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Kaderin Triste 10-18-2023 05:05 PM

So occasionally I dye my hair. Recently went a darkish fuschia. Have never gone blonde, have never desired to go blonde.
Had a disgusting unhoused patron who always stinks like dried piss and thinks he's God's gift to women tell me to never go blonde.

Am seriously considering going blonde...

Stabbsworth 10-25-2023 05:49 PM

anyone got any advice on how to apply eyedrops w/o the use of a mirror
going fucking nuts bc i have to apply one of these 6x a day

Coda 10-26-2023 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Stabbsworth (Post 1954990)
anyone got any advice on how to apply eyedrops w/o the use of a mirror
going fucking nuts bc i have to apply one of these 6x a day

Lay on your back and close your eyes. Hold the tip of the dropper above the inner corner of your eye. If you're off a little bit, the shape of your face will let gravity pull the drop down into place. Then open your eyes and blink a lot.

If you've got something to lean on for balance, you can probably tip your head far enough back to get the same effect while standing or sitting.

Stabbsworth 10-26-2023 12:02 PM

figured out a way to do it by placing a finger on my upper lid and aligning the dropper with my eyelashes while using another finger to pull my lower eyelid down.

ty for the advice, though, coda. it'll probably help someone else.

i inherited my dad's rosacea and somehow it affects my fucking eyes / eyelids. awful.

MonBon 11-01-2023 09:07 PM

Thank you Coda! I have to put in eye drops twice a day now and I basically do it until I taste it bc I can't tell if they're in :')

Kaderin Triste 12-14-2023 12:40 AM

Just a huge shout out to the plumber/maintenance person who is finishing up with fixing my bathtub faucet leak. (Which turned into a much bigger fix that involved fully tearing out the wall and rebuilding stuff.) They weren't able to fully finish today and I got home to a vicegrip attached to a piece of the exposed plumbing stuff...idk the term for the bit, and a very kind note explaining that I can take a bath (but no shower yet), and instructions on how far to turn the vicegrip to get hot water.

He was also the one of the five total plumbing professionals I'd seen in total that was the nicest to my cats, he just laughed off Batty acting tough and hissing at him and actually got a kick out of Shade, who kept going in to check up on him and wasn't even scared of the big shop vac.

Stabbsworth 12-15-2023 10:58 AM

i have covid, and my laptop just decided to crash itself. it seems as though everything is possessed by mildly discontented spirits of horses in this behavioural contest of what is incredibly stupid!

KittyBeary 02-16-2024 03:17 AM

I am trying to recover mental energy. Maybe browsing this forum will help with that. Maybe it won't. But I would like if it did.

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