferably at the low end in hopes of lowering the market values on things).

I only paid 100 Runes for my Samurai, that is the lowest it has gone in a LONG time. Unfortunately they keep selling for higher, and the market doesn't take low auctions into account, but people take high ones.

Ginger 08-07-2012 01:57 AM

Yeah. Pretty messed up.

Kali_Namir 08-07-2012 02:05 AM

I lost hope in the market a while ago, but occasionally someone really comes through and helps the market tremendously. Unfortunately, at this point, it would take someone of Nommy's market status (aka the person who corners the market [aka only Nommy]) to bring the market back to reasonable standings.

Ashy 08-07-2012 02:23 AM

or someone like myself to sell a whole heap of my stuff at ridiculously low prices, though i dont like the idea of selling all my hoarded items ><

Rumiel 08-07-2012 03:23 AM

Same here, Ashy although I am thinking on it although I keep planning on coming back. I just sort of want to make an outfit on my Lucifer and on my Rumiel and then sell all my old hoarded items from a while back. I know with life going as it is I probably wont be back much myself ever, with the job and my kid on the way. ^^;
Ashy maybe I can pass you all of my items and have you sell them on the market to bring the prices down, I don't mind not getting the value back.

Jae 08-11-2012 11:47 PM

So I take time off from here to focus on school and this place is closed?...
I'm... saddened by this. :/

Ginger 08-12-2012 12:25 AM

Yes Rozalyne, but I am working with Kali_Namir in her charity as soon as it opens. Anything Batty or Nightmare put into this charity's mule account will go back to them, and the remaining items other users have donated will be sold to go towards Kali's charity, and used as random giveaway items. The charity thread is currently a work in progress but I will let you know when it's ready to go if you would like to post with us there =)

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