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Lawtan 01-04-2016 02:12 PM

I daresay, the manxom CycloneKira is a wiffy one. What with their twax and twig of words most unrigid!
Uncouth, thou clumangerous Cheshire Grin!

...I daresay such a grin is quite momely and homely here in the den.

Lawtan 03-26-2016 02:49 PM

The oxly drake of garbled lore dost leave a fruminous and quite frienderous spoonerism.

daikokunyo 04-28-2017 08:08 AM

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious spoonerisms! I'm sorry I didn't get to them sooner.

Time to revive.
*bumps this baby out of the bumpster*

Lawtan 04-28-2017 10:28 AM

Say it be, that from the drablusionuss come again the sensenonsical house!
And such arts and pixel glamour is worth the green envy!

daikokunyo 05-03-2017 02:22 AM

'Cuteness incoming' I certainly see it xD

Potironette 05-04-2017 04:48 PM

First look at the hangout name: " that a language I don't know?"
Second look: "Reminds me of something like wonderland."
Third look: "Oh hey, it's Jabberwocky!"

I love the intro parts <3

Alice in Wonderland was/(maybe is) my favorite book, and my sister liked Jabberwocky so much it rubbed off on me a bit.
I like to think I don't get nightmares because they all seem like wonderland to me xD

Lawtan 05-04-2017 07:11 PM

The Potrionette espouses the tones of admiration for our glarious show!
Come join! Come address! Indeed, be a dress!

Here, I hand you tea of three. Though four it be in May of dee.

Potironette 05-04-2017 11:40 PM

Why thank-you for the tea! It's 21 minutes here before five in May.

I don't know how to turn nonsense into sense so I'll just admire Lawtan's words.

daikokunyo 05-05-2017 12:22 AM

IKR. I love the Alice books. I feel so sad for the people who won't read the originals because all the good stuff gets missed out in the retelling. And I mean, come on, the original isn't even a hard nut to crack. They have no excuse xD

Yass, Law's language is aesthetically pleasing <33 *sloshes tea around*

Random awesome

Boris 05-05-2017 01:34 AM

I was about to mention "Jabberwocky" because of Alice in Wonderland, and it turned out, I was sort of right!

daikokunyo 05-05-2017 01:45 AM

Yes, you were right! Come to my arms, my beamish boy! *stretches arms and flails them*
*coughs* Not quite manners to welcome a guest this way. *holds up teapot with little finger sticking out and almost drops it* Would you like some tea?

Boris 05-05-2017 01:48 AM

I didn't even read the topic of the thread XD

Why yes, I would love some tea. *Gets a tea cup and puts it close enough for tea to be poured into it*

daikokunyo 05-05-2017 02:09 AM

I guess it's the kind of text that's stylized enough that people don't read it automatically the way they do signboards :s-laugh:

Skullcap? Earl Grey? Chamomile?

Boris 05-05-2017 02:25 AM

I clicked on the link and read the first post. It was after I posted that I noticed the topic.

I'll take Chamomile, please.

Lawtan 05-07-2017 10:26 AM

Oh, deary me, my mind did flee. Quite succinctly sorry are we.

Chamomile tea with a flandirious melody! Enjoy, most Boisterous Boris!

Boris 05-07-2017 11:20 AM

Guys, who here does art?
*Takes his tea and sips some* Thank you. ^_^

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