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Espy 10-09-2019 03:02 AM

Yeah I'm probably going to do all the themes at some point, if only because I need stop drawing basically the same shit over and over.

Death by Mirrors 10-09-2019 01:44 PM

Aww, it's okay - don't stress yourself! Right now we have seen 9 different OCs anyway, so I'm not going to count skipping Juanita Alma. But I hope you continue drawing them all, because they're really cool and I admit I've been looking forward to your art each day.

Merskelly Metalien 10-09-2019 06:05 PM

Thanks all. ;u;
My midterms are almost all finished this week, and hopefully I'll use my time wisely this weekend to get shit done. <x{ And pull myself out of my old habits and routine, so I'll have more energy and willingness to doodle. :C
Which reminds me! 8{ I got three doodles to work on now. x/ Gotta balance that, homework reading, and taking care of myself dammit. <X'C How do I take care of myself without feeling guilty that I'm not getting things done with my time?? ;_; O, the struggle..

littl3chocobo 10-09-2019 07:19 PM

well, it helps to imagine your very favorite person doing what you are doing and thinking about if they deserve to take care of themselves and have a break

Merskelly Metalien 10-10-2019 02:41 AM

:/ Hmm...I see.
<.<; But I don't know if my favorite person has time to think about that.
Mostly he just munches on snak and attak in Minecraft. <x}

Merskelly Metalien 10-10-2019 03:25 AM

Inktober 8th
Juanita Alma

[I'm gonna be a day behind for now, but I suppose I'll catch up eventually..]

About this lovely lady: Juanita is a vampire living among humans on the outskirts of a town in the desert called Lago Mala. She is a barmaid working and living in Cantina Azucar, at night. During the day, she sleeps in the darkness of the cellar, surrounded by alcohol and unbothered by anyone. She has lived for over 80 years in Mexico, and has witnessed war, hardship and changing times.
She has always been lonely and has never met with another vampire like her. At night, she sometimes finds patrons drinking in the cantina who are too drunk, dangerous and too awful to be missed, and lures them away to the back of the building to feast on their blood. Though her boss, the Cantina owner does not know she does this, when he found out he was terrified of her and almost fled, if it were not for her victim being worth a bounty of $1000 dead or alive. Juanita offered to let her boss have the reward money as long as she could stay in the Cantina. He agreed, though he's more nervous around her than before.
Juanita is astute, beautiful, sweet and at times fiery. She speaks Spanish and English, and often talks with the kind and harmless customers. When one night, a group of French Buffalo skin traders came into the Cantina looking to rest and relax for the evening, Juanita immediately tried to get them to leave with a rifle. One trader managed to convince her to lay the gun down, and they would leave in peace. Juanita took a liking to him, as he seemed to be a rare soul who treated her with the most respect. His name was Fredrick, and he had long dark hair and deep earthy skin, being part Native American and part French.
She would eventually come to fall in love with him after meeting him again and again on different occasions. Fredrick, though he knows less English than Juanita, came to learn from her, and be charmed by her thoughtfulness and beauty. He gave her a necklace he made himself, with a carved feather in polished amazonite, for protection against binding forces. She had jewelry, much shinier and more intricate, but she treasures the necklace he made her more than any gold she could ever receive. Though Fredrick learns later on that she is a vampire, he doesn't seem to be dissuaded or scared, loving Juanita anyway, and returning to visit her.
Juanita is cold-blooded and immortal, nothing can kill her but a stake to the heart. Though she only gets to feed around twice a week, she can keep living for months without a single drop of blood. However, she will be much weaker. Juanita has an interest in music, though she cannot play an instrument, she can dance very well, but she keeps that fact hidden from the customers, so no one pesters her to dance for them over and over again. Juanita has a quiet and relatively gentle nature, but if word ever got out to others that she was not human but one of the undead, she would be labeled a monster and treated as such.

Death by Mirrors 10-10-2019 05:06 AM

Very accurate, folks are quick to label the different as evil. She however really sounds like a kind soul and I wouldn't mind stopping by at that cantina. Has she always wanted to be a barmaid, or is it the job she took because the opportunity offered itself?

Merskelly Metalien 10-10-2019 02:39 PM

Well, sort of the latter. <:/ Unfortunately she never really reflected on what she wanted to be and what she wanted for herself, other than just to survive in safety. Barkeeping, waitressing and cleaning is all she knew how to do well, and so she just stuck with it, getting employed from cantina to cantina. It wasn't until she met Fredrick that she started reflecting on what it was she really liked to do, :] which was dancing.

Merskelly Metalien 10-12-2019 03:14 AM

Inktober 9th
(Really Late)
Dr. Benjamin West

[;-; Think I might quit. I didn't even really try with this one..]

About: Dr. Benjamin West is the great great grandson of the infamous Dr. Herbert West, and specializes in modern chemistry and biochemistry. He is rarely excited about anything and though he is incredibly smart, most of his experimental projects end in failure. He hardly turns to emote anything other than sheer frustration and anger, but when he gets an idea, it's as if the world were suddenly made of shining gold. Benjamin is a bit of a grump, and not at all the sort of person you would find taking a break from his research and his work. He works with a team of other doctors as they have a common goal; to find a means to cure death permanently for the sake of the distant future of humankind, and also to prove themselves to their superior. Maybe earn a big award for essentially making man immortal, who knows? Though Benjamin goes through trial and error, and mostly error, raising the dead is in his blood. Also cooking is in his blood. Or perhaps, he is better at chemistry than he knows.

Death by Mirrors 10-12-2019 05:38 AM

I don't know - as cool as immortality sounds, the earth would get pretty crowded. Unless you either colonize other planets or force sterilization on everyone to avoid further production of humans.

littl3chocobo 10-12-2019 06:52 AM

well, and decriminalize suicide

Merskelly Metalien 10-12-2019 01:50 PM

/x} Yeahh, the future gets pretty complicated, since there are multiverse alternate realities. Bat would explain that, but Bat gets tired of taking his pacifier out all the time. <u< (Bat is the main time traveler.) In some futures there is required sterilization, and in others terminating population control, but in the future Bat is from, most humans can only survive below the equator, and overpopulation is no longer an issue due to a very strict government regulation. But a disease affecting all humankind and has no cure, driving humanity slowly to extinction. Some humans to escape the terrible plague are offing themselves accelerating the erasure of humankind. So, there's kind of a crisis, and Bat's gotta like travel to the past to find and bring back a cure somehow. Dr. West is like a cog in the wheel of that progress, albeit a kind of crooked cog, but a cog nonetheless. x}

Death by Mirrors 10-12-2019 04:47 PM

Love your current avatar by the way. Psycho goblin school girl on a killing spree.

Oh and recently I've been reading a novel where death by old age is essentially no longer a thing, so there's a reaper profession (more or less, although you can't really apply for it but are chosen as an apprentice by one of the existing folks) that kills people for population control. Everyone else who dies gets revived again, but once you're killed by one of these scythes, you're gone for good. Interesting story.

Merskelly Metalien 10-12-2019 05:14 PM

Sounds interesting. o.o I've got a similar idea of a religious totalitarian society, where if a woman has a child before marrying, she is executed, and the child is sent to become a mineworker. <.<; Actually that isn't really that similar now that I think about it..

Thank you! <x} I kind of got sort of a yandere sort of thing going on with my avi. xD

littl3chocobo 10-12-2019 05:33 PM

why the brutlity? are men held to the same standard? what is the significance of marrying that it's disregard is met with the harshest punishment?

Merskelly Metalien 10-12-2019 05:59 PM

:] Well, I haven't totally finished the story. I just jot down ideas, but I suspect the reasoning would be, since it's a religious based governing system, the disobedience of the religious law would be seen as justifying the ending of the life of the sinner. 8/ Big yikes, as men are not held to the same standard because in the religion, men are viewed as those with the strongest of wills, and women the weakest.

I got a lot of different ideas n' shit for writing. o-0; November's gonna be tough to try and write for..I'm already struggling with doodling! ;-; I'm so behind, I might just group all the scientists together into one doodle..would that be okay?

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