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sylvanSpider 11-26-2017 04:47 PM

Chadwick's goals were similar, though instead of grabbing the jeweler's quest, he took on the armorsmith's. It made sense, as armorsmithing did go well with his paladin class. He was always fine to follow where Star would lead. He didn't really mind what they did so long as they were doing it together. Hell, he wasn't friends with many people, and Star had been there for him since he joined. That's why she always had the best mounts--she'd been there longer than him; she was always a step ahead.

Chadwick Strider:Yes to the first and yes to the second. Both picked up, both in need of doing. And yeah, working in I think is a good idea.

Crystalkitsune85 11-26-2017 05:17 PM

She smiled and then began doing the assinine quests first and then she headed outside the city to start killing the monsters that were outside the walls. These were poisonous, giant moths. They were a bit tricky to kill since the only way to kill them, was from a distance. Luckily she had magic range attacks, but those who had close combat skills mainly, it was a lot harder.

She needed 100 poison moth wings for one quest and moth dust for another. She would stand a good few feet away and shoot magic at them. Since Chad was a Paladin, he would need to do more close range stuff.

Starspinner Moondust: Careful of these guys, they will poison you. Hope you have enough pots for the mission. Don't die on me.

sylvanSpider 11-26-2017 05:24 PM

On the other end of the keyboard, Oliver sighed. The moths were the biggest pains in the asses for classes like paladins who were stuck using a sword and shield. Not much range in that. Thankfully, having seen that these were the target, he'd purchased enough purity pots to keep the debuffs from hurting him too bad.

Chadwick Strider: These things fucking suck. You're lucky you're a mage <.< Yeah, yeah, I've got enough pots. If a stack of 60 won't do it, we're underleveled.

Crystalkitsune85 11-26-2017 05:52 PM

She did a few AOE attacks which took down a bunch at once, helping the situation. Once when she saw Chad's health low she gave him used some health magic on him to return his health.

Starspinner Moondust: Careful, almost lost it there. You want to sit this one out and just let me spam the AOEs for a while? Probably be best if you're getting hardly any leeway on these things.

She typed and then used a stronger AOE spell that sent a wall of fire around 5 of them at once.

sylvanSpider 11-26-2017 06:42 PM

The healing was much welcome, as was the aoes used to take them out. She really saved his butt this time.

Chadwick Strider: Yeah, yeah, I think that'd be much appreciated. These guys don't work well with non-ranged players. I'm kinda too sword and shield for this kind of bullshit. Why do they even make this required for paladins?

With Star taking the lead on all of this, he stood back and did a dance emote, watching the counter tick up as she killed all of the spawns.

Crystalkitsune85 11-26-2017 06:51 PM

She laughed when he started dancing in the background. She forgot that was an option in this game.

Starspinner Moondust: Getting your groove on I see lol.

She continued to kill the all moth until she had enough kills for the quests.

Starspinner Moondust: I think the equivalent quest for the close range classes, is you get like a special crossbow or something exclusively for the quest, then you hand it back in when you turn the quest in. Makes it easier to shoot them at a distance. Too bad you can't keep it, I hear it's a really nice crossbow. I think you may be able to craft it for keeps but it takes a lot of mats for it.

sylvanSpider 11-26-2017 07:44 PM

Oliver used his character's lack of needing to move as an excuse to get back into his chips and he leaned back, getting antsy. Leveling up new classes was such a pain in the ass.

Chadwick Strider:[i] Of course! I've got the free time. Thanks for the carry, by the way.

He sat back and watched as the number ticked up and up until all one hundred were slain and accounted for.

Chadwick Strider:Yeah, I probably should have picked that up. Would have made this easier."

Crystalkitsune85 11-26-2017 09:24 PM

She rolled her eyes as he said he didn't pick up the quest.

Starspinner Moondust: So you do realize you'll get the quest and have to come back and kill 100 more of these fuckers.

She shook her head sadly. He was usually good about these things. Some quests kills could count for both in a party, but both members had to have the quest activated.

Starspinner Moondust: Go and get the quest, maybe if you're lucky my kills will count for it.

sylvanSpider 11-27-2017 10:21 PM

Oliver, never having seen the face of the person playing Starspinner, could almost imagine her rolling her eyes when she read it.

Chadwick Strider: Yeah, yeah. I know. But I was lazy, and that's what I have you for, yeah? :p

Oliver sighed. Why didn't he grab the quest? He should have been familiar with it by now, and generally, he was. So, he tried to play it off like it was nothing.

Chadwick Strider: Alright, alright, I'll be back.

With that, he got on his fancy new mount (well, fancy to him at any rate) and went back to the town.

((Hey, sorry if responses are slow, I've been horribly busy recently ._. I'm afraid that they are going to continue to be slow for a few weeks, at least until finals are over. Is that okay with you?))

Crystalkitsune85 11-27-2017 10:52 PM

She shook her head as she watched him bound off. She sat by mining for gems at a nearby cave while she waited for him. Get something done while she waited for him at least.

Starspinner Moondust: I'll just be in this nearby cave grabbing gems for my crafting. Sometimes I can get pristine ones as high a level I am.

She could get gems without any flaws in them and make some pretty good jewelry out of them. Once they were enchanted they'd be worth a lot.

(( It's okay. Just don't forget about meh! Even if you're just checking in on my inbox))

sylvanSpider 11-27-2017 11:08 PM

It didn't take too terribly long to get to the town, click on the npc who gave the quest, click through all their dialogue that went unread by him, and made it to the caves, sending a wave emote to his companion as he entered. He couldn't mine anything in here. Goldsmithing was not one of the classes he bothered to level.

Chadwick Strider: Pristine ones fetch a decent price on the marketboard even without turning them into jewelry first, depending on the gem, but you've got your crafting up high enough that you should be able to get rich doing this alone even.

((Awesome! I can do that. :3 Again, sorry in advance))

Crystalkitsune85 11-28-2017 12:02 AM

Starspinner Moondust: Yeah I know, I could. Go get your moths killed. You should have your crossbow to kill them with. Your punishment for not getting the quest at the same time I did, is I'll be here mining gems while you kill all 100 by yourself.

She made her character do a cute eyelash bat, and then behind the computer, she laughed evilly.

Starspinner Moondust: Have fuuuuuuuun <3.

sylvanSpider 12-04-2017 12:42 AM

Chadwick Strider:DDDD: You're not going to help me?! But I woulda helped youuuu! Ah, c'mon man...

Oliver sighed on his end of the screen trying to imagine what the person behind Starspinner was doing at the moment. Laughing? Probably. Rolling her eyes at him? Also yes, probably. He made his character do a sulking emote before going away to kill all the moths with this stupid crossbow used only for this quest. He still thought it was poor developmental design to make melee characters have to do the same thing. Further, the anatomy of the moths were all wrong. It was if none of them had even bothered to consult source material in their creation. Their wrong creation, Oliver added mentally.

Chadwick Strider: Don't you fret your pretty over-leveled little head, Spinner. I'll be sure to do just that. *siiiiigh*

((Sorry mang for the wait. I'm having a hard time getting into this one... Is there any chance we can move things along or maybe try a different one? I'm no good with just straight up love stories, but man am I trying. xD I just love unique, weird, characters so it's kind of odd in this environment xD))

Crystalkitsune85 12-04-2017 01:34 AM

(( Hey it's fine, we don't have to keep going if ya don't want to. I realize it can be weird and it's slow/boring ish so no problem if you wanna drop it))

sylvanSpider 12-04-2017 01:44 AM

((I'm down to try again with a different one if you're down though! But I'm just not used to rping mmo type things. xD Actually, this would be really cool if you wanted to play ffxiv. We could just do that there, but cut out the middle man. I'd be willing to help you level and stuff too if you decided that would be a good idea?))

Crystalkitsune85 12-04-2017 01:48 AM

((If I were into playing MMOs at the moment I'd totally join you. Not to that point yet though lol))

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