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#FFFFFF 02-09-2011 04:19 PM


Hermes 02-09-2011 04:20 PM

Are you Lee on Crys? XD

#FFFFFF 02-09-2011 04:21 PM

I surely am.

Poggio 02-09-2011 04:21 PM

I think I will call you white then, but some times amuse my self at the thought of calling you F6

#FFFFFF 02-09-2011 04:21 PM

xD I don't like being called that.

Hermes 02-09-2011 04:22 PM

Then yep. I saw the thread asking for art, and asked if it was you. Then, when I didn't get a reply, I was like "F This man, ain't nobody gonna be stealin White's OC D< *rageface, gets ready to pm you* Oh wait...her name is Lee....*derp, facepalm*" So I went and edited my post to not be dickish XD I've seen OCs get stolen before, and it always makes me rage XD;

Poggio 02-09-2011 04:22 PM

XD okay, White it is. And I think I will go sleep before I say something even more silly then what has already been said.

#FFFFFF 02-09-2011 04:24 PM

Oh. I never get on there, so I wouldn't know. xD That's totally me.

Alright then. xD

Hermes 02-09-2011 04:28 PM

I almsot raged XD I thought someone was trying to steal Blaqkin D< I was all like "F*** THIS"

#FFFFFF 02-09-2011 04:29 PM

I'd destroy someone if they were trying to steal Blaqkin. >.>

Hermes 02-09-2011 04:33 PM

Yeah. So would I. I'm good at REALLY carving someone up. I don't like to do it, but sometime's, it's deserved. ^_^

#FFFFFF 02-09-2011 04:38 PM

I agree.
xD I'm severely protective of my Blaqkin monster. <3~

Only 2k more and I'll have enough for my next set of commonssssss. *u*

Hermes 02-09-2011 04:39 PM

OH! Lee~! I started a quest x3

#FFFFFF 02-09-2011 04:39 PM

I know you did. xD I keep meaning to post in there.

Hermes 02-09-2011 04:40 PM

Well, then, do iiiit! XD

#FFFFFF 02-09-2011 04:41 PM

I did it. D:

Hermes 02-09-2011 04:56 PM

YAY! Lee is in mah thread~!

#FFFFFF 02-09-2011 04:57 PM

Lee is all up IN yo thread. xD

Hermes 02-09-2011 04:59 PM

My thread likes it like that

#FFFFFF 02-09-2011 05:00 PM

Of course it does. ;D
Slutty thread. >u>

Hermes 02-09-2011 05:16 PM

Oh yeah ;D

#FFFFFF 02-09-2011 05:17 PM

All of your threads like me. ;D

Archaic Kitten 02-09-2011 06:07 PM

I get on IMVU... only to find out that my closest friend's parents split up and he wont get on.... ;3; dammit... if only I could have gotten on to talk to him before last week. DX

#FFFFFF 02-09-2011 06:08 PM

That sounds harsh. x-x

Linth Marsh 02-09-2011 06:09 PM

-blink blink- That is no fun Ama D:

Archaic Kitten 02-09-2011 06:10 PM

Yeh it is harsh... ;A;

no fun fun at all. DX

Linth Marsh 02-09-2011 06:11 PM

-hugs ama and puts a hat on her- but hats make everything better

#FFFFFF 02-09-2011 06:11 PM

I hope things look up for your friend. D;

Archaic Kitten 02-09-2011 06:14 PM

*shakes head and makes the hat fall* ;3; I didn't even get a goodbye... i luffles my Gabriel and didn't get a goodbye! D:

Linth Marsh 02-09-2011 06:16 PM

D: i know how that feels... i wish i could make it bettars... -twiddles thumbs-

Archaic Kitten 02-09-2011 06:18 PM


Linth Marsh 02-09-2011 06:22 PM

he knew you missedededededed him (the extra ed's are for how much)

Archaic Kitten 02-09-2011 06:27 PM

I ended up screaming this:
And all of a sudden I see:
Hey Spirit...

and I'm all: O_O OMG GABI!?!?!?

Batty 02-09-2011 06:27 PM

BOO! I'm back. My friend ended up poofing in after all.

Linth Marsh 02-09-2011 06:29 PM

-waves at batty- hi thar. your friend still thar?

Archaic Kitten 02-09-2011 06:31 PM

;3; *sniffles*
*runs around flailing my little doll arms wildly*

Linth Marsh 02-09-2011 06:32 PM

D: aww, i'm sowwy ama... -was actually talking to batty and should have been more specific and feels bad for reminding ama now=

Archaic Kitten 02-09-2011 06:33 PM

No you didn't remind me. =/
But like... me and Gabi loves each other, and he's saying that he hopes another guy can make me happy... ;3; and I'm seriously beginning to fall apart...

Batty 02-09-2011 06:35 PM

Marshy;; Nope. He's gone.

Maya;; Whats going on, love? =O

Archaic Kitten 02-09-2011 06:37 PM

Batty: Me falling apart from love is happening... DX
Gabriel's parents are split up and I can do anything about it and he wont ever get on IMVU and me and him havent seen each other in forever. ;3;

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