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littl3chocobo 08-28-2013 11:36 PM

you are 5015 XD the .l and .r is your current direction

Shadami 08-28-2013 11:36 PM

Oh... well that makes sense and i feel dumb. haha

littl3chocobo 08-28-2013 11:37 PM

you shouldn't XD not all setups register direction

also hee i am cute~

Shadami 08-28-2013 11:45 PM

i forgot to put a horizon line. But otherwise it turned out adorable. Via random inspiration.

not a bad number though 5015. :]

littl3chocobo 08-28-2013 11:46 PM

not at all

i hope you can use the eniki, i kinda don't have a lot of emerald items i guess XD or much green now that i've looked

Shadami 08-28-2013 11:51 PM

i don't think i have much either. xD haha. But thank you :] its a wonderful tip.

littl3chocobo 08-28-2013 11:57 PM

i think i got my money's worth<3

Shadami 08-29-2013 12:04 AM

Well i'm glad you like it. ^-^

littl3chocobo 08-29-2013 12:06 AM

and i am sure others will too<3

you are very green XD

Shadami 08-29-2013 12:15 AM

I may work on my other commissions. but i may also head to bed. which... i hope its decent temperature upstairs. ugh. I'm actually quite sleepy. I mean its only sneaking up slowly on 1 am now.

littl3chocobo 08-29-2013 12:15 AM

is it? i say go to bed~

Shadami 08-29-2013 12:25 AM

yeah its about 12:30 now. haha

littl3chocobo 08-29-2013 12:31 AM

sleep time XD

Shadami 08-29-2013 12:46 AM

Shortly yeah.. i need something small to munch on. I'm hungry. but i'm yawning like crazy now.

littl3chocobo 08-29-2013 12:49 AM

take an apple? supposed to help make your dreams more vivid, if nothing else it's yummy

Shadami 08-29-2013 12:50 AM

oh my god. i do not need my dreams more vivid. And an explanation will have to wait until tomorrow.
i HAVE to go. Daughter has a dr appointment in the morning. i forgot!

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