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Gallagher 11-23-2018 06:36 PM

creepy eyes are worse than no face

change my mind

mdom 11-23-2018 06:41 PM

like the ones you have right now?
well your whole avatar is creepy...

Gallagher 11-23-2018 06:42 PM

yeah i'm going for a thing right now lmao

Stabbsworth 11-23-2018 06:47 PM

eh, switched back to the old avatar and added a couple of things.

Inspire 11-23-2018 09:51 PM

Ahhhhh, it looks so perfect and the face detailing looks even more perfect connected with it, ahhhhh, I love it so much. The pillows look great with it too, adds a lot of dimension!!!

Stabbsworth 11-25-2018 06:19 PM


i want to make a neon avatar set.

Inspire 11-25-2018 10:27 PM

That'd be quite cool, I love the rave scene.

Stabbsworth 11-26-2018 07:09 PM

No, I mean like an eyeburner dragon in Flight Rising. The things with awfully gaudy colours and such.

Inspire 11-26-2018 07:47 PM

Oh, oops. If only you had told me so, hmmmmm? I actually quit Flight Rising because of nothing but boredom after not even a month so... It was cool while it lasted though and the dragons are cool. I don't see neon as gaudy??? I see them as super cool, bright and fun!!!

mdom 11-26-2018 07:58 PM

Like my current avatar? xD

Stabbsworth 11-26-2018 08:09 PM

Oi, don't blame *that* on me. Neon colours don't go good together in colour theory, most of the time, unless you're fairly skilled at using them. It's why I stick to grayish colours.

And no, not all rainbow stuff. I mean like really bright colours that make your eyeballs burn.

mdom 11-26-2018 08:33 PM

Some would say that about my avatars. But I see what you mean. I remember back in the days of Solia's Next Top Model (rip) we had a round of 'high contrast' and there were some cool avatars.

Inspire 11-26-2018 09:26 PM

But you didn't fully explain the situation so I can. Don't you just hate when people don't do that and get you all confused??? Yes, I know that but that also doesn't mean I will not try to make them work, either, hahaha.

mdom 11-26-2018 09:29 PM

we can also like
not blame anyone

Inspire 11-26-2018 09:35 PM

Ahhhh, you are right. I'm just so depressed lately, so many panic attacks and stuff. It is slowly getting better though!!! Sorry if it all came out wrong how about that?? I promise I'm not as mean as my depression tends to portray. I just try to help and make things right. God, this reminds me of our old house... Anyway, sorry for any confusion!!!

Stabbsworth 11-28-2018 03:14 PM

...i ought to get a rainbow-themed avatar set up for pride day. either that, or an ace flag-themed one.

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