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Merskelly Metalien 02-15-2020 02:46 PM

No. It's misbehaving again. So now I have to resort to using the touchscreen. B[
Which I hate using for anything other than doodling...
Speaking of which, anybody need an angry valentine? X}

trystan830 02-15-2020 02:57 PM

so put your keyboard in time-out!

tbh, that looks like my typing before i fix alll my typos. they're horrendous.

(it's why one of my most common reasons for editing posts is "proofread first, then post" XD

Kaderin Triste 02-15-2020 03:56 PM

Yes. All the angry Valentines!

Death by Mirrors 02-15-2020 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Voidbarker (Post 1935229)
i vaguely wish there was a universal sign language, but that'd be difficult to implement. least for obscene gestures.
Friend of mine once inadvertently pissed off a salesman at a bazar when she wanted to signal OK after haggling a bit, and he read the gesture as an insult.

Kaderin Triste 02-15-2020 06:18 PM

*screams in frustrated Ace/Aro*
Just had an obnoxious person (seriously, she's just obnoxious in general....but especially today) do the whole reading too much into friendship conversation with me today.
Her: "How's A?"
Me: "Good"
Her: "Good? That's good....are you two an item?"
Me: "No. Hell no."
Her: "It could still happen..."
Me: "Nope. Never gonna. Don't want it."
Her: "A's a good guy..."

I just knew yesterday went too well for Valentine's Hell to be over.

Kitalpha Hart 02-15-2020 07:42 PM

"Next time you shove your nose into my business I'm shitting on it"
Friggin allos and their needto shove two people together. Especially middle aged hetero women

Kaderin Triste 02-15-2020 07:51 PM

I am a strong, single, dragon mama, who don't need no significant other! *snap*

Merskelly Metalien 02-15-2020 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Kaderin Triste (Post 1935262)
Yes. All the angry Valentines!
Here ya go. x]

Kitalpha Hart 02-15-2020 09:43 PM

I don't get what you're supposed to do with this "significant other"
Cats I know. Other animals have guides
These? I don't know! Do I put them in a jar? How often do they need to be fed? Will my cats try to eat them?

Kaderin Triste 02-15-2020 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Merskelly Metalien (Post 1935290)

Yay! Thank you!
Also, I may have exploded in laughter upon seeing that valentine.

Merskelly Metalien 02-15-2020 09:57 PM

And another important question for asking,
/:\ Why do people think men like cologne and alcohol, and ladies like jewelry and flowers???

:[ What even IS a men? Or a ladies?? <x} And what the heck is it with Lingerie being used for sex?? Why not Lingerie for dudes? 8/ *shrug* Why not Lingerie, movie marathon, slumber party?


Originally Posted by Kaderin Triste (Post 1935301)
Yay! Thank you!
Also, I may have exploded in laughter upon seeing that valentine.

x'D hahaha! You're welcome!

Tam I am 02-15-2020 11:14 PM

Reading all these comments has made me very thankful that no one tries pairing me up with my honorary brother anymore.

Merskelly Metalien 02-15-2020 11:17 PM

I don't even think anyone's tried to pair me with MY brother...can't imagine the awkward level there. >~>;;;

Kitalpha Hart 02-15-2020 11:33 PM

ene that's a level of awkward I don't wanna experience

Merskelly Metalien 02-15-2020 11:54 PM

And now I present,
Things to do in Lingerie besides it's intended purpose.
Even though literally NO ONE asked for this. Xux;
(As I don't have any lingerie, I just used my nightgown/hand-me-down tank top. x})

Clean around your ears.

Butcher up the national anthem into a hairbrush for some reason.

Sneak out of the bedroom and into the closet where you can scheme!

Take part in a classic mexican standoff with finger guns.

Play a frustrating game of charades.

and of course, direct someone to the nearest exit.

Derpy McBlueEyes 02-15-2020 11:56 PM

Derpy waddles in. "Can I be at the swumber party too? Pwease?"

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