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Claire Bear 10-21-2017 02:01 AM

i just started watching flip flappers i'm four episodes in and dont have anything to do tomorrow so anticipate me reporting that i finished it tomorrow some time lmao. i'm really enjoying it.

Claire Bear 10-21-2017 09:16 PM


i need more of these more adult oriented magical girl anime in my life, omg.

CactuarJoe 11-02-2017 12:26 PM

Finished watching Serial Experiment Lain and jeez was it weird. I have so many questions for it too, it definitely deserves a rewatch but my brain needs a break haha.

Awen Moonshine 11-02-2017 01:34 PM

We're currently watching the 3rd season of The World God Only Knows but Crunchyroll are a bit naff and don't have the OVAs that came between seasons... :( We've been watching loads of stuff here though, the most recent few being Granblue Fantasy, Knights & Magic and Tsugumomo plus I finished watching Haikyu! that I had been watching on my own...

Conventions are a great experience! It's how I met my other half and we've been together for getting on for 8 years now and have a little monster otherwise known as our daughter ^_^;; My uncle took me to my first convention once I was legal to drink as him and his best friend tend to spend a lot of time at the bar ^_^;;

Claire Bear 11-03-2017 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by CactuarJoe (Post 1814705)
Finished watching Serial Experiment Lain and jeez was it weird. I have so many questions for it too, it definitely deserves a rewatch but my brain needs a break haha.

that's one of my favorite anime. it's soooo weird. <3

Grimalkin 11-06-2017 08:40 PM

I am currently nearing the end of AKB0048, I have no idea why I never watched it earlier.

Other than that I am catching up on Himouto! Umaru-chan, absolutely adore the series and am so pleased I managed to snag an Umaru-chan pillow from C4 Comicon this year.

Isis 11-07-2017 05:46 PM

Detective Conan is on Netflix, so I've been watching it. Pretty fun, but they are completely out of order so I had to google a few characters to figure out who they were and why they were there/acting that way...

bluebird 12-04-2017 12:15 AM

the trailer of Violet Evergarden
KyoAni plS
i'm shaking

Awen Moonshine 12-16-2017 06:35 PM

We've just finished watching My Hero Academia. I really like this series and can't wait for the next season next year and the movie <3

I've also started watching Kukuro's Basketball on my own during the week while the other half is at work and I am so invested in the characters I get really worked up watching ^_^;; It's been a really good series so far and wish it could go on forever <3

KittyBeary 12-16-2017 11:51 PM

I'm catching up with Idolm@ster Side-M. Sooooo many feels. D8

bluebird 12-18-2017 01:26 AM

Did Yuri on Ice season 2 come out yet cuz I need to watch that.

KittyBeary 12-18-2017 02:58 AM

No, not yet. :(

I want Prince of Stride season 2 but who knows when that'll happen.

Foday 06-20-2018 12:43 AM

Im finishing Log Horizon

EverAshwood 06-21-2018 09:51 PM

I just got around to watching Black Butler's third season, Book of Circus (and the Book of Murder OVA), as well as FINALLY starting JoJo

KittyBeary 06-24-2018 12:17 AM

Still watching Natsume Yuujinchou. xD

gremlin 09-22-2018 10:24 PM

I recently finished both Madoka and Violet Evergarden, started watching Sailor Moon again. ^^

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