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Lost 12-08-2010 06:57 PM

well; I know I had a used system from my cousin when I was really little but I dunno what system it was and I believe I only had to games for it.
I have no idea where it is now, but if its still at my parents house it probably still works.
It had kirby and duck hunt on it...
I remember playing with the duck hunt gun and my mom freaking out.
She hated video games. //still does thinks bad of them for some reason. always goes on about something and god and blah blah blah xDD
So I never got anything like that.
Unless it was used and gifted to me by family or friends.
--I bought all my newer systems myself

Addy 12-08-2010 06:59 PM

That was definitely the NES! O: I had Kirby and Duck Hunt, too. <3 Duck Hunt was totally a Nintendo-only title.

One of my professors rants about video games and how they are, and I quote, "A complete and total waste of time."

And I'm like, pfft, I wanna do concept art for 'em. 8C I want to MAKE video games. I actually have some pretty in-depth plans for a game my boyfriend and I might work on in the future together. <3 SOMEDAYYY.

I bought all my newer systems myself, too. After the Nintendo 64 my mom stopped caring about games so much (cuz when we got the Sega Genesis/Super Nintendo, my mom also played, haha). I bought my Xbox, PS2, and Wii. ;w;

Lost 12-08-2010 07:07 PM

I got thinking about it, and I might have had a Mario game too..

It was sooo long ago I have no idea

My honey wants to do something with video games. either test them or make them. He thinks he could never get into it tho...

If only he would believe it himself he could be all he's ever wanted and more

Addy 12-08-2010 07:10 PM

I bet he could do it. c:

My boyfriend's working on reading up on network administration and getting into programming as soon as he's done with all of the underlying stuff. ;O I was thinking of teaching myself some Flash coding, too, and then SPRITE ART~

As much as I love current games, I'm a retro gamer at heart, and I will always have a love for pixel art. ;w; If we ever make this game, it's totally going to be pixel arty. <3

Lost 12-08-2010 07:22 PM

Flash is hard
//had a college class in it.
Maybe it was just the way the teacher taught it tho. Cause I'm good are programming.

Addy 12-09-2010 02:13 AM

Well awesome. :D!

Sorry for disappearing. I was running late on my final. xD WHICH WENT PRETTY WELL I THINK. Could be betta but eh. I threw it together so quickly, I'm more than happy with my grade.

Demonskid 12-09-2010 02:14 AM

*clings to addy* =w= im bored

Addy 12-09-2010 02:37 AM

Hay lady. :3

I'm pretty bored too. x__x Studying up for my history exam tomorrow. I just wanna get it over with, but I haven't even read the book yet. 8[

Demonskid 12-09-2010 04:07 AM

xD have fun with that =w= *gets a DS emulator and a patched Okamiden Rom and plays* x3

Addy 12-09-2010 04:56 AM

I have one of those too. ;D

An Acekard, actually, so I can play it directly on my DS. I'm pretty pleased with it. <3 I need to reformat though so I can put Okamiden on it.

And I need to find Sonic Colors. D:

Demonskid 12-09-2010 04:59 AM

i don't have anything to play it on my actual DS =(

Addy 12-09-2010 05:01 AM

I'm not sure how legal they are, so it's best not to talk about 'em in depth I guess, but they are pretty nifty devices. Just like, a little DS cartridge shaped thingy, and you put a microSD card in 'em with the games you want and some other bits and pieces, and bam.

Granted, some don't always work, but it's still pretty cool.

And even with this thing, I still plan on buying Pokemon Black. <3

Demonskid 12-09-2010 05:11 AM

i dunno what issun is saying ;-;

Addy 12-09-2010 05:12 AM


Maybe there's a translated walkthrough?

Demonskid 12-09-2010 05:15 AM

nope xD only walk through out there doesnt give anything good =w=,

Addy 12-09-2010 05:16 AM

Aw crap. XD

Well looks like you have a ton of running around and experimenting to do!

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