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Den 03-11-2020 11:02 PM

mom gets pissy with me for "sleeping so much" but if this house gets COVID-19? guess who's gonna have the best odds of overcoming it quickly
and not spreading it around to others.
This bitch right here.
99% of my day-to-day interactions are done over the internet. I'm getting better at recognizing when I need to stop and rest. I'm the sort who won't go to the hospital unless absolutely necessary, so no risking immune-compromised people, and also, minimal risk of me actually catching it unless Mom or Dad bring it home.

Stabbsworth 03-13-2020 01:12 PM

oh, mood.

except i also go down to the shop, which. my dad can't stop running because, y'know, it's basically all of our income.

Den 03-13-2020 10:48 PM

honestly, I wish the grocery stores here had delivery options. would save me SO much trouble. 'Course, I also wish Amazon Fresh was available here... along with drone delivery.

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