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Espy 04-05-2014 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Kenai (Post 1619288)
You are not taking on too many things are you Lawtan?

-sighs and facepalms-

Kenai 04-05-2014 07:31 PM

-takes your palm off your face-
What's up Espy? o-O

Lawtan 04-06-2014 12:14 AM

I tend to take on too many things.
A positive is I am improving on prioritizing.
*shrugs* Sort of hard not to sometimes.

Kenai 04-06-2014 12:19 AM

Well I don't want you burning out again. I care to much about you to want to see that okay? -pets-

also espy why did you face palm?

Lawtan 04-06-2014 12:22 AM

Because Espy has said often not to overwork, but for some reason it doesn't stick. :s-laugh:

Jurinjo 04-06-2014 12:31 AM

Now you got another one telling you not to overwork yourself you work-aholic you. =p

Lawtan 04-06-2014 12:35 AM

*Does not really respond there*

Quiet Man Cometh 04-07-2014 06:35 PM

(warning, not proofread)

Hi there! This will be a bit long, so I'll bold the relevant sections for people who don't want to read all of it. ;). Following DK's comments, yes, I did find may way here via a piece of GWing/Trisphee fanfiction. Let me tell you about that. :)

I did bump into DK's fanfiction "Onward to Trisphee" at and my first reaction was "what the hell is Trisphee?" I looked like a standard characters-in-hi-school fic, which are common enough. It showed the anime characters encountering this avatar site called Trisphee. If all it was was a high school character fic, I might have stopped there, but why I think it worked was because I learned through the fic what Trisphee was, what an avatar site was (I had never even heard of them before then), and what sort of stuff happened there (the fic took place around the Taskal War event). I had been on forums before and since the forum I usually on was changing for the worse, I followed the little link DK posted and ended up here. (I know at least two other people followed as well but I think I'm the only one that stuck around).

On the technical,business end of things, I think it's been established that Tris does not have the resources to devote to an official webcomic for the site right now, but to elaborate a little bit, I think staff right now are taking the safe route as far as site development. There is always something to be said for advertising, like DK's fanfiction piece, and I think a web/fancomic would be great for that. But, to have a regular comic going on tris would need more resources, which means we need a larger user base than we currently have. Staff could put resources towards the webcomic and hope that it draws the user base in to pay for itself, but it's a risk. If it doesn't work, it becomes a waste of resources the site may not have. On the other hand, a user fancomic gets advertising, without draining the site of needed resources.

Okay, that said, I like the idea of a fancomic. :)

Apart from the advertising bit, which is a good bonus, I think it would be fun and entertaining to read. Not sure how easy they are to find now, but in the past a few people did little strip comics and pictures depicting NPC's in events from the trisphee story as well as just hypothetical scenarios. They were cute, and helped endear people to the characters.

On the story: it's fine I think to go along with the tris story, if that's the plan, but I also think it would be fun to make little short strip comics that just show an event or two, or maybe something that has even yet to happen or happened "off screen" so to speak. Since it's a fancomic, there is a lot more freedom to work with the characters, though I would like to see them acting in the way they normally would. Little short vignettes would allow for a break from a longer story for bother the writers and the readers, and provide more ways for potential users to get to know the characters. It also allowed for multiple writers to do their own thing now and then, especially if working together on the one big project starts to get on everyone's nerves (and it likely will at some point).

On the art: it would definitely be a lot of work for one or even two artists, and like DK said, if needed, people can decide and share a style, but I personally think that multiple artists or different styles isn't a bad thing. Consider something like Animatrix or the Batman movie-thing that showed multiple Batman stories but all done in different animation styles. I found them very interesting to watch. The stories were related as in from the same setting, but since each were contained into themselves, it wasn't a shock to see the different art styles. I think the same could be done for a fancomic. Strip comics would allow for a free mix of styles, and even in the larger story, as long as there's a chapter break in between, I think switching styles/artists now and then wouldn't be a bad thing, especially if it's mentioned before hand that that's what you guy will be doing.

I can't devote much time to a project like this, but if you do go the strip and full story route, it wouldn't surprise me if other people decide to little things now and then. I'll read it if nothing else. :)

Taletha 04-08-2014 02:48 AM

You guys are making me rethink my possible involvement in all this. lol :/

Okay, so here's the spin; I may know a guy who may know an artist. Decent to boot. But, we really have to have something worth making here. So....maybe it isn't such a bad idea to have a plan?

Nexess 04-08-2014 08:56 PM

-norms jelly beans- I would say maybe follow the shop keepers storyline if you want to actually follow one of the story lines, theirs is a lot more light hearted and will be a lot less stressful to make.

If you wanna make your own I say do whatever you feel, an everyday on trisphee one would be cool.

Jurinjo 04-09-2014 01:42 AM

Talthea I know you've taken this project under your wing, sorry for kind of floating forward without waiting for you to post and be involved. What do you have to say about the conversation thus far? :3

From your previous posts it seems it's easy to ruffle your feathers regarding the fancomic. I want to apologize if I do for what I'm about to say below.

Originally Posted by Taletha (Post 1620563)
Okay, so here's the spin; I may know a guy who may know an artist. Decent to boot. But, we really have to have something worth making here. So....maybe it isn't such a bad idea to have a plan?

At this point we probably can't be making the comic for money so I find it unlikely a guy who knows a guy will just do even a weekly strip just because he enjoys drawing.

If I'm misunderstand your goals please correct me.

Taletha 04-09-2014 10:08 PM

Only a tiny bit. He'll work for free ( first) if he's working on quality stuff. But, he'll definitely be asking for compensation at a later point.

He's...kinda like an art loan shark lol! He'll work for free at the start, but eventually you'll owe him. I don't imagine he'll have you put on ice if you skip out, but...there are contacts involved. Which means if you fail on your end he'll lawyer up.

Nexess 04-10-2014 02:37 AM

Sorry let me make something very clear here. This fancomic cannot generate money for you. It has to be non-profit because you are using trademarks of trisphee. If you'd like to make a comic with your own stuff and use nothing of ours than yes you can make money off of it. But getting someone like that to work on something that will never make profit is a bad idea.

Lawtan 04-10-2014 01:23 PM

I sort of knew that... <.<

Also, Quiet, thanks for the points *is digesting them mentally*

Taletha 04-10-2014 06:50 PM

I'm sorry, but...I think I'm all spent of ideas at this point. It doesn't help that you guys are either unwilling or incapable, for whatever reason, of actually taking a part in this... :/

You guys really should have laid out the circumstances before folks apparently got a bit excited about this. As it stands, this experiment was practically impossible from the start. A simple "Can't be done, go away!" would've been just fine at the very first post I mentioned this idea in...

Quiet Man Cometh 04-11-2014 01:19 AM

It looks to me like people are perfectly willing to work on something like this, Taletha, they just might not be inclined to work on things in the way you are specifying. When dealing with a number of people, flexibility is required if things are to turn out well.

The points Nexess makes are valid. If Trisphee is trademarked then the site is entitled to ask for payment in order for someone to use its material if they are making money off of it.

Bear in mind you were also the one who said that the details of the project could wait until after we decide whether or not we actually want a comic. Well, people seem to want the comic, so now it's time to work out the details. Those details happen to mean that profit is out of the question, and I think for good reasons.

We don't have to solely resort to money to help the site out. Improving the user base would work too, and I think that might be where a fan comic would work best. One thing the comic could offer to artists would be advertising for themselves (assuming it's alright). Take your friend of a friend for instance. If he were so inclined, he could appear for a chapter or a couple comics as a guest artist, with links to pages that show the rest of his work if people who happen upon it decide they like his work. It gets him some more visibility, even it it's not a whole lot to start with.

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