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tsukiko 07-12-2017 02:05 AM

lol? thought? you changed your mind? xD

Kaderin Triste 07-12-2017 02:14 AM

The boss is a passive agressive bitch who gives her boy-toy special treatment. Said boy toy can get away with just about anything. Apparently, I can never do anything right even when I do everything that I'm asked to do. And it's a 50/50 crap shoot whether the 1-2 people who actually deign to acknowledge my presence will speak to me like I'm a moron on any given day.

tsukiko 07-12-2017 02:27 AM

boooo..... =/ sounds fun, but reality ALWAYS mucks it up. *sympathetic hugs*

Kaderin Triste 07-12-2017 02:30 AM

I's not like my job even has the possibility of seeming glamorous anyway (custodian), but still...I thought it would be a way cooler place to work than it is.

tsukiko 07-12-2017 03:41 AM

bwahahahhaaa....we always do. *pets* i've really only had one awesome job in the 15 years i've been working. that was around the time of my whole "let's get married for shits and giggles" phase. i was working at a christian-based homeschooling warehouse. while i'm not religious, it didn't bother me to work for a very religious place. we'd start the day off with stocking the shelves for about an hour, then when orders would come in, we'd grab an order sheet, go down the list and grab what was on the order. then set it aside for the packers to put it in a box to ship it off to wherever. it was fun and we got to listen to our own music players for the entire shift. xD of course it was temp/seasonal work, but they asked me to come back for the next season, and upped my responsibilities by letting me run the shrinkwrapper machine and box up science kits instead of "picking". always had the weekends off, worked 8 hours a day, 40 a week. on fridays, before starting, they'd gather everyone in the front office area and hold a 10-15 minute prayer session (which meh, but we got donuts afterwords xD ) but other than that, easy peasy job and i loved it. then i quit to move overseas for that stupid mistake called a now-ex husband. xD

second best job was the one before the one i have now. i was working at a thrift store. we could wear whatever shirt we wanted as long as it was green. so i bought a bunch of awesome w00t shirts to wear, and customers loved them xD and on fridays, it was casual friday. so we could wear whatever we wanted as long as it was appropriate. i always wore a dress and boots. some people i got to know would come in and see what outfit i chose LOL! it was great...then they closed it all down =/ so now i'm stuck working at a crap job again....bleh!

Kaderin Triste 07-12-2017 06:52 AM

Man...those both sound like fun jobs (aside from the religious aspect of thebone XD)!
The closest thing to an awesome job I've ever had was my high school job. It was at a small drug store in my home town (small town, I think my graduating class was around 30) and I think it averaged about 20 hours a week. Well, closer to 15 during the school year, but closer to 25 in the summer. It was pretty slow paced most of the time. I got to clean shelves and inventory items and set up displays. I even got to check in orders and mark all the items with our price sticker gun. Everyone there was pretty awesome and when I turned 18 (and could quit calling them up to handle beer sales) a couple of them even bought me stuff.
Other than that, I've spen an approximate total of 7 years working as a cashier in grocery stores.
And now almost 2 years of custodial, which was mainly just because I was desperate to find an actual job. Long-ish story.

tsukiko 07-12-2017 09:19 AM


oh, and while the work itself wasn't fun, when i lived in wv with my bestie, she got me a job at the convenience store she worked at. we got the mid-afternoon to 11pm shift and we'd listen to techno our entire shift xD we were sort of busy, but once all the cleaning and stocking was done for the day, we'd sit and wait...and draw....and dance around xD it was great! not really good money, but we made our rent and all that. ^__^

....and i don't mind long stories if you want to tell them :)

Kaderin Triste 07-12-2017 04:39 PM

I mean, it's not a super long story. But how I ended up as a custodian (instead of probably just at another grocery store) is that, almost 2 years ago the store that I was working at ended up shutting down and everyone was getting laid off. Well, about a week before that I had started helping some friends out with their diner just sort of paid in tips, not an official job
Well, when they found out about me losing my job, they made me an official employee and, though business was slow, I was making enough between my checks and tips to just barely cover my rent. Then I got a job at the museum to help pay my bills only to have my friends close their diner down just before Christmas. So now I'm stuck here. And it pays...enough to cover my rent and some of my bills. But as today has already proved...I can't seem to do anything right around here anymore.
I really would like to get a different job, but most places I would want to work at won't hire me because I don't have the experience they want.

ANYWAY...rant over/done hopefully for now. I have been far too whiny lately. XP

tsukiko 07-12-2017 04:52 PM

hahahahha it's okay. it's conversation, and that's fine by me ^___^ i get whiny too, so it's nice to see others complaining too xD

Kaderin Triste 07-12-2017 05:08 PM

Yay! Team whiner!

At least today I was ordered to clean the basement rooms asap so I can pretty much avoid the boss...

tsukiko 07-12-2017 11:51 PM

*high fives back*
oh i love that. when they stick you in a corner away from everyone else so you can be by yourself.

yes that sounds sarcastic, but no it wasn't meant to be. i'd rather be left to do a task alone than be checked up on every 5 seconds =_=

in other news, i finished my last 2 drawn carnival arts xD \o/ now i just need to start on the last undrawn ones xD

Kaderin Triste 07-13-2017 06:03 PM

Haha...I totally didn't read it as sarcastic at all. I don't always mind working around people, but most of the time, I also do prefer to work on my own.

Yay! Way to go! You can do it!

tsukiko 07-13-2017 06:31 PM

the last two carnival arts were of my friends. first one's of den and then the other is of me glomp-attacking tam i am. ^__^

Kaderin Triste 07-13-2017 06:38 PM

Awww... so cute!

tsukiko 07-13-2017 06:50 PM

hehehehe thank you ^__^ i need to take a nap then start again xD

Kaderin Triste 07-17-2017 05:13 PM

*rolls around*
I like your avi. What item are the red stars from?

tsukiko 07-17-2017 05:44 PM

lol! i changed again, but they are from something called "superstar".

i finally got my must-have ears/tail set, so now i just need to build up coinage for some more variety in clothing xD

Kaderin Triste 07-17-2017 05:56 PM

*sneaks into your inventory and steals the stars*

Yay! That's cool.

tsukiko 07-17-2017 08:41 PM

bwahahahahahaaa! they were gifted to me. idk where they came from originally :<

Kaderin Triste 07-17-2017 10:22 PM

Aww....I want fancy gifts.

I think, except for the items I've won as prizes from the last couple events, most of my fancy old items were from my first attempt at this site, back when I could afford to donate. XD

tsukiko 07-17-2017 10:58 PM

awwwww *hugs*

daikokunyo 07-18-2017 02:04 AM

Cheer up, Triste! I've seen someone selling Runes for au recently!
My ambitions when it comes to items on Tris are pretty toned down because
a) I'm pretty new here
b) I'm relatively less active in chatting
c) There aren't that many people selling old or valuable items because there aren't that many people, period.

But since I like the Trisphites, I have fun even if I'm not really questing for items, and I'm still able to make a variety of avis to keep me happy because the layering system ftw.

tsukiko 07-18-2017 04:55 AM

LOL! sometimes you can get good stuff out of the exchange too. the other day i got zephyr's sword....out of the blue @____@ but you do have to get a lot of food fight event items and snowmen before something good comes along =/

daikokunyo 07-18-2017 05:35 AM

Honestly, I'm not likely to use the exchange unless I get doubles/multiples of an item :p-sweat: I'm a hoarder.

I like the Crane Game haha. Free items every day!

tsukiko 07-18-2017 06:04 AM

oh i only throw in my unusable doubles xD i like the crane game, but i have pretty much everything out of there. :(

daikokunyo 07-18-2017 10:13 AM

That makes you... lucky and unlucky at the same time?! :s-laugh: What if you use the crane game doubles in the item exchange? Or does that yield only another crane game item?

I have a looong way to go before I end up with every item :s-smile:
and even once I do, if it turns out the doubles don't get me good stuff in the exchange, I'll probably hoard them all in a mule and give them away to newbies or something.

tsukiko 07-18-2017 04:07 PM

LOL! sometimes you get another crane item, sometimes it's an event item. it's all chance.

the stuff i do need never shows up when i have tokens LOL! and the coinage never fails to use 2 tokens =_= least it is for me....

Kaderin Triste 07-18-2017 05:39 PM

Oh man...the exchange seriously only ever gives me food fight items. XP

*snuggle cling*

tsukiko 07-18-2017 06:38 PM

i was given that when i joined by a friend. she gave me multiple copies, figured i could spare one for another friend :)

Espy 07-19-2017 01:28 AM

I basically only ever use the crane game for a couple hundred extra Au. ...If I remember it exists at all.

tsukiko 07-19-2017 02:07 AM

lol the coinage doesn't like to show up for me much. and as i said, even takes 2 tokens to actually get it =/ worst luck ever! hehehhee

daikokunyo 07-19-2017 05:48 AM

An event item for a crane game double is not a bad deal :f-kittysmile:

tsukiko 07-19-2017 08:46 AM

.....except when it's the food fight event items xD

daikokunyo 07-19-2017 09:36 AM

I s'pose for some xD I don't think I was around for that event... or maybe I was... was one of the items a slice of pizza hanging out of the mouth?

tsukiko 07-19-2017 08:50 PM

yes. i wasn't around for any of that, as i just joined at the end of last month....i think? but just from the exchange, i believe i have everything now @____@

daikokunyo 07-20-2017 04:47 AM

Every event item? :s-twitch: Or every item from the food fight event?

tsukiko 07-20-2017 08:03 AM

food fight xD sorry...i have a looooooooooooong way to go for all event items. bwahahahahaa

daikokunyo 07-20-2017 09:32 AM

Aw, well xD that was kind of expected so I'm not that disappointed haha
Questing, questing~

tsukiko 07-20-2017 09:34 AM

^___^ thanks to a lovely lovely person, i got all my animal balloons though! wewt!

daikokunyo 07-20-2017 11:58 AM

It's lovely to get gifts from people <3 I remember the newbie trades people gave me when I came here! Made me feel all fuzzy and warm and welcome :f-kittysmile:

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