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Batty 02-06-2011 11:19 PM

Thats as bad as discount sales at the mall. Those, I can't understand. But books? Oh yeah. I'd probably even kick a kitten or two for books.

And psht! Old ladies are evil. I avoid them at all costs. They've had decades to sit and plot our demise. I don't trust them.

Lioshika 02-06-2011 11:20 PM

Hm, I did on one by accident. She cut infront of me and I stepped on her. She didn't know it was me.
You know, in all that crowd it makes me kind of wanna grab someone. . .
Like the Japanese crowd issues with bukake.

Lioshika 02-06-2011 11:21 PM

Batty, I don't trust you.
Now I won't sleep near you, you'll try to cut my boobs off or something crazy like that.
-Scoots away.-

Hermes 02-06-2011 11:23 PM

I'm already sharpening mah blades~

Batty 02-06-2011 11:23 PM

O_______________O; YOU CALLING ME OLD?! you just not trust me around the bookies? -salivates at the thought-

Hermes;;... are those for me? xDD;

Lioshika 02-06-2011 11:24 PM


No Batty, I'm calling you nutty.

Batty 02-06-2011 11:27 PM

Oh, okay. Nutty I can handle. I know this. Total head case, right here. :3

Lioshika 02-06-2011 11:30 PM

Yus, please let me keep my boobies. XD
I need them to entice my beau. Well, not quite my beau yet. My boy-toy.

Hermes 02-06-2011 11:32 PM

beau~? I keep hearing that word XD Well, from you, and from Kitty~

Lioshika 02-06-2011 11:34 PM

It's usually a Southern word, but I have family down South so I pick up odd phrases not used around here.

Why is there a tag of "epic new person"?
I'm not epic. @_@ I'm lame?

Batty 02-06-2011 11:35 PM

Mike, right? The one from NJ? Or the dude you visited the other day? And I put it thar. :3

Lioshika 02-06-2011 11:35 PM

Hey Batty, I'm up to 1662 au!!!

Hermes 02-06-2011 11:36 PM

Cool! Now give it to meh! >D

Lioshika 02-06-2011 11:38 PM

Nooo! I earneds it! And my avi is almost all nekkid. I need to get it dressed.

Batty 02-06-2011 11:39 PM

SCORE. SEE. I told ya it was easy peasy. AND NEKKID IS GOOD.

-stomps on Hermes' foot- MINE. AND HAH. YOU ADDED A TAG, TOO.

Hermes 02-06-2011 11:41 PM

Ouch! ;~; WHY YOU HURT DJ LIIIIIGHTBRIIIIIIIIIITTTE! *shoots light everywhere*

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