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Kaderin Triste 02-20-2021 12:59 PM

Lol. Best station name/letters ever!

Updated my list with the book I started earlier in the month, but have been busy crafting (and playing animal crossing) and haven't read much the last few weeks tbh.

trystan830 02-20-2021 08:15 PM

i know, right? WHYY is the local NPR on the radio and PBS on the tv :D

goodreads says i'm two books ahead of schedule in my challenge. we see out that goes through the year, right? XD

trystan830 02-24-2021 11:27 AM

finished reading Leave the World Behind by Rumaan Alam.

not sure how i feel about an open ended end..... however, the book seemed to be a good read for 2020 and the pandemic. i mean, i did request it back in the fall before NaNo.... but it was a new book in the fall, so it took some time for me to get the book in the first place.

i still have two books that have been on hold for seemingly forever - Tantalizing Twenty-Seven from Janet Evanovich, and Ready Player Two from Ernest Cline. hmm.... i'm going to go with i might have them over the summer sometime? XD

trystan830 03-02-2021 10:11 PM

so..... Tantalizing Twenty-Seven by Janet Evanovich, and Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline? i got an email that they're ready for pickup at the library!

but i just picked up the Desolations of Devil's Acre - book 6 in the Peculiar Children series - because that was ready for me the other day.

i've got a plan for all these books. *nods*

trystan830 03-18-2021 10:17 PM

two weeks later.....

i think i'm talking to myself?

i finished Ready Player Two.... as well as Desolations of Devil's Acre and Tantalizing Twenty-Seven, and now i'm reading Travel Light by Naomi Mitchison. it was mentioned in This is How You Lose the Time War. it's a fairy tale/fantasy/YA story. i've only read chapter 1, but i think i'm going to see if i can order it from a local bookstore. :)

Kaderin Triste 03-23-2021 09:09 PM

Er...sorry, I have no knowledge, and thus, nothing to say really, about the books you're reading...

Am pleased to announce that I finished anither book last week and am still on pace for my one book per month goal and have started another book tonight.

Have sort of gotten into a schedule of bringing a book to read at work on Tuesdays and a craft project to work on on Saturdays. Because it's dead. So when the boss is gone, I can get away with it. >.>

trystan830 03-23-2021 11:36 PM

eh, fair enough. it's my thread, i can talk to myself XD

i decided i want to own Travel Light, so i ordered it from my local bookstore, it should be in by Friday, but i hope it's thursday, since i'm only like 2 minutes away from the store mon-thurs. - it's down the street from my office job.

i'm now reading The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle. it's very wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey. it was called The 7 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle in england, where it was first published, but they had to change it here because there's already another book called The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. yeesh.

trystan830 04-08-2021 11:04 AM

i'm finally reading The Invisible Life of Addy LaRue by V.E. Schwab! i requested it at the same time as The Once and Future Witches, but it apparently had a MUCH longer wait list XD

trystan830 04-18-2021 09:39 PM

finished The Invisible Life of Addy LaRue by V.E. Schwab.... WOW! :D

trystan830 05-11-2021 08:04 PM

i'm still plugging along - i'm up to 23 books so far! :D

Kaderin Triste 05-12-2021 11:56 AM

That a lot of books!

I'm only at 5 so far, though if I finish my current in progress one this month (which is entirely possible as I'm about 1/5 through it already), I'll be slightly ahead of my 1 per month goal.

trystan830 05-12-2021 11:58 AM

yeah, it is. it feels like i'm back to my usual reading speed. last year was just weird.

and part of it is my Sidney Sheldon reread, they're long stories, but they go by quickly.

trystan830 06-15-2021 10:16 AM

i'm reading my last Sidney Sheldon book of my reread!!
this makes book #31 of the year for me so far, and my goal is more than 36 books (cause last year i read 36!)

after this book, my plan is to read The Alienist, and then i think a reread of Illium and Olympos by Dan Simmons (the guy who wrote the Hyperium books)

i also have a few books coming from the library, including the newest Heir to Chicagoland Vamnpires book (that was out in may), a few Warriors books, a new Hollows book (out today!), and a few other assorted books here and there.

trystan830 07-21-2021 10:49 PM


so last year, i read 36 books. i just finished #36 earlier today, and have started #37 today! yaaay!! :D

Kaderin Triste 07-21-2021 11:02 PM

Yay! Go you!

My reading has slowed down a lot. But might still barely be on track for 1 per month/12 books this year if I can haul ass on my current book.
...which I may or may not have actually added tp my list... lol

trystan830 07-21-2021 11:05 PM

go you! you can do it!

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