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Espy 09-18-2011 10:36 PM

Damn that girl, Kien thought as he loped up a brick wall onto the rooftops. He spotted the girl some distance away, but...there was someone behind her?

Gene sighed and continued on his way to the campus. He didn't start class until ten-thirty, but it didn't matter either way; he woke up early.

Kalei 09-18-2011 10:37 PM

Aaron sat around his buddies in the mess hall after morning drill exercises. Through bites of eggs and bacon they were discussing what they were going to do with their free afternoon hours. Aaron voted to see a movie, but most of his friends seemed to be set on hitting the local mall and scouting for girls. A sound blared on the speakers, signaling the end of breakfast. Aaron looed at his food forlornly for a moment, then quickly disposed of it as he walked to morning classes

Zeph let out a sigh of boredom. He was watching his Aunts stall in the merchant's square, since he wasn't working today,but nobody seemed to be interested in beaded jewelry at the moment. He perked up when he saw a girl running, with a man tailing her. It wasn't that unusual, he had seen her before, but it was still the most interesting thing that happened all day. He then turned his attentions back keeping an eye out for potential customers.

DarkForbidden-Love 09-18-2011 10:39 PM

Hera blinked and stopped walking causing the person who grabbed her to run into him. "You are talking 'bout da guy who chased me earlier on the roof?" Hera had a sudden epiphany, "I ran from an angry vendor whom I stole from, he chased me probably to make me return the fruit." Hera glanced at the wrist the held her captive and frowned, "Now let me go."

littl3chocobo 09-19-2011 08:44 AM

he stared. 'you have got to be kidding me, what a stupid reason to chase anyone.' he sidled up close and a small knife appeared in his other hand without warning. he left it at his side but it glinted just so that she could see the threat it could become if he thought she was lying. 'seriously duckie, why was he chasing you?'

Espy 09-19-2011 11:24 AM

Kien crouched at the edge of the roof again, carefully and silently unfolding the long lance in case he had to use it, all the while watching the events unfold in front of him.

((short post is short. Sorry.))

DarkForbidden-Love 09-19-2011 04:20 PM

Hera was unfased by the small knife she had seen worse. She lifted her eyebrow and grinned. "What makes you think I'm lying?" She whispered. She leaned close to the stranger and pretend to relax. The common person would assume that she had excepted her fate. Her own weapon appeared in the palm of her unoccupied hand. It was small, no longer than her fingers, but it would be enough to surprise him and make him let go. "What's your name?" She asked suddenly. Confusion would work to let her closer to her captor and then she could stab him to make him release her. Hera noticed her previous tail on the rooftops from the corner of her eye and held back a sigh.

littl3chocobo 09-19-2011 10:34 PM

the knife did it's job the other had pulled out the weapon he knew was somewhere on her, though from the wear of it and the way she held it he knew it was not her main weapon, she used something a bit bigger. he smiled and squeezed her wrist just enough for the bone joint in her wrist to sit loose in the socket. 'you don't seem to understand' he said 'i am not some common buffoon, your little prickler does not intimidate me and relaxing your stance puts you at a disadvantage.' though as soon as he said it he realized shamefully he was one, she was not lying.

DarkForbidden-Love 09-20-2011 07:56 AM

Hera tilted her head and stared at the person who had managed to see through the tricks so far. "It's always a pleasure to meet another thief but it would be better if we acted more civilized towards each other." She woundered what options she had left. If he really was another thief then the trick of stepping close to him and ripping her arm out of his hold would not work. She suddenly smiled, a spectical would work. Almost everyone here knew of her as a thief and wanted to be the one to dispose of her. She hissed at him, "And if you don't I can always call you to the light."

littl3chocobo 09-20-2011 08:03 AM

he laughed. 'you have me confused, i'm no cutpurse' he shook his head in mirth 'silly slip of a girl you are, learn to read others and then say what you think, don't just jump in.' he let her go 'let's just hope for you i never have to tell show you my ocupation' he swirled his cape and stalked off. he hoped she didn't mind his purse was empty, it was worth it to learn something interesting

Funkduder 09-20-2011 12:03 PM

Nathaniel was about a mile out when he saw what he was looking for... a deer, and a healthily sized one as well, grazing by the river. Xin got into a crouch, sneaking closely and keeping a eye on the ground so as not to make any loud noises.
He reached into his sleeve for his hunting knife when a sudden splash off water resounded from a distance. The deer looked up and ran away seconds later. "Rats!" he thought to himself. "Who made that noise?"

He looked around as he stood up to face the sun in the west. "It's past noon, definitely, but the sun was still going to be in the sky a while longer."

Then he noticed the smoke in the distance and the green-haired woman, fishing for a bite. She looked very fit, to him, and as she stood in the water, he realized that she fit into the environment naturally, which kept him from seeing her until now...nonetheless, it was some small company to keep while waiting for the next deer to arrive.

"Hello there," he called out to the tan-skinned woman.

DarkForbidden-Love 09-20-2011 06:16 PM

Hera looked after hima as he walked away. 'So he is a mercinary?
It did not matter all a mercinary was a thief that stole lives instead of material items. Hera still hoped to never meet him again, fellow thief or not. She had seen her first tail watching her interact with the mercinary, so that ment another chase away from the safe house. And she vowed silently as she took of running once again if some else grabbed her today they would lose an arm.

Risa frowned another night when she could not sleep. She had finished her homework aged ago and the rest of the house hold was already asleep. Risa crept out of her room and to the top of the house through the window on the top floor. Risa sighed and looked up at the sky, the stars twinkling back at her. "Why me?" She muttered sourly. "Why am I the one my parents forget about? WHy can't I be 'perfect' like my sister?"

Poggio 09-27-2011 04:40 PM

Shiny! The short figure rubbed his fingers eagerly looking for the jewelry merchants display. One moment he was walking in the square, head in his book, trying to be inconspicuous, the next, well his eyes just saw the flicker of shine in the sun light. Like a crow he swooped upon the items, touching them, picking at them, twisting them and watching them gleam. At some point he realized how childish he must have appeared and put the ring back. His coin purse did not give him enough allowance for such finery. Rococo dejectedly turned to the other stalls and sauntered off. As he was looking over the selection of fruit, Rococo found an apple he loved, but once again he did not buy it however it strangely appeared in his pocket. He was amused with himself as the habitual gathering of things in his pocket continued.

Eventually Rococo grew frustrated with not finding what he was looking for. He walked with his head in his thoughts bumping into a man with a cloak. He mumbled an apology as he continued to walk. He soon realized his ability to gather items was not just for stands, his hand was holding a knife blade in palm. He liked it, so he stuffed in his pocket with his other magically gathered items.

( I hope you don't mind me using different fonts. I often forget about color and it still looks confusing using the colors. )

littl3chocobo 09-27-2011 04:46 PM

he knew it was gone as soon as he finished his step but for the life of him he did not feel the other take it. he turned around and stomped the five steps it took to get to the boy who took his knife. he only just aid his hand on the youth when he was blinded by the largest eyes he had ever seen.

Poggio 09-27-2011 04:59 PM

Viridian watched his roommate stumble and fall. He bit back a snicker. He lazily reached up towards the heavens flinching a little as the heavy wooden door slammed. He was up to early, his biological sleeping clock was wigging out. Rather then going back to sleep, Viridian decided to face the day. He had hours to kill before his class but only 30 minutes to make it to McDonalds before breakfast was over.

“Heeeissss Heeeisss!” The boy made a sound much like a cat in defense. Rococo instantly threw up his mental blocks and wiggled from other the mans grasp. No one was allowed to touch him. He stopped making sounds long enough to realize the strange man was the one he had bumped into earlier. He licked his lips drawing himself to his full height. “Do not touch me, please.” He didn't care to know what the man wanted. He just continued on his way as if the matter was settled scuttling over to yet another stand.

DarkForbidden-Love 09-27-2011 06:27 PM

Hera took a quick shortcut on the roofs again. This time heading towards the more unsavory part of town. One of the bartenders who was familiar with street rats would allow her access to the sewers. From the sewers she could drop her tail and head out of the city towards the forest hopefully making it there before the seventh hour. The bells on the town tower would warn her of the approaching hour.

Espy 09-27-2011 07:14 PM

Kien dropped to the ground again, this time without falling, and walked as casually as he could through the crowds now milling around, looking for breakfast. He'd get his money pouch back somehow. All he'd have to do was to follow her discreetly.

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