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Merskelly Metalien 04-02-2020 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by daikokunyo (Post 1938910)

oh my. i watched the clip you linked and almost cried just at that. just the way baby jumbo doesn't understand what the other elephants are saying, so even though they're saying mean things, he's just a happy fascinated baby TT he's been animated to behave so like a baby, his gestures, they tugged at my heart! and when his mother used his flappy ears to swaddle-wrap him! i can't handle it >.< i don't know if i'll ever be brave enough to watch it TT

YES TO THIS. it all fits omg. and it extends the scope of the RP to include arcs however many of the circus characters we'd want to explore. :D

Ohh nooo. <x'} I just showed you like one of the happier clips in that movie! Lol! Not sure you'd be brave enough either, since it gets sad. ;~; But not too sad. <:] No one dies, so that's good. I believe in you! ^_^ You might enjoy Dumbo, up to you if you wanna watch it.
My favorite part in Dumbo as a kid was the infamous Pink Elephants scene, <x'D since it was so batshit crazy. Though it might have frightened a lot of kids my same age, >w>; I found it really the most fun to watch.

Recently found myself tearing up as I watched Dumbo over again. ;u; <3 It's one of my cousin's favorite disney movies, since he'd watch it as a little boy whenever he was sad or scared, and he'd watch it with his mama. Souper sweet. <X] I recommend mucho.

As for the RP:

daikokunyo 04-03-2020 12:48 AM

i think i will probably watch Dumbo when i want a good cathartic cry someday TT if that was a happy clip i can't imagine how the rest of the movie will make me feel. i'll save it for the day i decide i want to wring myself dry of tears xD

h'm. Dark Carnival? Curse of the Carnivalesque? they sound rather dramatic xD
'Devilry, Puppetry' or something with 'Covet' or 'Coveted' in the title? those are my ideas o.o

Merskelly Metalien 04-03-2020 02:20 AM

Indeed! <x') And keep those tissues handy!

Hmmmm, :T Carnival..devilry...cursed...mmmaybe, something like, Circus of the Cursed?
Or The Devil's Carnival? :)

daikokunyo 04-03-2020 02:37 AM

'The Devil's Carnival' sounds cool :D

Merskelly Metalien 04-03-2020 11:43 PM

:D Awesome! I have no objections then. -U- That's a great title!
Now all's left is to sort out the character profiles and the thread. :]
I'll leave that up to you though. ^-^ Seems like I've already done a lot already with my sample characters and all.

Also for RP posting times:
:o I'm typically on Trisphee every day at least for a little bit, and I monitor for new replies and activity on my phone. ^-^ So subscribing to the RP thread will be no problem.
However, :T I usually log off around 10-11pm at night PST (Pacific Standard Time) which might be at a different time where you live I think. ^U^; I tend to get sleepy around that time and have to retire to my cave. :] I seem to have a good track record of waking up in the morning around 8-9pm PST though and sometimes log on after breakfast. ^-^ But please let me know what time is good for RPing for you!

daikokunyo 04-04-2020 01:07 AM

yep! i think i could make one character that interacts more with Gideon, make a detailed character profile for that, and we can insert additional characters, like all the circus ones, as and when needed into the RP. if we do want to make profiles for those additional characters at a later date, or just briefer backstories for them, we can discuss in OOC and just edit the profile posts in the RP and put the extras under spoilers, perhaps. how does that sound to you?

so turns out Pacific Standard Time is 12 hours and 30 minutes behind Indian Standard Time, my timezone :B which i kind of expected. usually all my online friends in the US have their day start when mine ends and so on. i do still find that we're both online at the same time, every once in a while, but i sometimes take time over writing RP replies. so while i'd chat with you when we're both online i don't know if i'd be able to get my RP reply up before you log off.

also i might not get up a reply every day (although now, under lockdown, i can get replies up more often). but whenever i go back to college i might only be able to reply on the weekends ;_;

Merskelly Metalien 04-04-2020 08:45 PM

^_^; I too am guilty of taking some time to reply. But that's okay. :D It just means a nice surprise for when I check back later. ^-^

I'm not sure if this lockdown will lift anytime soon, as the US is woefully unprepared for literally any sort of medical hardship. >_>; But luckily I'm staying inside and gettin' some things done. :] I save time usually to reply, but if I don't it may be due to separate illness, or schoolwork, or house duties. :/ I am servant # 1 so I get a lot of orders within a week and am relied on for help with almost everything. x'D As servant #2 gets only the minimum orders. <x'}


if we do want to make profiles for those additional characters at a later date, or just briefer backstories for them, we can discuss in OOC and just edit the profile posts in the RP and put the extras under spoilers, perhaps. how does that sound to you?
:D Sounds great! ^-^ I'll leave the format to you. :] I'll do my best to adapt. -u- And add a couple of my other OCs I think may be extremely appropriate for this Devil's Carnival RP. :D I'll also try to include some sort of visual representation for them.

daikokunyo 04-05-2020 01:07 PM

i think i might follow a similar format to the character profiles you've been sharing with me so far! :D

i relate so hard with being servant #1. my brother won't unstick his ass from his seat, won't pause his gaming, so i end up doing errands for everyone, especially my grandparents and recently my mother, too.

Merskelly Metalien 04-05-2020 01:34 PM

Same herrrree! <x/ Honestly I hope my own brother learns to flippin' do the laundry and dishes one day, so I'm taking a protest vacation from a couple of my duties to give him the opportunity, since he's not given the priority or responsibility. B[ He games more than I do and I get scolded for playing ALL day?? <x'D I can do little else but laugh at it. >u> *sigh* and try to remember that my family is completely helpless without me. I may not know how to do much, but I am the sole entertainer, advisor and tech assistant.~+ -U-
My mom can't even use our printer unless I'm there to help. <x'} My poor extroverted family, I have to console them when I am social distancing. I say, as I socially distance with metal songs on a Sunday... >w>

I've already sorta started on some separate side OCs for the RP. :D Haven't finished with their backstories completely but I have sorted out their looks. ^-^ I'll let you know that a couple of them have animal companions, and there's a set of twins. ^-^

Edit: Oh! o.o and I came up with some alternate curses that happen only at night for them all, with a couple of them having a sort of alter ego persona, and for others curses that come with their contract.
>u>; Gideon himself has a handful to deal with.

Merskelly Metalien 04-13-2020 11:54 PM
Oh dear...I seem to have
made like,
10 profiles!??
<x'D I got way too excited for this RP, lol!

daikokunyo 04-20-2020 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by Merskelly Metalien (Post 1939300)
Oh dear...I seem to have
made like,
10 profiles!??
<x'D I got way too excited for this RP, lol!


throw all 10 of those profiles at me! i'm still juggling drafting two profiles, but i'd like to see yours so as not to make characters that are too similar. i'll try to make enough characters to match with yours even if they'll probably be more bare-bones than your profiles. (i mean, i doubt i would end up making any characters similar to yours, you're so creative and detailed, but just in case.) i mainly don't want to write abilities (like contortion, sword-swallowing etc.), desires (what they asked the devil for) and curses to overlap too much with yours. i'm not concerned about the other stuff since i'm pretty sure you'd have unique backstories and other details judging from all the OCs you've shared with me so far.

Merskelly Metalien 04-20-2020 06:25 PM

<XD Ahaha, okie dokie!
Welp. 3 out of the 10 are like, double-person themed, so it might actually be 13??? <x'D Not at all a bad luck number lol!

:D Makes sense. I'm hoping one of your characters might be a trapeze artist, knife thrower or magician or orchestra composer, as none of my characters are those.

Here are the profiles. :d lemme just sort them out...I'll include their little nifty TLDRs just in case you wanna come back and read, 'cause some of them are LONG. <8} Accidentally forgot to stop writing. <x'D

TLDR: Already cursed pirate man wants to find his pa, so he signed the paper which gives him his wish, in exchange for his performance, and some hand trouble during the night.

Jack and Philipe

TLDR: Demon possessed by human soul share a body together and want two different things, so they signed the paper for fame, fortune and friends in exchange for their talents and now they can’t share their body like they used to.

Zuza Merani

TLDR: Half-genie orphan lady gets dumped by her family, and she is scared of her genie heritage so she tries not to die until she signs the paper to be a fortune teller and become immortal, but now she’s bad luck.

Pho Li and Sang Li

TLDR: Twin acrobatic siblings sign paper to help save their mom and to get hella rich and famous, but they gotta do tricks while at night one grows a tail and the other looks hideous.

Gali Mottwax

TLDR: Young girl with talent for taming wild creatures is from a family that is looked at like criminals, and signed the paper to help her family and their animals, but she has to perform and at night she switches sexes.

Hakim Shariq

TLDR: Gentle bird aristocat boy doesn’t wanna marry a girl, he loves the ancient king he woke up in the desert, so he signs the paper to see his love again, which he will but he has to perform and also deal with being a temporary vampire.

Tickles “TJ”

TLDR: Sadistic, disturbed, angry sociopathic man wants revenge on his horrible family, so he signs the paper to get it, but also because he likes being a silly psycho.

Rosa and Sunny

TLDR: Extremely nervous girl wants not to be so nervous anymore, so she can be together with her crush, but she signs a paper with her in hopes their fears and suffering will be gone, so they are now performing girls, but now at night she will shrink with every yawn she lets out. The other girl just becomes hot, but like, burning coals hot.


TLDR: Soft fire fairy wants humans to leave her kind the hell alone, so she signs a paper to keep them from finding her people, and must help light up the carnival, while at night her legs are unavailable.


TLDR: Albino mermaid is rejected in the sea, and wants to learn about the world on land, so she signs the paper to learn things, and though she gets to leave her tank at night, when she snacks on land food her tail comes back ruining everything.

daikokunyo 05-13-2020 05:51 AM

These are all wonderful! //squishes the OCs, even the intimidating ones

I won't be able to post profiles this week, probably TT but I'm going to post them as I finish them, even if it's one by one. I've nearly finished with the academic stuff I need to submit to graduate this year.

Merskelly Metalien 05-16-2020 02:49 PM

<x3 Thank you! *gushes* (I should really write more. >w>; I've been bumming around on video games and memes, I haven't had the drive to write, but I always find it again, once I begin to read something. ^U^)

It's ok. :o I wish you good luck on your academic stuffs, and also good health. <x/ I know the pressure to finish stuff before graduating, but also all the paperwork and stuff involved can be rather stressful. :D I look forward to your profiles too! ^-^

Merskelly Metalien 08-08-2020 11:25 PM

^_^ Heyooo! Hope you're doing well kunyooo!
o.o I wonder if you're busy studying for your degree.
I myself changed my major to English. <x} And I'll likely be swamped with classes soon, but!-
>:D I am still up for the RP. No prob! As I'll likely be writing anyways. <x}
I just hope I have enough caffeine and sleep to get through the future days. 8o I got a job so there's that too! :D I'll be able to earn money and fees I guess. <XD Haha!
Btw, have you gotten a chance to log on and see your inbox? 0.0
I am eagerly awaiting your reaction! :D

daikokunyo 11-08-2020 09:05 AM

Hi! I've been better >.< to be honest but I'm reaching the end of this semester, sort of- it ends on the 21st of this month! The finishing stretch will be as bad if not worse than how it's been until now but it's ENDING so thank god for that.
I've taken up tarot because I find it therapeutic OwO it really helps me even when I'm reading for others and not myself. But I want to get back to writing too, and just chatting with you regularly, because I enjoy those things. I will check my inbox ooooh I feel like I'm in for a treat! \^0^/
CONGRATULATIONS! It's amazing, yay for making your own monies! How are you finding work? And how are you finding college after your major change?

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