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Lioshika 12-05-2011 12:23 AM


-Has no clue what all is truly going on.-

Cronislee 12-05-2011 12:43 AM

KoC has, at best, 5 active members. In 2 1/2 weeks, it's moved 3 pages.
I've done everything that was suggested to me to make the group better; removed non-active members, stopped enforcing any of the rules, stopped doing anything that I thought might come off as harsh, or offensive, and all I have seen from it is the continued decline of something I actually cared about. Despite the crap I had to deal with, despite the people I had to deal with, and I've gotten tired of trying to do something that no one seems cares about.
I dont want a pat on the head, or a "hey, this looks good", or any vain things like that, but why should I continue to strive for something that no one else seems to care about aswell? What happened? I posted that I did not think the group would last til the end of the month, and I got a reply of "dead thread" from someone who went off on me about how Offensive I am to the point that they wanted to leave. I Removed all the non active members, but kept their titles for anyone who might want to join, and I got lectured by someone who was never a member in the first place about why that was a stupid idea.

Maybe this comes off as irrational, but I honestly dont care if thats the case. A house needs its pillars to be supported, and when those are gone it callapses. And I've watched as one-by-one they steadily slid out from under the foundation. And now, there are 3 left that actually seem to care about the group, despite the fact that it's slipped and has begun to crumble. Yeah, it's not real. Yeah, it's just some group on a website, but this has been something I have worked hard on, and put up with a lot of BS for it. So when everything is said and done, I could say I tried and what pisses me off the most is that no matter how I try to look at it, I failed.

That is what is going on.

Funkduder 12-05-2011 12:53 AM

That sounds like pent up frustration and really tough .... going on

Espy 12-05-2011 12:54 AM

Before I try to digest all of that, on top of the massive amount of "group work" that I need to do because my friends are slacking...

...Cronis, please also keep in mind that Trisphee itself has been extremely quiet for a while now, or at least relatively quiet compared to when KoC was at its peak.

Funkduder 12-05-2011 12:58 AM

If what you say is true, I wouldn't blame your frustration, even if what Espy says is true. I'm not a fan of people who give smack to other people for silly reasons

Cronislee 12-05-2011 12:58 AM

Welcome to what goes on in my mind.
I've been hinting at this for weeks, and weeks, and weeks- and no one said a word. No one asked anything about it, but that's how things go.
I did my part as leader, I listened to everything I was told, tried to do everything I was asked, I even stopped being me because I didn't want people to be offended by me anymore- and no one cared. So I'll wait for the messages asking me "what are you talking about?" because right now, thats all I have left to do.

Espy 12-05-2011 12:58 AM

Ara, and I meant surviving by "not being completely dead", as in, AotH-kind-of-dead. True, AotH never got anywhere as big as KoC, but it's been silent since the end of July.

Lots of people have also left/taken a hiatus. I actually haven't been as active lately because of college apps and crap like that.

I'm not trying to justify anything or whatever....-not in a great mood either-

Funkduder 12-05-2011 01:04 AM

It almost makes me want to count in my last aurums, being on this site. The front page hasn't even updated to feature the December monthlies. It's as though economic times have finally shock-waved into this section of the web.

Airina 12-05-2011 01:05 AM

This group used to be really cool. So many people would be on it. I can understand Cronis' frustrations. I would leave for like an hour and 10 pages would've gone by..... and now its just kinda really really really dead.

Lioshika 12-05-2011 01:07 AM

I'm sorry Croni.

Funkduder 12-05-2011 01:07 AM

As is almost everything else that opened around the same time. So few things stand to the test of time for so long.

Airina 12-05-2011 01:11 AM

My hangout has kinda survived.... but we dont have any new people really

Funkduder 12-05-2011 01:16 AM

The Book Haven? That didn't open even close to the same time this place opened. This place contains a history.

Airina 12-05-2011 01:20 AM

I know.... I didn't mean that it did....

Espy 12-05-2011 01:20 AM

-suddenly remembers the Knights thread during the Taskal War-

.....bahaha, the memories XD

Funkduder 12-05-2011 01:26 AM

Then I guess you have a point, Airi. It seems that many of the old days are fading, though.

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