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Tohopekaliga 12-10-2016 01:23 PM

On the plus side, extra money, right? :D

Lee 12-10-2016 01:26 PM

Unless she's salary. > A>;;

Kaderin Triste 12-10-2016 01:28 PM

Toho: Yep. And I need all the 'extra' money I can get. (Maybe I can afford a few groceries this month!)
I also need to get back to putting in job apps so I can get a better job that actually pays decently.

Tohopekaliga 12-10-2016 01:38 PM

Getting a better job is always important, but geh, the job applications process is so very unpleasant.

And I have the type of profession where people come to me to do it for me. It still sucks.

Lee 12-10-2016 01:41 PM

I look forward to my future assembly work job. Check to see if there's a Whirlpool factory near you, they always need people. Their workers keep quitting because they don't like mindless repetitive work. For some reason. Starting pay I think is anywhere from $9 to $10 an hour, depending on where you live. They don't generally advertise, either.

Kaderin Triste 12-10-2016 01:41 PM

Applications aren't too bad for me. It's the interviews that I always bomb.
BUUUT I've been slowly draining my savings account over the lat year, so I need to get serious in my job hunting again.
Unfortunately, 97% of my job experience is retail so no one else wants to hire me and retail makes me want to blow my brains out.

Lee: Unfortunately, there isn't. But I'm already making $9 per hour. Just not getting enough hours per week.

Lee 12-10-2016 01:44 PM

Alternate option: You try and find a temp agency. Might be mostly custodial work, but it's usually not that bad. Office buildings and the like, different places each month or week. Most places even have an option where they help you get a permanent job with these places if they like you.

Kaderin Triste 12-10-2016 01:53 PM

I already am doing custodial and I hate it worse than retail (or at least grocery), hence part of the need to start applying to places again.
But there is a Hobby Lobby that's supposed to open up this spring, so as soon as they start taking applications. I mean, yeah I hate retail, but I love craft it might not be quite as bad. And it would only be about a 30 minute walk from my apt. so transportation, though cold in the winter, wouldn't really be too bad.
I mean...until the end of the month, I'll probably have enough extra hours to keep me fine just because of Christmas party rentals, but as soon as January is here...I need to drag my laptop to the nearest wifi source. XP

Sorry...I'm tired, hungry, and generally moody today, which is making me extra whiny today...

Lee 12-10-2016 02:22 PM

You're not being whiny at all. I'm sorry you're in a funk, though. How can I cheer you up?

Kaderin Triste 12-10-2016 02:52 PM

Buy me food? Ah just chatting in general is good. I tend to be kind of in a funk a lot...but I'm sure I'll be fine eventually.

Lee 12-10-2016 03:12 PM

**throws muffin at face** O vO <3

Tohopekaliga 12-10-2016 03:14 PM

A drive by muffining!


Kaderin Triste 12-10-2016 03:16 PM

I actually meant to grab a couple muffins on my way out the door, but I was running late and the friend that was giving me a lift to work had been waiting and I forgot. :c

Satan 12-10-2016 03:38 PM

@Lee you may be Belial indeed! Consider yourself a prince!
@Kaderin your aviii looks sooo nicee

Kaderin Triste 12-10-2016 03:40 PM

Thanks Satan! It's not quite finished...but almost!

Lee 12-10-2016 04:13 PM

To say 'drive-by' would imply
That I didn't linger nigh.

W007, Prince!

And speaking of nice avis.... I covet your pitchfork and little fox friend, Satan. What items are those, if you don't mind sharing?

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