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Maro 02-16-2015 01:35 PM

ughhh i feel a little better, at least my internet is vvorking novv... -stretches- i'ma clear out my inventory i have a lot of stuff to sell..

hyjin 02-19-2015 10:39 AM

Hard to tell if your internet still works or not. dont see you on skype much

Maro 02-19-2015 07:21 PM

sorry i've been really sick an busy lately is all honestly..

ml1201 02-19-2015 08:32 PM

*plays with Maro's colorful ears* owo

Maro 02-19-2015 10:55 PM

/squeaks blushing brightly, tail vvagging/ h..hello..

ml1201 02-20-2015 01:40 AM

You seem surprised to see me here, I've been lurking in the shadows. XD *snuggles you*

Maro 02-20-2015 04:51 AM

h..hovv've you been?

ml1201 02-20-2015 10:47 AM

Good, I got a 93 on my test in Accounting IV. ^w^ *snuggles you*

CycloneKira 02-21-2015 10:02 AM

OMG seriously, ml? That's awesome! Congratulations! :D

ml1201 02-21-2015 06:35 PM

lol, The only time I usually do bad on those tests are if its about terminology, I already have a B.A. in Mathematics. XD My mom expects nothing less than an A from me in my accounting classes. .-.

Maro 02-24-2015 10:55 AM

hey everyone ^^

darnit i vvant a gossamer darling so bad Dx

ml1201 02-24-2015 11:17 AM

If we can figure out the conversion from the runes to the coins I can buy a pair for you and you can just pay me back slowly. :3

Maro 02-24-2015 04:36 PM

I don't remember hovv much people sell 20 runes for anymore ;A;

ml1201 02-24-2015 05:15 PM

Going by what Awen sold them to me for when I first joined they are going for 400 aurum a piece, so 20 runes would be 8,000 aurum. :3

Maro 02-24-2015 05:18 PM

I'll have to get more aurum then ^^;

ml1201 02-24-2015 05:28 PM

*hides her hoard of aurum she still needs to spend*

Maro 02-24-2015 07:00 PM

I'm pretty broke don't even have 1k x.x;

ml1201 02-24-2015 07:18 PM

lol, Sent you money for a trade in something. :3

Maro 02-24-2015 08:07 PM

thank you ;3;

ml1201 02-24-2015 08:09 PM

No problem, I have more than enough aurum for that. XD

Maro 02-24-2015 08:33 PM

I'm just hoping to get more stag items out of the crane game soon.

ml1201 02-24-2015 08:34 PM

lol, I like hoarding items, though I go for the money first, but if the server is about to clock over I just grab items. x'D

Lawtan 02-24-2015 10:20 PM

*Looks around and hides in a corner studying for tests tomorrow*

Maro 02-24-2015 10:57 PM


i got the deer me shorts x3

heeyyyy lavvtan o3o

ml1201 02-24-2015 10:58 PM

I haven't seen that yet. x'D

Maro 02-24-2015 10:59 PM

they're high vvaisted but very short in the leg area

Rainbow Saliva 02-24-2015 11:01 PM

Not to really double post but goddamn do I love my mule's avi so much these days. xD

ml1201 02-25-2015 12:25 AM

lol, for a sec there I was going to ask how you're double posting when I saw the siggy. x'D

Maro 02-25-2015 11:13 AM

xDD hahaha

ml1201 02-25-2015 12:31 PM

Okay, so I'm a bit on the slow side. XD And my wishlist is now taking a second post. @.@

Maro 02-25-2015 12:36 PM

you should have seen my old quest it vvas ridculously huge

Lawtan 02-25-2015 12:37 PM is your wishlist larger than my library? @-@

Also, hi. Test in ten minutes.

ml1201 02-25-2015 12:43 PM

Because I want almost everything Law. XD If you want I can link you. :3

You have not seen the lists on my other sites, one of the sites I've used the built in one that shows on your profile page and now no one can go there and I'm not even finished with that list either, maybe only half done. ^^;

CycloneKira 02-26-2015 08:30 AM

Each rune is 400 Aurum? :O

Lawtan 02-26-2015 01:12 PM

Honestly, considering that if you play the Crane Game you can get from 100-1500 Aurum in a day, it's not that bad.

ml1201 02-26-2015 06:12 PM

Well, that's how I calculated it, I checked twice. ^^;

It is pretty easy, yes. Just have to check once an hour to see if the crane has monies. XD Though honestly I'm a chatter box so I can easily make that much in a night if there's someone or more than one person I'm talking to. ^^; Also, that avi is awesome yet creepy. That mask thing you're holding is freaky. ^^;

Maro 03-02-2015 12:06 PM

hey everyone

Lawtan 03-02-2015 04:30 PM

*Waves at Maro*

ml1201 03-02-2015 07:43 PM

*pet's Maro's cute little wings*

Maro 04-19-2015 05:30 PM

hey everyone

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